Donor: A Vampire Victim's Tale [GAME RELEASED!]

Hey, I just finished obsessively playing this over the past couple of days and just wanted to say I adored it. As a fan of Vampire: The Masquerade and other vampire media I have high standards for depictions of vampires but this one hit the mark in a major way for me. You managed to convey them as being simultaneously monsters and humans, which for me is what makes vampires fascinating creatures in the first place. Discovering little details about our captors like them having been married or having siblings does wonders to drive home the point that they started as a person just like us. It really paints a picture of how decades of seeing and doing horrible things can numb a person to the point of losing their humanity. And this mirrors Lenore’s own journey of becoming numb after months of captivity.

Despite being described as "light horror’’ I actually found it pretty damn terrifying at times. I don’t know if I’m just easily frightened but I found some of the scenes and especially the bad endings to be really intense. And the dark humor serves to ground the story and make it more believable, since in real life gallows humor often accompanies tragedy and trauma.

Also, the writing is so well done. It’s funny, concise, and conveys an appropriately gritty atmosphere. I liked that Lenore wasn’t just a blank slate but had an endearingly weird and unique personality. Her agoraphobia and addiction create a basis of relatability with the vampires without which the more cooperative paths just wouldn’t work. And as someone with intense anxiety, it was very cathartic to follow her journey, especially getting the happy ending.

Are there any plans for a sequel or another game in this universe? I’d instantly buy it.


Did you know the book it’s based on has a sequel?


Thanks for pointing it out, I’ll definitely read it.


@plemgruber Thank you so much!

Heh, I’ve received more than a few complaints about the “light horror” warning over the years. I guess I was hoping to convey the idea that the story was “fun” scary instead of “leave the lights on” scary?

:hugs: As a writer with an anxiety disorder, I can’t tell you how much that means to me. Seriously, I’m beyond words… :heart:

Glad you found the sequel, and @AletheiaKnights my thanks as well for pointing plemgruber in the right direction! Just FYI, there are also some AMAZING fanfics listed at the top of the thread :arrow_up:


You’re welcome!

I just hope I can find a copy of Bait on eBay one of these days. :sob: I hate it when books go out of print. I don’t suppose there’s any chance they’ll be picked up by another publisher now that you’re building a fandom here?

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:heart: That is so sweet - if there was another hard copy of Bait lying around my house, I’d offer to send it to you :frowning:

I actually did have the opportunity to transition to another publisher when Samhain went out of business, but I passed because I just couldn’t think of a good reason to go back to a traditional publisher (the rights are tied up, you have no real say in the cover art or the quality of the product, can’t make changes/edits if you notice a problem that the line editor missed, etc).

Amazon appears to have a print on demand offering that I’ve been meaning to look into, but there are still some changes I’d make to Bait before releasing it back into the wild… :face_with_monocle:


Awww, you’re so sweet too! Please keep us posted about that - I’m sure I’m not the only one who would love to grab a copy. Until then, I’ll keep looking on eBay - it worked to get me a hard copy of Donor, after all.

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Just wanted to say I discovered this game totally by chance while trying to scrounge around for vampire games (seriously the lack of them, especially quality ones, is so disappointing). I am so glad this got suggested to me because Donor was an incredible read and I was so captivated by it I stayed up until 5 am playing it :joy:

I was also super stoked to discover there was a print version as well and immediately bought that! I would’ve bought a paperback version but I saw your comment about your books being out of print, which is a shame because I would have loved to read Bait as well.

Thank you for the dark (and hilarious) story, I thoroughly enjoyed it! :black_heart:


Thank you for taking the time to read it!! OMG and for taking the time to reach out - this kind of thing means the world to me. :heart:

If you’re interested in reading Bait, btw, I believe you should still be able to find an electronic version here: bait_ebook - Google Drive

Thanks again for your message!


Hi there, Elena! I haven’t been here for a while. Say, you don’t happen to have found the time to create/write anything new? Because Donor (the book and the game) and Bait are really really good and I would certainly read/buy/take a look at anything else you might have done since.

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Hi @Wrinkles, it’s great to hear from you! And I wish I had another answer, but sadly I have not found time. :slightly_frowning_face: I promise to let you know if anything changes.

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We are all here if anything changes!

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Thanks for the answer! Have fun with whatever you are doing! :slight_smile:

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Hi Elena, could I please have your code for the mini-game? I’m trying to implement a chess game in my own game, and would appreciate taking a look at yours!

