Hikayat: Of Black Eye. Updated 7 August 2017


:grimacing: Well, when I decided to name my story “Black Eye,” I didn’t aware that black eye also means getting hit on the eye.

So, is that what is keeping ppl away from my WIP? :sweat_smile:

Welp. I guess I have to change the title, then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh no you don’t. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…unless you want to, of course. It’s your creation, after all. :grin:

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Well, I guess we’ll see after the next update, then
☜(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿☜)

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(07 August 2017) M-Magic?
Another spicy update is out!
And it’s about… m-magic? what?
Aaah!!! :sparkles: :sparkles:

So, one thing that I added on this update is the introduction scene of “magic” on infirmary. With that scene, I want to put one of the important foundation in the worldbuilding of the story.

But no. You can’t do magic. Not yet.
Perhaps never.

Anyway, the new update includes:

  • Editorial work on Prologue and Chapter 1
  • Stats Screen revisited. Enjoy the new looks! (Might look weird on phone users :/) Tell me if you’ve problem with it!
  • A “result” page that shows your performance when you clear a chapter (optional on full-immersion mode)
  • Some “new” stats that will make you feel like the choices you made is meaningful, while it actually isn’t! Mwahaha!

And then, there’re some big changes which I think you need to know:

  • Removal of “No Habit…” habit.
    The “No Habit” habit is previously intended to be “I have another habit” counterpart of “Let me choose my own name.”
    However, it turns out that “No Habit” doesn’t give that privilege. Thus, I decided to remove it.
    Sorry for forcing you to choose a habit :frowning:

  • Change of “Daydreaming” into “Observation” habit.
    As I previously mentioned somewhere, setting up “Daydreaming” as a stat feels obsolete as I tend to write various daydreaming and lost in thought scenes. As the result, I renamed it into “Observation” which will hopefully more meaningful than the previous “Daydreaming”.

  • Title!
    Yup! Hikayat: Of Black Eye.
    The reason of the change is because… I think the scope of the story is so massive that it can’t be told in just a single story.
    Yeah, you heard it right. I’m planning this for multiple books (Or series. Or seasons. Whatever its name) with the main title “Hikayat.”

    In Indonesia, Hikayat = Saga. So, yeah. There’s actually nothing fancy about the word “Hikayat” :laughing:

  • A 2nd gate to prevent you playing through “Completionist” mode.
    So, Completionist is actually intended to be a New Game+, not as your first playthrough. In fact, I do plan to lock this mode until you clear the story at least once (if I ever finished this WIP and publish it :sweat_smile:)

    That being said, I can’t and won’t force you to not play through that mode. However, unless you’re intended to test the story through that mode, I recommend not to play through that mode.

As the result of all those changes, I’m afraid that you’re forced to reset your playthrough. I’m terribly story with that :frowning_face:
But I feel like it’s also a necessary step considering the magnitude of the changes that are made.

Anyway, I hope these new stuffs will pay off your lost of previous playthrough :slight_smile:

And as usual, all reports of bugs and typos will go directly to me and will be addressed immediately. :medal_military:


Hey hey hey. Got you a gift

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Hoa… HOW!
How come I ask for your gender while it’s not even determined yet?!
Hang on a min.

I love how you use hikayat istead of story, make the title more original

:rotating_light: Should be fixed now!
And hopefully, that’s the last bug you encounter :sweat_smile:

I originally planned to use “Tales of:”
But then, that words is already trademarked.
And then, the next candidate is “Legends:”
But then, It came to me that “Legends is overrated.”

And so here we are, “Hikayat:” :laughing:

Lagian ini kan juga dalam misi promosi Indo, Sab :open_hands:
Walaupun sebetulnya “Hikayat” itu aslinya Bahasa Melayu :thinking:

Guess the game just really want to know me😏
Also not the last bug, sadly. It’s from when I choose to tell them about the dream

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Okay, I guess this is getting awkward ._.

Let me pull the magnificent machine of bug hunting.
initiates quicktest and randomtest
And hunt down every single-one I can found before updating.


I’ll just wait until you cleaned it then… since I found another bug

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Mistake I found:

  • you shout loudly, but the sumputuous-looking figure has already been dissipated into the darkness itself.


  • You look around the room, from corner to corner, looking for something that might attracts your attracts attention.

I don’t think second “attracts” is necessary

Bukannya dalam misi, cuma bangga bagaimana Indonesia mendapatkan kemerdekaannya.

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Wes, gk nyambung wes mau ngomong apa :sweat_smile:

Anyway, good catch!
Thanks for spotting those silly typos :+1:t4:

Can you mention what kind of another bug is it?
Bugs make me itchy and I’d like to hunt down every single last one of 'em :triumph:

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It’s umm… here lemme just show you

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Finally, 1500 randomtests iterations approved :recycle::heavy_check_mark:
(quicktest won’t pass even the stats_page due to my code design, but it should be fine)

The bugs is mostly deals with coding aspects that I never thought before, so it doesn’t take long to fix all of them.

Now, I shall present to you, the (hopefully) bug free version of the M-Magic? version.
:sparkles: :palms_up_together: :sparkles:

[OOT] ARE YOU GUYS FROM INDONESIA ?! :eyes::sparkles:


Bada boom. Bada boom.
Bam. Boom. Bam. Boom.

that didn’t answer my question though :joy:
well salam kenal sesama orang indo :grin::wave:


Eh heh heh. Yoo salam kenal pisan.

And at moments such as this, I’m not sure should we speak in :indonesia: or :us::uk:

@Terrell_Williams hmm… that’s weird.
If I may ask, is that a fresh playthrough or not?