Dragonsblood (WIP)

Greetings all!

Some of you may remember me from my long-ago WIP, Cassandra of Troy, which has been back-burnered lo these many years. :slight_smile:

I’d like to share my new WIP, Dragonsblood…


For hundreds of years humans have lived and worked in partnership with sentient dragons, but airships now fill the skies where once only bright-winged dragons would fly. The number of dragons is dropping and there are people in the cities who would be happy to see the dragons and their riders become a distant memory.

The dragons have called you to stand before them. Where do your loyalties lie—with the city or the dragonhold? Will you be chosen to be a dragonrider, or a sacrifice?

You play a young adult who has been unwillingly chosen to become a dragonrider…or be killed in the attempt. If you are chosen by a dragon, then you must navigate the politics of dragonhold vs. city, rich vs. pirates, tradition vs. innovation both within and without the dragonhold.

Currently it’s about 2 chapters (15,000 words.) I plan to update at the end of every chapter, hopefully about once a month.

To play the demo, go here: https://dashingdon.com/go/3007

My work tends to be much more interactive immersive fiction than game. Those who really like to follow their stats and try to game things for what they hope is an optimal result are probably gonna be less than excited about this. Your character is however you want them to be, and you can choose answers based on your interpretation of your character. There will be several ROs of all different flavors and you can choose to pursue that or not without stating a preference up front.

Love to hear your thoughts and feedback.


You had me at dragons, and steampunk. I really like what you have so far, it reminds me a little of the Dragonriders of Pern in as far as there are dragonriders. I love the pace so far, and the variety of options, and people you meet, it’s going to be really interesting, and fun to play it I’m sure, so I’ll happily keep an eye out for it. :woman:t2:


Very interested in this game keep up the.good work

I can’t wait for the next update the only suggestion I know will be said is adding more customization to the story but I loved the first two chapters I can’t wait for the next one.

I love all hard work you put in time in this

This seems like an awesome story so far, I’m going to keep an eye on this one.

Also, will we be able to choose the dragon colour and gender?


I love this! It reminds me of the dragonriders of pern in how the dragonriders live separate from the cities and how dragonets choose their riders. I love what you have so far and can’t wait for an update! I agree with @Nomad33810 that there does need to be a bit more customization though. I think a lot of people are drawn to these types of games because they allow us to feel like we ourselves are a part of the story and that our decisions can shape the story so that it’s not always 100% the same for every player. Hope that makes sense, I think I rambled a bit there. :grin:

So far, I like the premise of the game and hope you keep up the good work. A little typo here;

Choose Maris to be female in my walkthrough

I see “Dragon” I play. I love what you have so far. Appreciate that we don’t know what sort of dragon will pick us. I’m very invested now lol

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You have me at ‘dragons’.



I’m not quite sure if there should be ‘she’ since my MC came alone.


Sounds awsome hope it’s not genderlocked I want a dragon it’s in my bloood

it was pretty interesting, can’t wait to see how it will go

Just a question though, the characters mention ‘dragon queens’ multiple time, which also seems to be the kind of dragon all the hight ranking officier seems to have, does it mean we will be at a disadvantage if we have a male dragon or is there an equivalent like a ‘dragon king’ ?


Definitely gonna keep my eye on this one.

You had me at “Dragonsblood”!!

Oh I love this! Looking forward to seeing more
Love games with dragons.

@ Nazroth: Yes, you will be able to choose your dragon’s gender and color (from a list of colors) or choose to have them randomly assigned if you like surprises. :slight_smile:

@ MIGSey : Good catch. Fixed it. Thanks.

@ Balrog_Demorgothe: Ahhh…interesting point. Yeah…I think I may change that in a future update where it is a council of all elder dragons, regardless of gender. Much more fair. :slight_smile:

I’ll add this note to the original post, but my work tends to be much more interactive immersive fiction than game. Those who really like to follow their stats and try to game things for what they hope is an optimal result are probably gonna be less than excited about this. I find that if I try to “write for the stats” so that each choice boosts or lowers a certain stat that my writing feels very forced and stilted and I tend to lose interest.

There are a lot of relationship stats and such going on in this game that I don’t show on the stat chart. So I don’t plan on adding a bunch of “are you strong/smart/magical/funny/charismatic” kinds of stats in there. Ditto with the “do you want to date boys/girls/none of the above” question which for me breaks the immersion, especially at the beginning of the game.

Your character is however you want them to be, and you can choose answers based on your interpretation of your character, without being locked into the “I’m a strong character who only does strong things and dates boys” category. There will be several ROs of all different flavors and you can choose to pursue that or not without stating a preference up front. :slight_smile:

That said, I’m curious to know what sorts of additional customization people are interested in.

Thanks everyone from playing and offering your thoughts and feedback. It’s much appreciated.


In the choice about appearance there’s a word written twice.

Since you reference hair length a few times I’d not mind having an option to choose my MC’s hair length and whether or not my MC goes along with any changes for practicality or not.


Sorry, I don’t see it. If someone could please provide a quote or screenshot that would be great. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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I always love it when a game has the option to be ass it’s always so funny.