I will be watching this space. The jury is still out on this one though. This one probably won’t be the first on the list to be reviewed, since I playtested a few Spring Thing entries (including Leia’s, but not yours). Once again, all the best!
Update: There are three entries from the Choicescript community (Leia, yours, Joey).
Sorry, beta testing ended quite a while back (I’ll create a post-release thread once the HG release is out, along with a WIP thread for the sequel sometime later).
So for now, you can wait for the HG release or play the limited release on the 2024 Spring Thing website.
With less than three weeks to the release of Dragon of Steelthorne (btw, you can play the limited version at the Spring Thing, link below, but the best stuff is in the Hosted Games release), I just wanted to make an additional announcement.
Dragon of Steelthorne 2 is about 58k words done. I’m not sure what the final word count will be, but I’m targeting around 150-170k. I’m still deciding on when/how to release the WIP thread, and I’m alternating between writing this and Scarlet Sorceress as a strategy to reduce burnout.
Anyway, I’m creating a poll to get some ideas from the crowd. When do you think will be the best time (2 options max) to create the WIP thread? Does any published author want to share some wisdom?
Create the WIP thread for the sequel on the release date.
Create the WIP thread for the sequel 1-2 weeks after the release date.
Create the WIP thread for the sequel 1 month after the release date.
Finish a full draft, then create the WIP thread.
Other (Please comment)
I’m still deciding on future plans for IF comp, so this may or may not be open beta testing.
You can marry the Crown Princess and become the High Sovereign.
Looks like we’ve two leading options so far. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to write a full draft AND create the WIP thread on the release date as I’m not an advanced AI program (yet). I’ll just wait for a few more votes to come in before making a decision.
If you want access to the beta for Dragon of Steelthorne, that ended months ago. Sorry!
If you want access to the beta for Dragon of Steelthorne 2, I’ll accept requests once the WIP thread is up. It’s up on dashingdon now (for my own personal testing), but it’s still in a very rough state.
Hello! Feel free to regard this as wisdom or not, but I would suggest waiting a little while after release to start a thread because reviews and feedback from the first game will probably be useful for incorporating into the sequel, and it’ll be easier to do that without also juggling sequel-feedback at the same time.
Agree, my personally feeling is I’d wait a week or two and see where you’re at and what any feedback looks like for how long a demo you want to release at that stage. Also gives people a chance to read the original and get hyped for the sequel. Totally up to you though
so let me preface this with im gonna buy an play on day 1 but can I please get hit with truck-kun and max out everything with city management …that is my least fav thing in any IF…j/k…well just sorta j/k…looking forward to release
Play on God Mode. It gives you 20,000 resources and 100 of each soldier type.
Ok, poll is closed. Thanks everyone who left a vote.
The results were pretty diffuse, so I think I’ll create the WIP thread 1-2 weeks after the release of the first game. It won’t be done by then, but I’m anticipating about 80% of the main story will be done. (Sidequests and the Eternal Festival will be written once the main story is complete).
Meanwhile, some crappy art (might need to change this):
Dragon of Steelthorne 2 is currently 102k words done, although I’m very unlikely to release the WIP thread this Thursday as I’ll still need to polish up the draft before letting you try it out. (I’m thinking May 13th or so, but no promises.) I’m also planning to weigh the first game’s reviews and performance in the Spring Thing before making my decision on releasing the WIP thread.
I’ll probably set up a post release thread if anyone has questions about the first game, how to get certain endings, unlock quests, etc. If anyone has questions about the second game, feel free to ask, although I might not be able to promise an answer.