She’s awesome! Do you mind if I put this image with the other art on the Facebook page? Just let me know how you’d like to be credited
So glad you liked it, and do not fear, if you finish the game with an RO, they will be in the sequel.
She’s awesome! Do you mind if I put this image with the other art on the Facebook page? Just let me know how you’d like to be credited
So glad you liked it, and do not fear, if you finish the game with an RO, they will be in the sequel.
Dear all,
To celebrate 1 year since the release of Evertree Inn, I wanted to celebrate and to thank all my supporters so here it is, the first chapter of the Evertree sequel, Sordwin! It still needs more editing but I hope you enjoy and please leave any and all feedback on the new thread for this title.
Link below
Thank you again to everyone!
Thom x
PS (There are some spoilers if you haven’t finished Evertree yet.)
Oh, I don’t mind, feel free to! My forum name’s fine, I guess.
Dandy really is insatiable isn’t he?
@ThomB I’ve been thinking about something, would it be possible to add other races as a dlc?
The writer of Way Walker will add races options after she is done with Way Walker 3, and I think it is a marvelous idea.
I would totally pay for a dlc that let me play as a orc/half-orc.
Thank you for this suggestion! I’ve actually thought about adding half-orc as a race several times but have backed out because it would take time away from writing Sordwin. If there was enough interest though, I’d definitely consider it to be added along with the save function to Evertree.
I suppose it would be good to know what people think so let’s do a poll!
0 voters
Spoilery question:
By the by, I’m at endgame and I want to save both Wen and Ms.Dupree, but everytime I run upstairs, she’s always dead. any tips on what to do?
Much appreciated.
I normally do this:
Start at Isaria’s Room.
Go to your room and recover your money.
Go downstairs.
Go to Ms. Dupree’s room and save her.
Go to the kitchen and save Wen.
Go to Gilly’s room.
Leave the Inn.
Sorry, but since human and elf are already included I’ve got all the races I could want for my mc’s already.
I’d pay up front for an expanded ro scenes dlc with Dandy though.
I’ll try it later, thanks a bunch!
So, I’ve gotta say the romance in this game is a matter of quality over quantity, it’s so fleshed out, Lamuel’s adorable (Dandy’s not my cup of tea, but written very well). My Favorite line in the game is “I want to be the one you’re wishing for.” So much feels in one scene, it hurts.
So, I went mad and slaved over this for a whole day.
My elf usually just jumps straight out of the window with Daisy
Your art is very cute! And I agree on you Lamuel. He’s wholesome and tbh it’s little things like that make my heart melt I’m actually surprised that Lamuel/Leah isn’t more popular since they have a pretty good vanilla romance.
…but then again, people do often prefer smooth, charismatic types more.
Cowardice is a major trait of the elvenkind, that is why dwarves are better .
welcome to Lamuel fansclub (which sadly only had one member since a long time ago XD)
Lamuel is too damn adorable… i instanly fall in love even before the game got released so glad finally more people recognized his charm
btw, i like your version of lamuel @Prism_Stars (and your Wayhaven Felix) maybe we can do a collab art sometimes in the near future?
Lamuel was actually my first Evertree Inn romance! He’s very cute Honestly, I didn’t care much for Dandy/Daisy and Gunther in my first playthrough. I was more focused on the family especially Wen. I’ve done different playthroughs since then and learned to appreciate them all.
Aww, thanks a bunch and don’t worry I’m half-sure that we have more than 3 members in the Lamuel fanclub. Also, nice to see you also stalk the Wayhaven forum, always a nice sight.
(PS: I’m not entirely comfortable with drawing digitally yet, hence all the weird and inconsistent brush strokes, but until then I won’t be able to accept a collab with you, I don’t want to dissapoint )
I was also very invested in the family setting with the Duprees and found myself hovering near them and wanting to get to know them, Sir-Blush-a-lot Lamuel, Mama bear Dupree and Wen were all so endearing in their own way. While i sometimes go for the charismatic types, I don’t what Dandy actually did to make me not want to fall in love. The writing’s well so it’s not like I hated him, but I dunno, something in his dialogue just didn’t sit well with me as a Romantic Interest, and just Dandy as a character, others like him from other games, the flirty type, were fine by me. Weird…
Off subject, we have a family member with us, right? Where do we leave them in our first game and second? Considering some of the family members are… too young to fend for themselves. Lookin’ at you lil’bro.
If I recall, we leave them during the first book. But my MC doesn’t worry much probably because the one she only save was her father.
I don’t recall if we leave the younger siblings in the care of another though.
don’t worry… just tell me when you feel comfortable enough