Final Monologue: A Villain's Journey (Thread Moved to Adult, Link on Post 450)

I feel so bad about it, but (non-human) primates freak me out a lot… Plus, as enticing a concept a magic ape is, she doesn’t really fit my theme. Too disparate for a direct action activist. Though, I may end up taking her on depending on the other options.


@Big_fan1231, another option will pop up somewhere in the next couple of updates. I have an idea in mind but I won’t say anything else in case a better idea pops up.

@Lucha_Markre That is just an epic character backstory! Godbolt has quite a journey ahead, I can assure you! And I hope Linus kicked Gemstone’s ass.

@Archtmag I’m glad you like it! And, at some point in the story, I will weave in unique plot arcs for each of the 5 Origin types, although that’s down the line I don’t have specifics mapped out yet.

@ElliWoelfin Don’t feel too bad! At least 16 villains apparently sold her to become lunch for some 1 percenters! :orangutan: :sandwich:


Thank you! Big fan!

That’s the hope, haha!

Oh, he did. Used the speedster tornado attack to take him off guard (which I popped for, by the way! You did so good with those powers in Zip! and I was hoping to see more of your classic style).

However, since this is your villain game, I do hope evil speedsters can do things good ones couldn’t do in Zip!, like vibrating our hands through someone’s body, attacking them with different environmental weapons many times in the span of just a few seconds, or even just using our blinding fists to pulverise someone instantly.

Hell, with the time powers, a cool attack would be grabbing someone, transporting them back in time and throwing them at some prehistoric animal, and them transporting back once the damage has been done.

So many new possibilities with your new direction! Looking forward to seeing how you take advantage of them. It should be fun.


When I picked cold manipulation as my ability and saw Freezer as a villain name I almost jumped onboard with it. But nah, the world shall know the name Abaddon instead.


One of my biggest obstacles has been resolved this weekend.

A high school buddy created a list for me of 20 data quartets, each with unique distributions of the 38 Attributes, Powers, and Skills. I don’t think I’ll need all 20 (that would be 80 testing choices, meaning almost 800 little scenarios for me to type out just for the “main choices” alone!) but it’s nice to have plenty of options and to not have to worry about that part. I still have to worry about brainstorming lots of creative ways to approach problems, but that part is more in my wheelhouse.


Loving the demo so far! :heart:
Really want a hero RO lol

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Yep, I know many folks would like at least some romance. I plan to introduce options for romance when I start work on Module 2, which is probably just a few weeks away.


Romance is cool, but if have a giant robot instead i will not complain. :grinning:


This calls for a meme that says, “Yeah sex is cool, but have you ever terrorized a city with a giant robot.”


I’m asexual and I need this on a t-shirt.


So Coop from Megas XLR

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As I keep writing, I realize I am writing more and more like the MC is deeply disturbed, probably a sociopath. I don’t say that lightly. I looked at a list of those traits…

  • Breaking the law

  • Physical aggression

  • Manipulation of other people for personal gain

  • Anger and hostility

  • Unpredictable mood swings

  • Impulsive behaviors

  • Chaotic and dramatic life

  • The exploitation of other people

  • Irresponsibility

  • No guilt or remorse

Honestly, I find it very freeing to work in those traits and just let the MC ramble and you, the player, interpret it in the way that best fits your character and decide how reliable of a narrator you’re being. Writing in first person, I’m finding, sorta requires me to put a ‘spin’ on the prose. It can’t be as straightforward as third person prose IMO.

I think it also helps support your player making decisions that may seem wildly inconsistent, like being humble and supportive to a partner one minute, then stabbing them in the back without remorse the next. It keeps you on your toes!


I love it. In most villian games the MC can still have redeeming traits or even within the narration is made out to be misunderstood or ‘tragic’. That’s fine, but I wanna play a true blue, villainous sociopath. No redemption arc or anything.


I just want to have my own country to rule


No redemption arc makes playthrough more enjoyable - I like playing brutal and ruthless bastards, I want to be cruel and manipulative, I want to become Golden Wyrm and rule. Redemption arc rarely works in general, I feel - it makes the villain lose the traits that made them interesting and it often feels like a total reset of the character.


This reminds me of AH

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Ah, the Omni-Man route I see. A person of culture!


