HMS Foraker (WIP)

It is an old (pre 1900, mostly pre 1800) spelling of the word, but it seems one of Cataphrak’s not-quite-modern spelling preferences.

My guess is that’s its one of the things that spelling a few words in that style is less intrusive than an entire page written with the idiosyncratic spellings of the 18th century.


Just a heads up: I’ve been mostly busy with Burden of Command this past month, but I’ve been making forward progress on Chapter 3 over the past week or so. It is now about 95% done, which means I should be able to upload it and the epilogue within the month.


Awesome great to hear @Cataphrak never feel rushed since your work is always superb and the longer you take means it will be even better upon release. Can’t wait to play this one :slight_smile:


So, will this game actually release as a HG title, or is this purely a test game?

At this point, I’m still not sure. I’m pursuing a few avenues on how to distribute this, but barring all else, I’ll just keep it on Dashingdon for anyone who wants to play it to give it a whirl.


I just finished the last epilogue section this afternoon, which means I should be able to run everything through testing, make a few updates to the character pages, and have Chapter 3 and the Epilogues uploaded sometime later tonight.

It’s done, and up. 86k words.

All I’m missing are a few relatively minor features like the historical notes at the end.


On the 4th line of text, it should be “once again” and not “one again”.

Great game by the way!

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For bookkeeping purposes now that the whole story is more or less finished.

Here’s the link to the WIP build again.


String variable bug. Good work, btw. I’m loving the final battle.

The Delmarva is yours, but your prize is a burning wreck, her ribs shattered and $(ship_pronoun_2} spars all in pieces. You send Burroughs over with the ship’s carpenter to assess the damage, but when they return, they bear the grim looks of surgeons about to announce a death.

She has been holed beneath the waterline and is flooding fast. With her pumps smashed in the action and little chance of reaching a friendly port in time, there is only one choice left to you.

With a heavy heart, you take as many of the enemy officers and crew aboard Foraker as you can, set the rest in boats, and order your magnificent prize burned to deny her to the enemy.

Delmarva burns quickly, seasoned wood and tarred canvas setting itself ablaze with a frightening facility. Her captain doesn’t long outlive her. An hour after the wreck slips below the waves, your surgeon comes up to inform you that Captain Wingate of the Delmarva is no more, dead of his wounds.

Your orders fulfilled, you set a course northwards, and begin the long voyage back to Ismay.

Edit: It’s in label ending_1_4 in the epilogue.

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All reported bugs should be fixed. keep’em coming.

Do you intend for it to be possible to get the max patronage and max prize money epilogue in one playthrough?

As far as I can tell there is no viable path to over 10000 prize_money and over 80 patronage is a fairly tight rope to walk. As in one viable path as far as I can tell with a patronage boosted captain.

That’s actually kind of a question I’m asking myself. In either case, it should either be a choice of outcomes, or nearly impossible, but not quite.

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The only way to 10000 in prize money is through high patronage in the epilogue (2000), high sailing in chapter one (5000), “luck” in rolling the slave ship (2500), and capturing the Delmarva (1000). The high patronage and sailing are mutually exclusive. The cartel and sloop are inconsequential because they only add up to 400.

If you boosted the pay out for the cartel and sloop by 100 then it would be possible to nail both with a high patronage captain and Simpson as the Lt, but that would be the only viable path, and again only if you roll the slave ship.

My math on the slave ship was actually wrong too (apparently human beings sold for a lot of money in the bad old days), so I’m going to make a few tweaks which should make it more feasible, but only if you do the terrible thing.

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Wouldn’t be a @Cataphrak game without “winning” being inexorably tied to committing some horrific atrocity!



With half again Foraker’s crew

Should ‘as much as’ be put after ‘again’? I admit to being confused to whether HMS Kingport had 50% or 150% the crew of HMS Foraker.

Amazing. I would buy in a second

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@Cataphrak I love it. A lot of fun!

Very fun.

I don’t think my first playthrough was anywhere near optimal, but that’s not really the point.

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My best run below:

As the the PC, shouldn’t the convention be “Commodore the Baronet of XYZ Surname”

Captain Ramsey, Bt. COMMANDING.

Condition of Ship and Company, as of April 11th, 1814.

Captain’s Record
Sailing: 45%
Gunnery: 45%
Leadership: 45%
Fighting: 20%
Patronage: 85%
Gallantry: 82% Discretion: 18%
Sensibility: 16% Composure: 84%
Currently in command of a detached squadron consisting of:
HMS Kingsport, 50 (Flagship)
HMS Foraker, 38 (Captain Morrison commanding) HMS Albionian (Captain Bryce commanding)