Editing, modding...cheating?

These might help!

oh thank you :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m hopefully gonna transfer them over. but if anyone knows an easier way of doing this? please let me know. :slight_smile:

sorry for butting in. if you bought them from the website, i think you donā€™t have to manually transfer everything. you can just download the choice of games/hosted games omnibus app on your phone and then sign in, and you should be able to access all your games again!


thanks :slight_smile:

There is a way to edit the save file on the website. It is easier to change the save data if you are using explorer or opera to access the save files. However, sql editor is needed. DB_Browser for sqlite.

On a mac, go to the tab from the desktop, press go on the top tap and hold option and select ā€œlibraryā€. In library, select application support. In application support, find your browser, explorer or opera. Select the database, http_www.choiceofgames.com_0. Inside the folder, there are two files. Open the larger file with the sql editor. Select the persist-data table, and then you can edit your save data in the state row.

On desktop, find your browser folder somewhere in your appdata. Inside your browser folder, find the folder called with web sql or local storage. Inside one of those there is a choice of game folder. Open the larger file with DB_Broswer for sqlite. Select the persist-data table. Then you can edit your save data in the state row.

Another simple way to edit save file (most of time works, but sometimes donā€™t) is to use Firefox. Right click and open inspect element > storage > local storage. Edit the state tab. Reload the website after changing the stats.

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The difference between editing the game files and save files is that editing the save file causes less problems since most of the stats use percent thus cannot >100%. Editing the actual game file will broke the game more with ā€œcannot add to 100%ā€ errors, so you have to create certain if statements in the actual game file that either remove adding to 100% problems or edit the stat to 70 to 80% would be a good, easy difficulty.

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There is no choice of game folder in the local storage folder. Iā€™m using opera, is there something else I need to do to for it to show up ?its fine now i found the folder in the databases

I think there is a choice of game folder: ā€œhttps_www.choiceofgames.com_0ā€ which is in: ā€œC:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera GX Stable\database.ā€ I am using opera gx one.

Frankly I donā€™t mind the idea of saves being ā€˜insecureā€™ I can always make one.

One thing I do think is that maybe it shouldnā€™t be possible to make unskippable save points though. Or at least a game with such should not be approved to post here.

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found while reading the lords of infinity forum, thought it would help here.


Hi iā€™m kinda new at this and found this topic very interesting. I actually manage to try some of the stuff and made me learn more about coding so cheers for that. I have bought most of the app and reread a lot of them so actually changing the code to max my stats have been a relief to get some new stuff to read and possible endings.

But it seems i hit a problem with some of the new stories ( namely kiss from death and pugmire) it seems everytime i change the code i canā€™t install it back (im using an apk editor in my phone and it is not jailbrake) yet if i try the same method to edit it with other stories ( 180 files,iron heart) it worked so just wondering if there is something new with the codes on those story that made the code unedittable?

P.s i apologize if i breached any code of conduct in this forum and the long post , thanks for any friendly answer


Hi Iā€™m trying to edit stats for some demos on the WIP forums. Can anyone tell me how to do it if its even possible to do it.

If youā€™re using chrome ctrl+shift+i, go on console, enter ā€˜stats.(stat you want to change)=ā€œthe changeā€ā€™ then click enter, click the next page on the game and it should change.


Should have PMed him the message.

Iā€™m not entirely sure what exactly youā€™re referring to since I edit save files via steam, but Iā€™ve come across a few instances where the author had some sort of imbedded variables, where they used several variables to determine what your current stats were. This made editing stats next to impossible because I had much less control over the final result. With the two games you referenced though, Iā€™ve been able to edit their saves just fine. They are newer games though, so maybe there was an update to the software that seeks to prevent tampering or something.

that donĀ“t work!

Thatā€™s strange, I have been using this trick for a long time to explore old WIPs and there are only a few exceptions

it does, you need to press next first before going to stats page, so the stats actually ā€œstickā€


man you are a god, it really works!!!