Dreamers [WIP]

@Happy How am I harassing anyone? And im not harsh I said some harsh stuff yesterday but not to wolf. I just was addressing some things that I know are on other’s minds I was gonna PM but I thought someone else might post something similar so I just posted on forum, so people wouldnt have to be the ‘bad guy’, because 4 other people told me they were really close to posting something similar.

I didnt wanna go too deep with it but I knew either way people would view what I said as ‘harsh’ because people are way too sensitive, to the point im trying to put as much padding on the truth as possible everytime I post on a forum because people are quick to try to label people who have enough respect for people to tell it how it is a ‘bad guy’ which is sad, when I only wanna help out and see people reach goals.

But usually when I address something I put evidence behind it and why I pointed out all the things I seen as flaws and I actually think I skipped a few other important details, but I dont think wolf will take anything I say into consideration now, but still it’s not like an attack on him or anything ive done things like this before, not because im trying to insult them, but help. If I wanted to insult people or be harsh id probably crack some pretty unabashed and perverse jokes about people’s mothers, that would most likely earn me a long stay on the banned list.

I strongly agree with @2Ton and I don’t think 2Ton was being harsh. Werewolf’s response was pretty harsh “Back off & You’re cold.” Like c’mon /: but if werewolf is really committed to this I’d like to see where it goes…

I agree with @SianaA in this he was not particularly harsh, and he only wanted help people to focus and rethink if they really want to do a project

lmao I don’t have a dog in this fight, and I’m not siding with anyone. But I’m finding it kind of funny that saying “it’s not harsh” outright accusing someone of stealing someone’s work. I mean, whether it’s true or not, how is accusing someone of plagiarism not harsh? Any time someone is accused of plagiary it’s harsh, because it’s a very serious accusation, thus making it harsh by definition. In any case, whether werewolf did or not, I have no idea and I’m not going to get into whether they did or didn’t. I’m just pointing out an observation I found kinda’ funny.

@2ton I’ll back you up

@Apillis That isnt what I said… I said he was taking people’s ideas without thinking them through and just impulsively going “I wanna write a story like that.” repeatedly, not once or twice but three maybe even 4 times, and what im trying to suggest is dont do that.

I find it very annoying when people throw their 2 cents in mockingly trying to contradict me without fully reading.

I think this squabble became unnecessary after both Daedalus and werewolf123101911 agreed to let it be, rather amicably I might add. Everything after that seemed unnecessary and derailed the topic.

I think it’s reasonable to ask that there be no more observations, rebuttals, or other off-topic comments beyond this point. The next person to say something should only be interested in Dreamers.

@Caddmuss I agree entirely. Well said.

@2Ton “You wanted to do one that sounded very similar to @lackofmops then slenderman, now Im very certain you are stealing from @Daedalus I know it’s very bold accusation, and people might get upset with me, but out of all the ideas this suddenly comes to you? and if you look at the title and your description you copied Daedalus… and I can tell it was purposely, even on the title you copied the [WIP] part, and if you look carefully everyone has their own unique way of telling people it’s a WIP, but yours is ripped.”

^Those are your words right there. Accusing him of copying and ripping off another persons work. That is by definition plagiarism:

The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.

If you’re going to make the accusation that someone is committing plagiarism. Then own up to it. And don’t try to b.s. it as not being “harsh”, because that’s precisely what such an accusation is. Whether you meant they were doing it “unconsciously” or not is superfluous, because by definition what you’re saying werewolf was/is doing whether purposefully or not is plagiarism. Own up to it. Again. I don’t have a dog in this fight, as @FairyGodfeather and @Caddmuss pointed out, the two respective writers chose to do their own respective thing; and I’m happy to leave it at that. But I mean, again, if you’re going to make the accusation, don’t turn around and try to b.s. it as not being “harsh” when it’s a very serious thing. And in no way was I mocking anything, I was just making an observation of people accusing a writer of plagiary and then saying they aren’t being “harsh”, which is completely contradictory to the reality. I mean, if you’re going to make a such serious accusation at least own up to the gravity of it.

Ursula Le Guin’s got a story on a similar theme, about dreams changing reality. It’s actually a fascinating piece of sci-fi, The Lathe of Heaven. It’s also been a tv series, or a movie or something. (I haven’t seen it.) It’s the story of a man, who when he dreams his dreams can change the world, and a psychiatrist that can hypnotise him in order to change things. Yet every change that’s made tends to make things worse.

Changeling the Lost has powers where you can pull objects out of dreams and give them solid form. Dream powers are fun.

Which sort of changing reality did you have in mind?

@Apillis Copying the WIP part off of someone else, and ideas yes, he can be inspired and take the same ideas as someone else and make a story im all for that. I dont consider that ‘plagiarism’ you are putting your own words in my mouth, ‘plagiarism’ to me is stealing someone’s hard work and taking their work almost word for word and not acknowledging it or acknowledging it but still trying to take credit for it, but if it’s only the outline of the story then im all for it, but he wasnt fully thinking it through he seen Dae’s post and then 4 hours later we have this, with a seemingly rushed description, and it’s not the first time, so my main point wasnt to call him out on copying anyone, just point out he needs to put thought in his work, possibly try something new.