PS: Love your books! :slight_smile:

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@Elijuneau of course! Below is the code for both Black Jack and Tic Tac Toe (even though I assume you were talking about ttt). Apologies for how disorganized everything is. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me.

Best of luck with your game!!!

Tic Tac Toe

*label paul_start
*temp dieroll 0
*temp myPlayer “O”
*temp PaulPlayer “X”
*gosub ttt_main

*label l_start
*temp dieroll 1
*temp myPlayer “X”
*temp PaulPlayer “O”
*goto ttt_main

*label ttt_main

*temp selection 0

*temp s_1 “1”
*temp s_2 “2”
*temp s_3 “3”
*temp s_4 “4”
*temp s_5 “5”
*temp s_6 “6”
*temp s_7 “7”
*temp s_8 “8”
*temp s_9 “9”

*temp tcount_1 1
*temp tcount_2 1
*temp tcount_3 1
*temp tcount_4 1
*temp tcount_5 1
*temp tcount_6 1
*temp tcount_7 1
*temp tcount_8 1
*temp tcount_9 1
*temp status_1 “-2”
*temp status_2 “-2”
*temp status_3 “-2”
*temp status_4 “-2”
*temp status_5 “-2”
*temp status_6 “-2”
*temp status_7 “-2”
*temp status_8 “-2”
*temp status_9 “-2”
*temp best_1 “-2”
*temp best_2 “-2”
*temp best_3 “-2”
*temp best_4 “-2”
*temp best_5 “-2”
*temp best_6 “-2”
*temp best_7 “-2”
*temp best_8 “-2”
*temp best_9 “-2”

*temp best “none”
*temp tplayer “X”

*temp status “tie”

*temp avail 9

*temp board “123456789”

*temp scrabbleBoard “276951438”
*temp scrabbleVal “”

*temp pPicks “”
*temp lPicks “”

*temp gameMessage “”

*temp default
*temp myspace
*temp best
*temp mycount
*temp mystatus
*temp mybest

*temp firstMove true

*goto tictactoe

*label switchPlayer
*if (tplayer = “X”)
*set tplayer “O”
*set tplayer “X”

*label testQuickWin
*label itestQuickWin
*if ({mycount} > 9)
*set myspace “s_${{mycount}}”
*if (({myspace} != “X”) and ({myspace} != “O”))
*set {myspace} tplayer
*set mycount “tcount_${avail}”
*set mystatus “status_${avail}”
*set mybest “best_${avail}”
*set default {mycount}
*set myspace “s_${{mycount}}”
*gosub check_board
*if (status = tplayer)
*set {mystatus} status
*set {mybest} {mycount}
*set {mycount} 10
*set {myspace} “${{default}}”
*set {mycount} + 1
*goto itestQuickWin

*label testMoves
*label itestMoves
*if ({mycount} > 9)
*set myspace “s_${{mycount}}”
*if (({myspace} != “X”) and ({myspace} != “O”))
*set {myspace} tplayer
*gosub switchPlayer
*set avail - 1
*gosub move
*set avail + 1
*gosub switchPlayer
*set mycount “tcount_${avail}”
*set mystatus “status_${avail}”
*set mybest “best_${avail}”
*set default {mycount}
*set myspace “s_${{mycount}}”
*if ({mystatus} = “-2”)
*set {mystatus} status
*set {mybest} {mycount}
*if (status = tplayer)
*set {mystatus} status
*set {mybest} {mycount}
*set {mycount} 10
*if (status = “-1”)
*set {mystatus} status
*set {mybest} {mycount}
*if ((dieroll = 1) and (tplayer = “O”))
*comment Paul will settle for a tie if he goes second
*set {mycount} 10
*set {myspace} “${{default}}”
*set {mycount} + 1
*goto itestMoves

*label move
*gosub check_board
*if ((status != “tie”) or (avail < 1))
*set best “-1”
*set mycount “tcount_${avail}”
*set mystatus “status_${avail}”
*set {mystatus} “-2”
*set mybest “best_${avail}”

*set {“tcount_${avail}”} “1”

*gosub testQuickWin
*if ((status != “tie”) or (avail < 1))
*set status {mystatus}
*set best {mybest}
*set best “-1”
*set mycount “tcount_${avail}”
*set mystatus “status_${avail}”
*set {mystatus} “-2”
*set mybest “best_${avail}”

*set {“tcount_${avail}”} “1”

