@Sam can I ask how?
@Ponku I really never support a game what define women as a sexual object stupid and submissive that people have to save continuously. But if there is something worse its the total banalitation game does, like look what cool is rape people is so cool that i would use the sexuals parts targeted in a rape to select gender. I really love see the male reaction if male choice was"You were cut several times in your balls and menacing with cut of your penis… Also not bisexual option?? I just hope author changes it a little to be less horrible and nasty .If not a game is +18 period . I hope he made the minimal change it only need change two or three phrases. Also I support Sam if you don’t obliges people be bad or being racist you can’t oblige to be a animal killer, I am not vegetarian same as I am not bisexual, but I understand their fight.
I already uninstalled it so my examples will be paraphrased, but it’s rampant. Here are just the particularly repulsive ones:
1.) “A herbivorous species nearly drove all the big wildlife to extinction, but I’m not a tree hugger so idc, lol.”
2.) taking your baby siblings hunting and fishing? Gross.
3.) beef marrow fritters? Okay…at this point, it’s like you’re just trying to be barbaric.
4.) When at the feast, we are only given two choices of what to eat. Both of them were corpses, so as a vegan, I nearly quit the game right there.
5.) something about some creepy poem saying “even pigs can be useful if put in a pie” or something equally mean.
6.) It seemed like a point was made to specify how EVERYTHING was made of leather, silk, wool, etc. It just seemed to me like it was way overdone.
7.) my character was forced to revel in all this.
8.) I chose that I lived in a hamlet. The first thing that popped up was, “yay, I get to shoot animals in the face’”
9.) There are like dozens of more instances throughout the story.
[MOD EDIT: As this complaint went on to seriously derail the thread, we’ve created a new thread for arguing about the merits of carnism, veganism, and the use and abuse of non-human animals, and deleted the off-topic arguments from the Fatehaven thread]
I loved this game
I’m still in the middle of the story so I’ll reserve my review until I’m done, but I wanted to defend @MultipleChoice against some of the criticisms I read in the thread.
[snipped veganism one]
@poison_mara, I admit I’m lost about your complaints. Maybe I need to keep reading, but if you’re just focusing on the first two rather tongue-in-cheek choices regarding prince/princess or getting hit in the privates/breasts, I’m going to conclude that you’re damn hard to satisfy.
I’m a liberal who embraces folks of all sexualities, and I see absolutely nothing objectionable about either of those choices. @MultipleChoice, from what I’ve read thus far, has given us strong and interesting female characters (I’m not sure if any of them genderswap if you play as a female MC). I’m not sure who is supposed to be “stupid and submissive.” If I’m missing something here, I guess I just need to keep reading.
I’ll comment again, hopefully later tonight, when I’m finished with the story.
@HornHeadFan For you as male the fact women are considered as barbies. Could see it as normal. And about choices i suffered a rape attempt in a similar way it is described here a guy with a knife broke my shirt and stroke me while trying break my uniform shirt . I just have to stopped reading . For you being forced could be all public entertainment . Where i was warned there would violence and sexual harassed?? NOWHERE.
@poison_mara, I’m still confused. I haven’t read a scene where. A guy puts a knife to a woman’s throat or “strokes” her. I thought you were talking about the dragon scene.
And I do not view women as Barbies.
I was portraying the similarities between the dragon scene and a real rape attempt . Please don’t take it like face value. I’m only asking for a little change of wording in a scene I hardly doubt that makes me a troll as you imply @HornHeadFan.
Something you protected your breasts balls in fear of a dragon could be really better and no a forced scene. And in the first you are attracted with many things like charming interesting woman. Not the topic frail woman in distress waiting for the HERO
So aside from the fact that we never went into detail about time travel and the story assumed I found everyone attractive… GAAAAAAAH, I loved Bregan’s romance! I love you, you big dumb idiot! \^O^/
Mara – I don’t think the second choice was written with any intent of hinting at sexualised violence. I’d sum it up as, “The pain from that dragonfire feels as intense as a blow to the most sensitive bit of your anatomy (which is… balls or breasts?)”
Neither “kicked in the balls” nor “smacked in the breasts” counts as any kind of sexual foreplay where I come from. Both injuries often happen accidentally – in sports, or around over-excited children, or in close quarters when a friend stumbles or turns too quickly. In a fantasy romp like Fatehaven, you’d have to add “combat practice” to the list of likely accidents, perhaps especially for “smacked in the breasts” – most of the women I’ve heard complain about it are from contexts like this.
Indeed, my first impulse is to say that these injuries most often happen accidentally… and maybe that’s where my gender is blinding me. I’ve never had anyone deliberately kick me in the balls; but it’s happened accidentally often enough that I know the pain very well. My uncritical assumption is that the same is true on the other side of the fence: that women reading Fatehaven are more likely to have experienced an accidental blow to a sensitive area, and so they’ll wince in a similar way to my wincing.
It would be a very different story if “smacked in the breasts” was something lots of readers had experienced specifically in a context of domestic violence or attempted rape. That’s not the interpretation of the line that immediately occurs to me when I read it; but on this, my vote doesn’t count.