Oh definitely, I fully doubt that my villain deserves to be redeemed. Sure, they aren’t the killing type but not a single day in their life has passed since she got to this planet where they felt one ounce of regret for tormenting, stealing, assaulting or anything else they’ve done in pursuit of enjoying the Earth to its fullest. Especially not when it comes to the things they’ve done to get their darling hero’s attention. They are hers after all, she’ll play with them how she likes. The absolute most good she’ll ever do is to protect her darling from other villains out of sheer possessiveness.


Game Update: The link in Post #1 has been updated. The game is up to 35k words. This update is more about width than length; most of the new content is a side mission arc if you are teamed with Putty Meister. Side missions for Sizgollok and Gold Fox will come in following weeks.

Update Includes:

  • You now pick your insignia, a symbol you will eventually make infamous.

  • Attribute boosts have been boosted. Now, Humans get +1 to all Attributes but Energy (which is zero), and the other four Origins get two +1 Attribute boosts. I did this for several reasons, but the main reason was to balance all power sets. Now if you really want to boost an Attribute, you can choose the Origin and the Super Powers that are linked to it. Before, you could only do that with half of the Super Powers. That was just poor game design.

  • The Stats Screen has grown to include a menu and more information. Your win/loss record will now be tracked. (This includes only the “Main Arc” encounters, not side missions).

  • There is a 7k+ word side mission for those teaming with Putty Meister. EVERY single power can be used in this scene, each has a unique page of description. Human MCs can use their gun/sword (I also added options for gun/sword in the fight against Gemstone). You can even let your orangutan get involved in the side mission if she is your sidekick. This scene took a LONG time to write, but I wanted all MCs to get a chance to use their powers in a cool way since you only get to use them about 1 out of 4 times in the main arc.

My Patreon supporters will decide which scene is written next; Gold Fox or Siz! I’ll start working on that in a few days (this weekend is packed with family stuff, including Mothers’ Day stuff for my wife, and I won’t get much writing done at all).

Enjoy! Please report any bugs you find! :beetle: :lady_beetle: :cricket: I’m sure there are some hidden somewhere.


So they could morph into cats, shoot sonic blasts, and…regurgitate swords? Fine. But none of that would help them react quickly enough to handle me.

I went for Funny Girl first. Opponents with ranged attacks were tricker to avoid than those staying in melee range. I was a blur, peppering her with a half dozen blows in less than a second. She crumpled to the ground.

The other two had flinched, but there wasn’t time for them to do anything else. I feared a tiger’s swipe more than a guy with swords, so I rushed Big Cat. My fists became jackhammers, pummeling his chest and face until he fell back, unconscious. Sharp Tongue had just managed to pull a sword halfway out of his throat. I’d put a stop to that.

With a zip, I was upon him, shoving that sword all the way back down and stirring it around. I pushed the limits of his elasticity until he went rigid, his eyes wide. I tossed him against a brick wall and then turned my attention to Putty Queen.

“What the hell?” I barked at Putty Queen. “I’m not anyone’s peon! You can do what you want, but don’t drag me into anything like this ever again!”

I walked away without another word. Our partnership took a big blow that day, but it didn’t end. Not yet. My reputation had been strengthened by my show of force. Word would get around that I couldn’t be messed with. In this line of work, reputation was everything.

…Man, what a badass scene. I found myself wanting to partner with the demon just because of the cool factor on my first playthroughs, but now I might always go with Putty Meister just for this scene alone. I haven’t tested the other powers yet, but you haven’t disappointed us speedster fans so far. The creativity continues to shine, as does your genuine, obvious love for superhero fiction. Hope we get many more chances like this to really flex our power. Heroes have to worry about responsibility and safety. Villains don’t, of course, so I love to see that being taken advantage of.

You know, it’d be hilarious to defeat another street-level character by hitting them with many household items in the span of mere seconds until they’re unconscious.

They throw a punch, then before they can even register it, dodge-chair-lamp-pan-table-couch-piano.

I do think meeting the sidekicks should be unique to each character. I noticed we meet them all at a bar where they have a reputation and even the dialogue is mostly the same. If this is all placeholder stuff, ignore me, but if not, its a little disappointing. I’d rather meet the demon while she is possesing someone in an alley with a portal to Hell just closing next to her as I walk up, or the Putty Meister working on a prototype gun that goes off through her apartment window and sticks me to the wall one night as I’m returning to my first lair and we both reveal our secrets in a humorous scene where she’s peeling me down and we can either be angry or amused. Just more unique first encounters with our sidekicks.