*gosub testMoves
*set status {mystatus}
*set best {mybest}


*label check_board
*set status “tie”
*if ((s_1 = s_2) and (s_2 = s_3))
*set status s_1
*set gameMessage “${scrabbleBoard#1} + ${scrabbleBoard#2} + ${scrabbleBoard#3} = 15.”
*elseif ((s_4 = s_5) and (s_5 = s_6))
*set status s_4
*set gameMessage “${scrabbleBoard#4} + ${scrabbleBoard#5} + ${scrabbleBoard#6} = 15.”
*elseif ((s_7 = s_8) and (s_8 = s_9))
*set status s_7
*set gameMessage “${scrabbleBoard#7} + ${scrabbleBoard#8} + ${scrabbleBoard#9} = 15.”
*elseif ((s_1 = s_4) and (s_4 = s_7))
*set status s_1
*set gameMessage “${scrabbleBoard#1} + ${scrabbleBoard#4} + ${scrabbleBoard#7} = 15.”
*elseif ((s_2 = s_5) and (s_5 = s_8))
*set status s_2
*set gameMessage “${scrabbleBoard#2} + ${scrabbleBoard#5} + ${scrabbleBoard#8} = 15.”
*elseif ((s_3 = s_6) and (s_6 = s_9))
*set status s_3
*set gameMessage “${scrabbleBoard#3} + ${scrabbleBoard#6} + ${scrabbleBoard#9} = 15.”
*elseif ((s_1 = s_5) and (s_5 = s_9))
*set status s_1
*set gameMessage “${scrabbleBoard#1} + ${scrabbleBoard#5} + ${scrabbleBoard#9} = 15.”
*elseif ((s_3 = s_5) and (s_5 = s_7))
*set status s_3
*set gameMessage “${scrabbleBoard#3} + ${scrabbleBoard#5} + ${scrabbleBoard#7} = 15.”
*elseif (avail < 1)
*set status “-1”

*label get_icon
*if icount > 9
*temp space “s_${icount}”
*temp vacant “space_${scrabbleBoard#icount}.png”
*if ( {space} = “X” )
*image x.png left
*elseif ( {space} = “O” )
*image o.png left
*image ${vacant} left
*if ( ( icount modulo 3 ) = 0 )
*image Spacer.gif center
*set icount + 1
*gosub get_icon

*label drawSimple
*temp emptySpaces “”
*temp delim “”
*if (s_6 = 6)
*set emptySpaces “${emptySpaces}${delim}1”
*set delim ", "
*if (s_1 = 1)
*set emptySpaces “${emptySpaces}${delim}2”
*set delim ", "
*if (s_8 = 8)
*set emptySpaces “${emptySpaces}${delim}3”
*set delim ", "
*if (s_7 = 7)
*set emptySpaces “${emptySpaces}${delim}4”
*set delim ", "
*if (s_5 = 5)
*set emptySpaces “${emptySpaces}${delim}5”
*set delim ", "
*if (s_3 = 3)
*set emptySpaces “${emptySpaces}${delim}6”
*set delim ", "
*if (s_2 = 2)
*set emptySpaces “${emptySpaces}${delim}7”
*set delim ", "
*if (s_9 = 9)
*set emptySpaces “${emptySpaces}${delim}8”
*set delim ", "
*if (s_4 = 4)
*set emptySpaces “${emptySpaces}${delim}9”
*set delim ", "

Available moves are: ${emptySpaces}

*label drawboard

*if (lPicks != “”)
You have selected: ${lPicks}

*if (pPicks != “”)
Paul has selected: ${pPicks}

*if (TTT_Easy = false)
*comment draw simple board
*gosub drawSimple
*gosub get_board
*temp icount 1
*gosub get_icon

*label get_board
*set board “${s_1}${s_2}${s_3}${s_4}${s_5}${s_6}${s_7}${s_8}${s_9}”

*label check_status

*gosub get_board
*gosub check_board

*label move_O
*comment Speeding up decision on player first move response (optional performance enhancement)
*if ((firstMove = true) and (dieroll = 1))
*comment Set number of places for Paul to move
*if (s_5 = myPlayer)
*set best “9”
*set best “5”
*elseif ((firstMove = true) and (dieroll = 0))
*if (s_5 = myPlayer)
*if (s_9 = PaulPlayer)
*set best “8”
*set best “9”
*elseif (s_1 = PaulPlayer)
*if ((s_6 = myPlayer) or ((s_8 = myPlayer) or (s_9 = myPlayer)))
*set best “3”
*elseif ((s_4 = myPlayer) or (s_7 = myPlayer))
*set best “2”
*set best “4”
*elseif (s_3 = PaulPlayer)
*if (s_1 = myPlayer)
*set best “6”
*elseif (s_2 = myPlayer)
*set best “5”
*set best “1”
*elseif (s_7 = PaulPlayer)
*if (s_1 = myPlayer)
*set best “3”
*elseif (s_4 = myPlayer)
*set best “5”
*set best “1”
*elseif (s_9 = PaulPlayer)
*if (s_6 = myPlayer)
*set best “5”
*elseif ((s_3 = myPlayer) or (s_7 = myPlayer))
*set best “1”
*set best “3”
*set tplayer PaulPlayer
*gosub move