So I’m glad to have my attention called to how others might read that line. But Mara: it might be easier for you to stay civil if you assume that MultipleChoice didn’t intend his readers to assume any intentional sexual violence against the MC. I think the line was intended just as a reference to an intense pain that almost all of us know… even the ones who’ve not had it deliberately inflicted on us.
So, to address the game itself, I really enjoyed it. I’ve played through three times now to see the different romance options, and enjoyed the ending (as out-of-the-blue as it was) thoroughly. The characters were a delight, despite their tsundere natures. To me, the thought/speech MC dialogue wasn’t too hard to follow, and felt like a style choice by the author more than anything, but I still wasn’t a fan. However the mix of humor and seriousness was good, and I found myself smiling on more than one occasion at the MC’s quips and observations.
If you can tell, I’m an easy gal to please. I don’t really have a preference in the linear/open-ended debate. I can appreciate this game for the characters, story, and writing, whereas I can appreciate, say, Life of a Wizard for the vast array of choices provided. It was linear-- more apparent with each subsequent playthrough, but I had enough enjoyment out of the first and second playthrough to give it something of a pass. It was worth the money, in my opinion, and I’d love to see more by games by @MultipleChoice in the future.
@cottage14 Thank you for the find! You’re right about the spelling, and I will make sure to fix this in a future update.
I think a lot depends on player’s choices, becuase during whole game i never seen any female being described as frail or submissive. I played as a female and my romance intereset was males, from a small frontier town. All other female characters, and my mc, were very strong people.
There were some questionable moments that i didnt like (torture, insanity, sexual abuse attempt), but i considered them as important part of the story, to make me hate some people in it more, and the game takes place in a world inspired by middle ages, so i expected it to be partly grimm and for mature players.
But @poison_mara have a good point, there should be a disclaimer or warning at the beggining. Especially because of the Maeben scene (and on second thought i guess Mara you wouldn’t like some of the later parts of the game too)
So i think the first things to update would be the beginning scene (even simple blunt questions like “what’s your gender?” would be better) and adding a triger warning.
Forgot to mention in my previous post (Warning: Spoilers): I’m not sure if I missed it in my playthroughs, and others seem to have the same confusion, but is it ever addressed exactly why Silvanus lets your parents die and village burn? Why didn’t he warn you? Why the secrecy? I assume this is because he has tried that method before and maybe your character just didn’t believe him. But I feel as though this could have been mentioned somewhere in the ending tower scene.
And yeeaahh @Tams water mages are healers, I noticed that issue too. You heal up Silvanus’ leg real good in the final timeline, why couldn’t you heal Patch? Or yourself? Or-- well, anyone? It would have been a really good use of having the element you receive in the beginning actually matter, rather than just being an aesthetic option.
Actually, it /really/ would have been nice to have the element matter. I’ve done it as a fire, water, and air mage and they are all cool and interesting to see, but nothing really changes- not even the ending reflects this. What if the MC went off to be a healer, secretly using their magic to essentially cure people after the asteroid’s been dealt with? I can’t think of what they’d do different with the other elements, but you get the idea.
Edit: Sorry, I posted this before I saw the earlier post so I’ll take it out.
My opinion on FateHaven: Mostly what everyone has said. I like the story, I like the characters, but it is a bit lacking in choices and the ending just hits you out of nowhere. I think the story was missing some subtle hints about what was coming. *spoilers* Even, a ‘hey, that there star looks a little weirder than others’) *end spoilers* But I had fun with it.
I enjoyed the game thoroughly, but could someone explain the ending for me? I am a little slow.
Why did the last incarnation change from ‘you’ to ‘I’, what happened differently that led to this awareness? And how did this self understanding lead to you finally using your magic on the asteroid? AND what did Slivana mean when she said it was degrading your mind?
The vegetarianism debate seems to be a very passionate issue, and it’s good that a thread was created for that as the focus. But since this thread is for discussing Fatehaven, I’ve given the go-ahead for the mods to delete the posts that were solely pertaining to this debate. Thank you for your understanding.
[Mod Edit: The posts that weren’t directly about Fatehaven have been deleted. Send Havenstone a PM if you want to be emailed any of your deleted material]
Enjoying the game, but wanted to know this: the black-robed folks are “cossacks”? Did you mean “cassocks”, which is the name of the garment I think you are thinking of. Cossacks are a real, and still existing, people, and do not uniformly behave as the “Cossack Order” in the game behave.
So you’re comparing the pain associated with getting smacked in the breasts with rape?
@Ninjasplaycardgames2 No one did that. Where did you get that from?
@Havenstone “Neither “kicked in the balls” nor “smacked in the breasts” counts as any kind of sexual foreplay where I come from.” You must be new to the internet.
To actually comment on gamebook this thread is about; I’ll reiterate the point being made about characters reading the main character’s mind. The author made a stylistic choice, which I guess was bold, but ultimately it failed. It doesn’t read like it was done on purpose. It just looks sloppy. It looks like the author just forgot to include quotation marks.