And if that’s what you go by as ‘plagiarism’ which I know it’s from the book and all, but that is very very vague, and leaves room for alot of misunderstanding. Wolf did take the outlines for multiple stories, yes. But I never said he was plagiarizing if it was like that then we would have to say Apex, and The Fleet are ‘Plagiarized’ versions of Star War, and Battle Star, because they have the same ideas and outlines. Also, dont accuse me of being a bullshitter, when you dont know what youre talking about.

Again, My main point was telling him, he should put more thought into his work instead of trying to copy others as a substitute. At no point was my post meant to put him down or say he plagiarized anything. You are just putting your own assumptions into my words, which isnt wise. If Wolf wants to put work into this project im all for it, and ill support him but from his track record, I think this is just something new to help him procrastinate on work for his other projects, that he will most likely give up. If that’s the case, then I dont support it.

Edit: Another thing, seems pretty mocking when you comment to instigate, further derail when I was done, and to try to force something on me that I didnt say, and imply other things, and starting the comment with lmfao and ending it with “I found kinda’ funny.” seems actually worse when I type it out, I find your comment kinda’ annoying.

Lastly, Say I bullshit again, or throw in your 1 cent in mockingly again, and we will have a serious problem.

@2ton calm down buddy

Speaking as a mod, please drop the debate. Everyone has expressed their opinions on the topic of whether the idea was borrowed or not.

@2Ton, dial down the aggression and defensiveness.

Whatever your intent was, when you say:
“Im very sure you are just taking other people’s ideas…”
“Im very certain you are stealing from @Daedalus
“you copied Daedalus… and I can tell it was purposely,”

you are accusing them of plagiarism. Apillis is right. If you didn’t intend to do so, then it’s worth rethinking how you’re phrasing your posts.

And if you say, “I know it’s very bold accusation” on Sunday, don’t try to walk it back on Monday by saying you didn’t want to be harsh.

Edit: I agree with JimD that it’s time to drop the debate. @2Ton, if you want to respond, please do so by PM.

…I know you want me to drop it but people who obviously still breastfeed love to twist my words, it’s not happened once but multiple times, @Havenstone I also dont appreciate you trying to call me a liar, idc if your a mod, I wouldnt give a shit if you were the damn president of earth either, saying im a lie wont fly with me ever.

People have their own definitions to words, and by YOUR and the lil mermaid’s definition of plagiarism, pretty much everything in the world is plagiarized. So, wouldnt that mean what I said wasnt harsh at all if it’s common to plagiarized? since people take other’s ideas all the time? wtf?

Also, Just because something is a bold statement doesnt mean it’s harsh in an insulting way… I say one thing and it’s always taken as bad even when I spend almost an hour trying to explain the best I can, because people love to start shit with me so I have to lay down the lines, im not being aggressive im just giving a clear warning before shit gets real, dont call me a bullshitter and dont call me a liar, anything else I think id be okay with, ill accept being called trash before im called a liar.

This has happened multiple times, and that is why im defensive because there is tons of reasons why I keep replying it’s not to argue, I just hate being labeled things that im not repeatedly over an over, I dont like people with half-ass logic trying to contradict me, and I wanna get my points across.

I tell someone to grow thicker skin and stop going on about this or that being possibly sexist, im labeled an ignorant hostile person, who is wrong.

I say I dont get why a straight male would dress androgonistic for no reason, im called a judgemental bigot, by an overly emotional person.

I say I dont like people who have plastic surgery or operations for no good reason besides to feel more secure when nothing is wrong with them, im labeled a hateful person, and a bigot, again, because by default I dislike most transgenders.

Like seriously? could these people whine anymore? drama queens never cease to amaze me with their abundance of stupidity, grow the fuck up already, and get some emotional fortitude, shit. most of these people are supposedly ‘adults’ or ‘young adults’ acting like they need their asses wiped, they are the shit stains upon the underwear that is society, I honestly hope they dont reproduce we dont need anymore chickenshits fowling up the earth as is.

I honestly wasnt aggressive to begin with but I am a bit now, the paragraph above is an example of what HARSH is… since no one arguing with me seems to know what it is, so compare that to what I said.

And if you were to try to ban me or anyone try to ban me or whatever for this I would find them petty as hell, since if I was to go about 18 WIP Threads would most likely die since im actually helping people with games all ways possible including advice that may sound ‘harsh’ to some people who probably never experienced a real hardship in life and wanna live in a realm void of truth, but at the end of the day im always trying to help.

Im done.

In case anyone wonders what it looks like to cross a line on these forums, you have an example right here.

@2Ton you are hereby banned. If in six months you want to apologize to @Havenstone and @FairyGodfeather, I may consider reinstating you then.

i think im experiencing a deja vu :-t

I am so sorry for everythin’ here! Oh, this really looks bad on us…

The implosion was kind of magnificent though.

Also, I don’t know if this was intentional, but I laughed:

“chickenshits fowling up the earth as is.”

I told him not to do this, and then I told him to apologise… but he wouldn’t listen.