Heroes Rise: Romance *Spoilers*

That’d be cool… if it were the case. But in Heroes Rise, pretty much EVERYONE kicks your ass. Your first job ends miserably, you have to get saved from a master assassin by your sidekick, Prodigal successfully captures you, and there are a few other situations where you end up looking like a completely inept retard. I also didn’t like the whole “gravity and atom control” plot twist, it felt really cheap. Finally, I felt like there was no way in hell that someone as successful as BM would want to date (and after a couple of days have sex with) a rookie who soon becomes infamous for screwing up his first job and letting a valuable artifact get stolen.

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On a completely unrelated sidenote, whenever I hear Black Magic, the first thing that comes to my mind is Black Adam.

@Ninjasplaycardgames2 well hell ninja lots of people have weird tastes, not to mention LOTS of people have casual sex all the time, it’s not inconceivable that she’d do you after a couple days XD, i do agree that I don’t like how often I had to be the damsel, hopefully in the second one they make you overpowered xD

haha I feel a bit late on this but this weekend was actually my first time playing Heroes Rise,
I found this site not long ago and I still have some catching up to do with games and whatnot, BUT d: As much as I actually really enjoy the romance with Black Magic, I agree some other options for romance would be nice even if it was just like a hookup/one time thing. I can see something like that happening with Jury d: as far as girls go for other romantic options, I think Prodigal would be hella interesting but pretty much impossible. Maybe Rebellion? Idk, just my two cents.

Heh. I wouldn’t call the player character of Heroes Rise a ‘damsel in distress’. 1) That’s sexually discriminatory. The player can be male of female. 2) The player character is far too inconsequential for that title. A damsel is usually a goal of the protagonist. The player in this game is just the camera through which you perceive the plot as it’s basically written by Prodigal herself. Yes, Prodigal’s real super power is plot writing.

I went into the game absolutely determined to try and like Black Magic. It didn’t work out that way though. They did some really questionable stuff, not questionable in the sexy anti-hero sort of way, just questionable in the WTF are you doing sort of way?

I wish I could have romanced Jury. That would have been the more interesting antihero relationship. I played the game trying to be as nice to Jury as I could, despite the game consistently forcing me to be nasty to him. I wanted to be his friend, he seemed far nicer than Black Magic in my playthrough and I was just a jerk to him.

I suppose there’s a way to play it where he’s not as pleasant to you.

Jenny would have been better. That police contact, would have been better. Prodigal would have been better. :stuck_out_tongue: Sonja would have been better.

That said I did actually enjoy the story, it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. It was good to just sit back and enjoy the ride and well worth the £2 I paid for it. It’s not one I’ll immediately go and replay but I’m sure I will eventually.

I have high hopes for the sequel and I’m hoping that it’ll be better.

note to self get a power resist bra :slight_smile:
perv lol jk

I didn’t really mind the romances available in Heroes Rise, I was able to romance both Black Magic and later Jenny (at the very end). I honestly liked both of them. And to be perfectly candid, other than the setting they were the only things I did like while everything else I was either indifferent toward or absolutely loathed… but I won’t go into that, I already did in another thread. In any case, I do hope in the sequel there will be one or two more other romance options available, but any more than that would be excessive. Albeit, really, my biggest concerns for the sequel aren’t the romances, they were okay, what really needs to be addressed in the sequel is… errr… I’m not going to get into again here, I already gave a massive rant critiquing on it in the sequel thread, so I’ll refrain from it here. XD

Omg @whocares916 I didn’t me bra Lolz

^^ unhu sure you didn’t
nothing beats a perv in denial joking ^

@Whocares916 nuh uh I am not interested in da women

I think black magic should be somehow corrupted and becomes massively more powerful then she was. Making her a being of pure energy. You have to then either save her or destroy her.

Personally, I really liked Black Magic, though I think for the next game Rebellion would be fun to have as a Romance option, after all, even the most powerful super heroes end up in romances, so I don’t think It would be out of place to occur.

As for why Black Magic would waste time on a Rookie, consider these things:

Humans tend to not see class/power distinctions in attractiveness, An example, such as the Queen in Choice of Romance ‘wasting’ time on some no name kid. It happens a lot even in real life.

Black Magic has some deep seated personal issues, BM hides it well like most super heroes, but BM is insecure, and lonely and desperate for love, and it makes BM vulnerable. You can see this play out when you find out she has spammed the player with tons of emails, most sane people would give their love interest space, but her desperation for love makes this not possible.
This also happens a lot in real life, and it makes people seek companionship wherever it may come from.

As for Madam Vice, I too liked her and was disappointed nothing could happen with her. She seems to have a fetish for superheroes, so a fling would not be out of the question at all, it seems likely she may have used her powers of seduction on many a hero. Very disappointed when she was killed off for no reason.