*if (firstMove = true)
*set firstMove false

*gosub check_board

*label set_space
*temp status_space “s_${best}”
*set {status_space} PaulPlayer
*set scrabbleVal “${scrabbleBoard#best}”

*set pPicks “${pPicks} ${scrabbleVal}”


*label tictactoe

*if (dieroll = 0)
Paul goes first.
*if (dieroll = 1)
You go first.

*set status “tie”
*set s_1 “1”
*set s_2 “2”
*set s_3 “3”
*set s_4 “4”
*set s_5 “5”
*set s_6 “6”
*set s_7 “7”
*set s_8 “8”
*set s_9 “9”

*if (dieroll = 0)
*temp corner 1
*rand corner 1 4
*if (corner = 1)
*set best 1
*elseif (corner = 2)
*set best 3
*elseif (corner = 3)
*set best 7
*elseif (corner = 4)
*set best 9
*gosub set_space
*set avail (avail - 1)

*label start

*gosub drawboard

*gosub check_status
*if (status != “tie”)
*goto over

Which number would you like to select?

*set avail (avail - 1)

*selectable_if (s_6 = 6) #Pick number 1
*set selection 1
*set s_6 myPlayer
*selectable_if (s_1 = 1) #Pick number 2
*set selection 2
*set s_1 myPlayer
*selectable_if (s_8 = 8) #Pick number 3
*set selection 3
*set s_8 myPlayer
*selectable_if (s_7 = 7) #Pick number 4
*set selection 4
*set s_7 myPlayer
*selectable_if (s_5 = 5) #Pick number 5
*set selection 5
*set s_5 myPlayer
*selectable_if (s_3 = 3) #Pick number 6
*set selection 6
*set s_3 myPlayer
*selectable_if (s_2 = 2) #Pick number 7
*set selection 7
*set s_2 myPlayer
*selectable_if (s_9 = 9) #Pick number 8
*set selection 8
*set s_9 myPlayer
*selectable_if (s_4 = 4) #Pick number 9
*set selection 9
*set s_4 myPlayer

*set lPicks “${lPicks} ${selection}”

*gosub check_status

*if (status = “tie”)
*gosub move_O
*set avail (avail - 1)
*goto start

*label over

*if (status = myPlayer)
You win. ${gameMessage}
*set TTT_Result “win”
*if (status = “-1”)
You tied.
*set TTT_Result “tie”
*set TTT_Result “lose”
You lose. ${gameMessage}

Black Jack

*label init_game

*temp cards bj_deck
*temp P “”
*temp L “”
*temp P_score 0
*temp L_score 0
*temp status “tie”
*temp message “”
*temp remaining bj_remaining
*temp wins bj_wins
*temp losses bj_losses
*temp ties bj_ties
*temp count 0
*temp fdeck “”
*temp prob “”
*temp suits “CHDS”
*temp P_len 0
*temp L_len 0
*temp reveal_hidden false

*temp cvals “AC2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C0CJCKCQC”
*temp hvals “AH2H3H4H5H6H7H8H9H0HJHKHQH”
*temp dvals “AD2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9D0DJDKDQD”
*temp svals “AS2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S0SJSKSQS”
*temp fdeck “0000000000000”
*temp card_types “A234567890JQK”

*temp cA_val 1
*temp c2_val 2
*temp c3_val 3
*temp c4_val 4
*temp c5_val 5
*temp c6_val 6
*temp c7_val 7
*temp c8_val 8
*temp c9_val 9
*temp c0_val 10
*temp cJ_val 10
*temp cK_val 10
*temp cQ_val 10

*temp selected_card “”

*goto start_bj

*label init_deck

*set cards “${cvals}${hvals}${dvals}${svals}”
*set fdeck “0000000000000”
*set cA_freq 0
*set c2_freq 0
*set c3_freq 0
*set c4_freq 0
*set c5_freq 0
*set c6_freq 0
*set c7_freq 0
*set c8_freq 0
*set c9_freq 0
*set c0_freq 0
*set cJ_freq 0
*set cK_freq 0
*set cQ_freq 0
*set P_len 0
*set L_len 0


