Hey Thom, I found a typo. “she jerks his hand”
Hey! I’ve played through this game multiple times, and now the released part of Sordwin. I love your writing Thom.
I also got one of my guy friends into Ever tree inn.
I usually go with Dandy, but I also love Lamual. I like to think that Lamual is like the guys I would date in area life, and Dandy is the fantasy guys I like. Just thought I’d share.
I’ve been reading the forumn for a long time and just got an account.
In the released Sordwin I like how if you have an elf you get a description of what Orion’s saying. (Lots of swearing) I like the little details.
Tbh I really just want to sex the orc detective. That will forever be my ultimate goal attainable or not.
Figured out the code in the demo, took some time tough!
I love this game but I am just wondering how do I romance Leah/Lamuel?
Just choose to talk to her every opportunity you have, then choose the flirt options.
Dear All,
If anyone is interested, I have just created a topic for the Beta testing of my upcoming game ‘The Grim and I’. While this is not connected to the Evertree series in any way, I hope it will be of interest as something complete different!
Please do check it out! The full game is up for Beta Testing for the next couple of weeks so have a read and if you have time, please do let me know of any bugs or glitches (Posted on that thread rather than this one of course ).
The thread is here → https://bit.ly/2jKno4P
Many thanks,
T x
Well, I think that Evertree Inn is officially my favourite HG title so far. I’ve decided to play all of the free to play games and the demos before I purchase any CoG/HG titles, and so far, Evertree Inn is the only demo that I’ve enjoyed so much that I had to purchase the rest of the game to see what happens next, so well done with that!
I do love a good murder mystery, and the way the clues are recorded and updates is extremely well done and makes the game very replayable (I must’ve played through the second chapter about a million times to get the maximum bonus.)
I did encounter a bug once in the game. I decided not to take a bath and then knocked on Daisy/Dandy’s door. After they shooed me away because of how dirty I looked, I decided to take a bath after all, and that caused some kind of error to appear.
That’s the only problem I’ve encountered so far though. The game is extremely well written and really draws the reader in. The mysteries are possible to solve when thought through carefully, but not to the point that it makes the game too easy. And the characters are all extremely unique and interesting (I loved little Wen, and Gunther was awesome!)
Now to replay the game until I’ve unlocked all possible achievements! … Speaking of which, the only clue I haven’t been able to max out so far is Clue 7. Can anyone please tell me how to max out that clue?
Hey there! (I’m new to the forum, so I hope my post will not offend anyone :D)
Here is my list of positive feedback and harsh criticism:
– the plot is really interesting
– the detective scenario works really well
– the truth about the Inn is a bit on the nose and the false trails aren’t that convincing even on first playthrough
– played it through about roughly 6/7 times, I liked how short, yet explorable it is
– the romance is kind of bland, so are some of the characters, I think the strongest characters are the prominent singer, the detective and the Lamuel’s mother
– The start is really, really promising, but the end, especially the dryad plottwist is really off-puttingly filled with clichées.
– The game was great in creating interest, making me curious, but then the answers you’d find were oftentimes a bit dull or stereotypical
– Also, the grammar was harder to get to me as a foreigner (German) than most choice of games that I’ve played so far.
– The fact that you could level up your skills as a “reward” for each chapter felt kind of off-putting to me. It is a cool and new idea, but it kind of disrupts the immersiveness and flow of the game. You could not dive in that well by adding that feature, but those are just my thoughts!
Hope you do not mind that broad feedback!
Who are all the characters that can be romanced in this game?
I believe Leah/Lamuel (the innkeeper’s daughter) and Daisy/Dandy (the person traveling with the VIP.
Thanks! I already romanced Lamuel and am in the process of romancing Dandy. I was hoping that Gunther would be an option.
No problem! Gunther is already in a relationship, and as far as I know the furthest you can go is him offering you a job and becoming coworkers
Hang in there. If you end the game with Gunther, he will be in the sequel and who knows what might happen
The sequel is due for release early next year.
Yes! I can’t wait to play it.
Sordwin, the Evertree sequel, has finally been submitted to HG along with fantastic original artwork by @selpuku
Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this happen. Crossing my fingers for a Mar/Apr 2019 release
Dances down the street
How do you beat the dryad. Ive been trting so hard but i always end up failing. Can anyone help.
I just pretty much invested all my stats into magic and used magic all the time during the last fight.
It depends. You have to use your highest stats to kick her ass. Your background and weapon give you your first stat points, then as you discover clues, you get more points. Choose 2 stats and pump them up (I recommend one of them to be either combat, or magic; you don’t know how hard it is to kill bugs or desks when you’re an overly perceptive rogue --although you can still beat the dryad). To win you need to pass the stat tests, I think you pass them when the stat is around 70. Keep fighting her with your 2 main stats.
Not sure about this, but I think the only way to save L if your magic isn’t high enough is having D in the party, or if you’re in a romance with L.