From Ashes We Rise [FAWR / WIP] Upd. 30. Oct

I hope there’s a scene where you get to sacrifice yourself to save someone, I.e. vine is about to get shot but the MC teleports in front of her to save her

I actually kind of see that as a bonus depending on how you see it. I can see it as "Vine is acting like a person in real life. Even if I try to do something she will still do what she wants regardless of my opinion. Does that mean I have to like her? stares into the distance remembering the flurry of words that seemed to never end and shudder
On the other hand I can also see it as “Ok she is waaay too overbearing on me. I’m trying to keep her at arms length, but she just does not get it! It’s infuriating and only causing my hatred of her to grow even more”

or anything else far out and in between.
And that is the beauty of reading. You can take the actions of any character and as the reader interpret that in any which way you want. Makes each time you read a bit more special imo

But why the PC would do that if he can create a Shield that protect him against bullets? Wouldnt it be easier to make the Shield near Vine?

Yea but I didn’t say that that’s what happens, just a scene where we sacrifice ourselves, I was just using that as an example.

Could be limits to the MC’s powers. The demo is only a small ways in and aside from the few times where we use our powers we don’t have any idea of how strong and how well we can use them. It seems like our MC can use his/her powers well, but there’s always more advanced stages to usage and of course drawbacks and limitations.

You have a point, it seems the shielding works like a reflex, but it’s also only a personal shield, to protect Vine we would have to step in front of her still.

But if I had to sacrifice myself for any character, so far it would be Vine.

Maybe the MC can only create one shield and they’re both gonna get shot and you have a choice to save yourself or the other person

Im not saying that she is badly written, a lot of people already like her. But to me, she is annoying.

@SheaMCD but then it would be more easier for the PC to transform into lightning, going in front of her activating the shield.

Humour us :wink:
(for the sake of the forum)

You guys go faster than bugatti veyron!


Whenever I think of crow and blackbirds costumes I think of New 52 red robin. Anyone else get that vibe?

I leave for 10 hours… you guys give me 125 new posts… when @Nekumura wakes up… oh boy…

By the way guys, 1000 posts, called it!

And the “like” button could be used as a replacement for a response sometimes.

Oh yeah, @Nekumura I think the corrupted words problem was on my end. My internet started behaving weirdly after I left the site. EDIT: So now you add the ‘no shadow ability’ rule then, took you till after I sent it in huh? :expressionless:

Morning guys…
I am finaly through with reading everything XD

1000 posts… wow.
If we were ever to held a thread contest on who is getting posts the fastest…
I guess we would win?

Some think that Vine and Stray are annoying, some think they are nice (not in the nice - nice way, though… you know what I mean.) Everyone has a different opinion about those guys, and that is good. Just because some might think that they are a ‘Plot annoyance’, that won’t change anything ~

If someone played the second part with only using powers, they would notice that the powers are not unlimited. Powers have a limit on how many times they will work, and if you are overusing them, you are in for a lot of problems.

Anything else that I should answer ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Who are all the RO’s?

(PS my post was the 1000th)

For what I have planned, Troy, Vine, Nero, with Stray being a special case.
There is supposed to come at least one more female character, if not two.

Don’t worry, I don’t think there is a need to change them just because I found them annoying.
The game, so far, is good and very well done.

I think Choice of Forum would still have a narrow edge (Choice of Forum (working title)) as would various stretches of Guns of Infinity. But you’re up there.

Well regarding the MC’s powers. There will clearly be some problems with them later. I mean if you try using your powers twice against Stray you can’t use them properly and you get chest-pains. And as we learn from the security feed, we only reached 89% compatibility.

Seriosly when we think about the compatibility and the type and very extensive damage we suffered, I think I’ll go back to my “we are in some ways technically a zombie”-theory. ^^

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What’s this, a topic underpopulated by bees, I know how to fix this with my briefcase of bees

(If you haven’t watched the DR.BEES animation I highly recommend it)

OK back on-topic @Nekumura who is winning the cameo contest so far? (If you don’t mind me asking)

facepalm to the bees
Did I really just watch that? XD

Anyway, back to topic ^^
I don’t mind you asking, though I won’t answer that here :slightly_smiling:
I think it would be better if it is a surprise at the end of the 8th instead of answering that right now. If I were to announce my favourits right now, then others might think, “Oh well, she already has a favourit, I don’t need to enter anymore.”

Or perhaps other thought. Perhaps there will be more than just one winning entry, as I have more than one I like. But hey, we will see ^^