Dragon Racer (WIP) - Updated 1/30/17 (post 615)

Aha yeah I figured as much, considering his confusion when you accept the duel in a certain way :laughing:

I went through the demo without flirting because he never seemed to like it but I prefer not to choose flirting options anyway.

I visited him at the end but chose to ask questions rather than flirt and it ended shortly afterwards. I did go back to see where kissing him landed us though so is that where you triggered the romance? Not sure if there are any others :sweat_smile:

I agree with you on the necessity of flirting though, bless him xD

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Kissing him where?:sweat_smile: There’s the kiss in the dream, and the kiss in person near the end of the demo when you go and spend time with him. I went with both, but it was the ‘real’ one that officially triggered the romance. He gets so confused at the idea of someone liking him. I just want to hold the guy. Even if his dragon is like the exact opposite of my MC’s. :cry:

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May the tragedy foresee us, and help Shader see the way of love…

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Ah, I meant at the end. If you talk instead if kissing him in the dream the relationship stat increases. :slight_smile:

Personally, I feel having an opposite dragon to him (and maybe even personality depending on your MC) is kind of cliche; in a good way though! Kind of like one of those opposites attract situations. :blush:
Don’t worry, if it’s any consolation my blue dragon is kind of an opposite too. :sweat_smile:

His confusion raises my curiosity. I wonder why he feels that way and whether or not it has anything to do with his past. It could just be because of his personality though I suppose…


Yeah… I’m pretty sure it’s 'cause of his personality. I’m sure he’s had people fawn over him before, but I’m assuming most people got turned off by his hostility towards people trying to make advances towards him. Could it be related to his past? Probably? Maybe? I guess we’ll find out in time. Not gonna lie, though. I was like pointing my finger at him dramatically and mentally yelling “VIRGIN!” at him, oh my gosh. Like, in all aspects of the word. The guy flat out states he’s never had a relationship before, so I kinda doubt he’s even hooked up with people if that’s the case. Or I could be wrong and maybe he’s just aromantic.


Hmm good point, it seems pretty likely considering the Red Marauders’ fame and what not.

Oh my gosh :joy:
I believe he’s what one would call a ‘precious cinnamon roll’, in that case.

It certainly is possible, but I’m going to go for the first Shader purely for the comedic opportunities it could bring.

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Rofl that comment literally just made my day!

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That’s what I’m here for. :sunglasses:

Yay, everyone is happy whilst talking about Shader! Is that an achievement or what?

Hmm I’d say we’re right there on the tip of almost.

For anyone who cares to know what the characters look like then I’m starting to add pictures of them. If you want you can always follow me on deviantArt or tumblr where I’ll be posting more than just portraits of them, pm me and I’ll give you my username to either or.

Nyx de Azoulay

This is without any kind of jewelry or clothing on. Also she has markings but they are further down on the shoulder so I decided not to add them here. In the future I’ll add more picture of her with her clothing and what not on lol.


Wait- your on deviantArt?

Yes. Yes I am. :grin:

awesome drawing man !!!

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This gets better and better, holy crap! So awesome!

Calm yourself @Nikki it is only going to become more awesome…

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Shader Ausley

In case it was ever misunderstood, a disgusted Shader is a happy Shader. There are those rare moments where Shader doesn’t have messy hair and this is one of those times, most times his hair will be all out of that ponytail and all over the place.


That’s an awesome drawing

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D’aw. He’s a cutie patootie. I feel as though he’d punch me for saying that. Anyways, would you mind if I sketched Nyx and Shader? They’re both dolls and I’ve been in a drawing mood lately. :persevere:

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