Hello, everyone! I’ve been lurking on this forum for a good probably two years and I’ve finally decided to try my own hand at one of these games! I’ve been a huge fan of Jeantown’s Guenevere since I first stumbled upon it, so I expect this game to be pretty character-oriented as well.
I’ve noticed that a lot of games have given their MCs a sort of superhero-like advantage. Despite knowing a lot of people do enjoy a nice escape from reality, this won’t be the case here. You will have your strengths of course, but I’m taking pride in the fact that you’ll be the only one without “powers”… For now, at least.
It’s supposed to be reminiscent of a dystopian, apocalyptic society… just for clarity’s sake. I haven’t got everything set in stone yet, so this is just kind of a “rough summary” which will be subject to change at any point.
The story begins with your MC running for their life from mysterious beasts that everyone except you can see. Your MC is able to see quick flashes of the creatures, but only when they dream.
These beasts are enormous, shadow-like creatures that you could easily draw a comparison between the demons from The Mortal Instruments series, Dementors from Harry Potter, and The Silence from Doctor Who all rolled into one. (yep, total nerd here.)
The catch here is: You’re the only one who can’t remember them. The shapes and emotions stick in your mind, but you can’t ever remember why you should be afraid each time you wake up.
The monsters, (I don’t have a name for them yet ) despite being huge with the strength of a thousand men, are actually kind of slow. Still pretty fast compared to humans, but not nearly as fast as they could be, given their size. But when they finally do catch you, you’ll be lucky to get away with your soul, let alone your life. Their favorite food is human, after all.
Your MC is rescued from the monsters by a mysterious stranger in the forest, taken to a sanctuary of all those left in their world. It’s not a glamorous set up by any means, but it’s just enough to survive.
Later on in the game, I plan for there to be another blooming, underground sanctuary that is everything but what it seems. Much like Negan’s army from The Walking Dead, where they capture people to hold hostage and try to gain control of the rest of the living world. So, not fun at all! How fun.
I have six ROs planned, which is probably WAY more than I can handle, but I’m going to try my best to make sure it’s done right! I’ve always loved having tons of options, so I hope to fulfill any of those romantic fantasies any of you may have.
Here’s just a little taste of these characters. I plan to make them all romanceable by any MC, by the way.
Autumn; twin to Elijah, light manipulation
Bailey; fire manipulation
Dorian; earth manipulation
Elijah; twin to Autumn, air manipulation
Jackson; shadow manipulation
Tessa; water manipulation
I’m still trying to get down the basics of CS, but I do hope you enjoy what I have so far!
(I feel like I should also mention that there’s some strong language here and there, along with a bit of gore. Just a warning!)
Link: https://dashingdon.com/play/aweepingdalek/hope-amidst-desolation/mygame/
I know it’s still super short, but I just wanted to get everyone’s opinion on my idea before I go any further. What did you like about it? Was the writing awkward and cringe-y? What didn’t you like about it? Which characters are you most excited to meet? And finally, what would you like to see in this game? Whether it be people, powers, or plot-wise.
And thank you for taking the time to read all of this.