Exodus: climate activist -

I’ve begun work on my new game EXODUS: CLIMATE ACTIVIST. It is a coming of age socially conscious action thriller, inspired by Metal Gear Solid, The Warriors and The film The East.

Currently it’s a complete game with 20 chapters and two endings.

To play the game, go here: https://dashingdon.com/play/ltowndan/exodus-climate-activist--/mygame/


The concept seems interesting, but one thing I’d recommend is making the chapters longer and more fleshed out. It’s a bit unnecessary to seperate each wall of text into an individual chapters. Instead, maybe you can have around 8 but with each one having more content.


Thanks for the feedback Nell!

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Bit more about the concept:

Take control of a troubled young climate activist as you sabotage climate criminals and attempt to join the mysterious EXODUS activist group. Each choice you make throughout the game will decide whether the Exodus group will let you join.

A coming of age socially conscious action thriller, inspired by Metal Gear Solid, The Warriors & The East.

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Concept seems interesting but the execution kinda fails. But its a good start nontheless. Keep it up.


Thanks for checking it out Harley, I’m going through rewrites ATM, anything you think it was missing?

Does anyone know an efficient way to get a total word count for a game project? Without pasting all my scenes into word and getting it from there?

What are you writing with? Word count is a built in function of CSIDE and Notepad++.

At the moment I am just using normal notepad in windows, this doesn’t have a word count feature. Is notepad ++ free?

It is an open source program, so yes.

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Yep - totally free and a big step up on plain Notepad. Even just for the wider range of word processor type functions. Macros are a huge bonus but you don’t need to use them to make it worth the download.


thanks, gonna switch for that for version II

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Does anyone know if there is any flexibility around the minimum 30K words to have a hosted game? Anyone have experience of submitting a project massively over or under?

Honestly this looks more like a documentary than a game.

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The minimum is a hard limit but there isn’t a maximum. There are published Hosted Games that are over a million words long.

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Thanks, yes I’m going for something a bit more grounded with this.

A formatting note, each separate speaker needs to be a their own paragraph.
So this:

‘Why?’ he says ‘I want to help you guys’ you reply. ‘Shouldn’t you be in college or something?’ asks Vertis, curiously. ‘I didn’t get the grades unfortunately’ you reply, with a sad expression on your face. ‘Where are your parents?’ asks Vertis. ‘I’m an orphan, I never knew them’ you say.

Should be formatted like:

‘Why?’ he says
‘I want to help you guys’ you reply.
‘Shouldn’t you be in college or something?’ asks Vertis, curiously.
‘I didn’t get the grades unfortunately’ you reply, with a sad expression on your face.
‘Where are your parents?’ asks Vertis.
‘I’m an orphan, I never knew them’ you say.

Blocking like that helps keep things orderly. The way you have it now makes it harder to tell who’s talking and makes individual statements blur together.


And for CS, paragraphs should have a line between them, not just a line break.

Do it this way and you can leave out some of the simple dialogue tags-- not every line has to have a “you say” or “Vertis says” if the formatting makes clear that the speaker has changed.


Thanks so much for this, really helpful!!

Thanks Joel, very helpful. I’m impressed you made it that far through :wink:

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