Black Magic bothers the heck out of me as a love interest. One of the first things he did to my heroine was forcibly and painfully invade her thoughts without asking.

Then we find out he keeps human beings in a secret closet so he can use them as batteries to fuel his superpowers.

But somehow Jury is played up in the narrative as being a worse person, when he’s just a spoiled trust fund baby.

I’ll just say I’m glad the best friend character was made an option recently. She’s way less skeevy than Black Magic.

I wanted to continue my flirations with Jury, mostly because I found the banter very amusing. I wasn’t all that serious but I think it would have been amusing. I never got the impression that Jury was anything other than a rich spoiled guy who was under his daddy’s thumb. I liked that he was possibly the only character less competent than we were. And yet somehow he still manages to muddle his way through things.

I like Black Magic. I think Black Magic is horribly broken and I would hate to actually meet them, but as a character I grew to like Black Magic. But damn, they’re so messed up. And yeah the whole invading thoughts, the saying the same thing the main character does about their life goals, the chance the attraction is magical, teleporting the main character without their permission. That awful incident where they think it’s sexy to pretend they’re dying in a fire. Black Magic is just horribly broken.

I have reread and I think I’m slowly understanding why Black Magic is attracted to the main character.

“Ever since I became a celebrity, it’s been really hard to find people to trust. Everyone seems to want something from me, instead of just wanting me.”

But Black Magic does seem to try far too hard, those extremely expensive gifts, the reward for saving their life, the 4 mails. But Black Magic is messed up. Any smart person would run a mile, but my Hero’s never proven himself to be smart before and isn’t going to start now. But I think that relationship is the one that’s taken me huge problems to wrap my head around how it works. I think it works if I imagine my Hero to have a hero complex and that he wants to ‘save’ Black Magic. Well that and Black Magic is hot.

@bobsmyuncle It’s not that BM is necessarily a better person than Jury as presented by the story, it’s that Jury is your rival, while BM is a morally gray ally. BM doesn’t need to compete with you because she/he is already successful. In fact BM goes out of her/his way to make you look good. Jury on the other hand isn’t willing to share the glory and he’s perfectly willing to push you out of his way so that he can gain the fame he desires, and if pushing you out of his way requires calling on his daddy’s connections and resources, he’s perfectly fine with that. Jury thus presents an entirely different sort of conundrum than BM.

On the thought thought swap thing, I find it understandable. Don’t get me wrong, the way she goes about it isn’t nice or sweet, and my character doesn’t like it. But…I think it’s justifiable. BM doesn’t know your character from Adam. Your character has info that BM needs, but your character could easily lie and send the Millenial Force either on a wild goose chase or even into a death trap. She doesn’t just need the info, she needs to be absolutely certain the info she gains from you is true. Furthermore the information is time sensitive. So given the circumstances I consider the memory swap understandable if a bit high-handed. Sure she could have warned you in advance, but then you might have run, or resisted with force. By taking you by surprise she prevented the possibility of having to deal with any such nastiness.

In the end the thought swap was a fair trade, one of your memories for one of hers, and she did apologize afterward. That doesn’t make it entirely ok, but I can understand why she chose to go that route. And I also recognize that it wasn’t personal. She simply did what she felt she had to do to get the bad guys.

Black Magic is alright in my books. But even so, I kind of am hoping that there will be an opportunity for romance with Jury in the sequel. I don’t even like Jury that much, but I like the unexpected, especially when it comes to romances, I like when my characters wind up with the lease likely people. Plus, Jury just seems like the type of character who is destined to have a turning point or actually wind up being a pretty nice, sweet guy, y’know. And even if that doesn’t happen, I still would like to see the romance path with him go further, just for comedies sake. It’s fun to turn him down time after time and stomp on his big fat ego.

I dunno, Jury strikes me as the sort of character to f*** you and then leave you like a used tissue. I don’t see him changing just because you let him bed you. He has player written all over him.

@FairyGodfeather I concur. She’s broken inside. I really like BM as a character, but I wouldn’t want to get involved with her in real life. She’s a “beautiful mess”, and I foresee her being my character’s “favorite mistake”.

@P_Tigras I still see it as an unjustified escalation of force. It wasn’t a fair trade because he offered no right of refusal. He didn’t ask, or see if my character would respond to diplomacy, he just went straight to assaulting her mind. It makes sense as the action of a broken, lonely, untrusting person. It just immediately crossed him off my list of allies.

@FairyGodfeather I completely forgot about the whole fire alarm booty call. I weirded him out one time on my more renegade-ish playthrough by asking him to keep the fire illusion going when they slept together. It was pretty funny.

@alleykae I find it silly that a guy whose power is seeing through other other people’s eyes is buying his way onto a world-class superhero team. I think there’s some comedy potential if he gets in over his head in a fight and the PC has to bail him out.

But I don’t know what a romance plot would be like with Jury. Is he going to have his dad ask out the PC for him?