Very quick question for submissions once a project is ready. Can you submit a project for approval once its ready and then commission artwork once signed off/approved/scheduled? I do want to pay for good art for my project but only if and when it is ready to release!
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Take control of a troubled young climate activist as you sabotage climate criminals and attempt to join the mysterious EXODUS activist group. Each choice you make throughout the game will determine the Exodus group will choose you to join them.
A grounded coming of age socially conscious action thriller, inspired by Metal Gear Solid, The Warriors & The East.
I have posted this before and been working on the project since. I am aiming to keep it around 30K words as I prefer shorter projects.
Any suggestions, spelling errors, grammar or additional comments welcome!
Try the game out below
Hi @Ltowndan, it’s tidier on the forum to have one thread per WIP so I’ve reopened this one and moved your post here, and made the first post a wiki so you’ll be able to edit it as you like.
Thanks Hannah!
I believe you can still make changes to the art assets during the review process, so you could probably submit placeholder art first and change it later to the paid artwork. But check with HG about this.
That said, I don’t recommend paying for art unless you’re flush with cash or have a roommate/friend/neighbor who’s willing to do it cheaply. This is probably your first game and there’s no telling how much it’ll make.
EXODUS: Climate Activist is out today, and it’s free to win!
/ Please see teaser also!
Hey! I’ve tried out your game a few times. I’m a bit confused about the endings though. I’ve had games where my Exodus rating was over 100, or my relationships score was over 100. But neither of those things changed the fact that I didn’t get into Exodus nor “get the girl”. Got any tips?
Hey! Thank you so much for playing all the way through! You need a 120 rating to join Exodus, but this may be something I revisit and do an update so its clear how many points you need to be successful and perhaps make it a little easier? Perhaps 90 or 100.
Relationships needs to be 170 to get Sybel, but again Its tricky to gauge making it too easy and it is a good thing if you play through again. I don’t want to make it too frustrating which ever outcome you get.
Thanks again and Happy Holidays!
Thanks for the clarification, happy holidays to you too!
Just tried again. Got 110 and 160, respectively. I think it’s a bit tough, tried making optimal choices for both and failed by a bit lol
If you are interested I’ve just pushed an update! So now you need 100 to join Exodus and a buck fifty (150) Relationship points to ‘get the girl’. Stats screen has also been tidied a little.
Thanks again for the feedback. Happy New Year!