*label calculate_prob
*temp score L_score
*temp tlen remaining
*temp mywins 0

*label icalculate_prob
*if (tlen > 0)
*temp index (tlen * 2) - 1
*temp card “c${cards#index}_val”
*if ((score + {card}) > 21)
*set mywins + 1
*set tlen - 1
*goto icalculate_prob
if (remaining > 0)
[i]Probability of bust on the next hit: ${round((mywins
Probability of bust on the next hit: 0 (no remaining cards)

*label print_deck
*temp tlen 13
*label iprint_deck
*if (tlen > 0)
*temp freq “c${card_types#tlen}_freq”
*set tlen - 1
*goto iprint_deck


*label select_card
*temp cindex
*rand cindex 1 remaining
*temp tcard (cindex * 2) - 1
*temp tsuit tcard + 1
*temp icard
*temp isuit
*temp tlen remaining
*temp tcards “”
*set remaining - 1
*set selected_card “${cards#tcard}${cards#tsuit}”

*temp fcard “c${cards#tcard}_freq”
*set {fcard} + 1

*label remove_selected
*if (tlen > 0)
*set icard (tlen * 2) - 1
*set isuit icard + 1
*if (icard != tcard)
*set tcards “${tcards}${cards#icard}${cards#isuit}”
*set tlen - 1
*goto remove_selected
*set cards tcards

*label deal_cards
*gosub select_card
*temp c1 selected_card
*gosub select_card
*temp c2 selected_card
*gosub select_card
*temp c3 selected_card
*gosub select_card
*temp c4 selected_card
*set L “${c1}${c2}”
*set P “${c3}${c4}”
*set L_len + 2
*set P_len + 2

*label print_cards
Paul’s cards:
*temp ipcards P_len
*temp firstCard true
*label ipprint
*if (ipcards > 0)
temp ipcard (2ipcards) - 1
*temp ipsuit ipcard + 1
*temp pcard “i${P#ipcard}${P#ipsuit}”

*if ((firstCard and not(reveal_hidden)) and (status = "tie"))
	*image blankCard.png left
	*image ${pcard}.png left
*set ipcards - 1
*set firstCard false
*goto ipprint

*image Spacer.gif center

Your cards:

*temp ilcards L_len
*label ilprint
*if (ilcards > 0)
temp ilcard (2ilcards) - 1
*temp ilsuit ilcard + 1
*temp lcard “i${L#ilcard}${L#ilsuit}”
*image ${lcard}.png left
*set ilcards - 1
*goto ilprint



*label display_cards
*gosub print_cards

*label get_player_scores

*temp tplen P_len
*temp pscore 0
*temp pace false
*label ipauldeck
*if (tplen > 0)
*temp icard (tplen * 2) - 1
*temp ival “c${P#icard}_val”
*if (“${P#icard}” = “A”)
*set pace true
*set pscore + {ival}
*set tplen - 1
*goto ipauldeck
*if ((pace = true) and ((pscore + 10) <= 21))
*set pscore + 10
*set P_score pscore

*temp tllen L_len
*temp lscore 0
*temp lace false
*label ilenoredeck
*if (tllen > 0)
*temp icard (tllen * 2) - 1
*temp ival “c${L#icard}_val”
*if (“${L#icard}” = “A”)
*set lace true
*set lscore + {ival}
*set tllen - 1
*goto ilenoredeck
*if ((lace = true) and ((lscore + 10) <= 21))
*set lscore + 10
*set L_score lscore

*label reveal_card
*set reveal_hidden true

*label display_score
*gosub get_player_scores
Your current score is ${L_score}. Would you like to hit or stand?
*if (bj_advantage = “logic”)
*gosub calculate_prob

*label dealer_move
*gosub get_player_scores
*label idealer_move
*if ((P_score < 17) and (remaining > 0))
*gosub select_card
*set P “${P}${selected_card}”
*set P_len + 1
*gosub get_player_scores
*goto idealer_move

*label get_BJ_winner
*gosub get_player_scores
*if ((L_score > 21) and (P_score <= 21))
*set status “P”
*set message “You went over 21. Paul wins.”
*elseif ((P_score > 21) and (L_score <= 21))
*set status “L”
*set message “You win.”
*elseif ((P_score > 21) and (L_score > 21))
*set status “-1”
*set message “Both players > 21. Tie.”
*elseif (L_score = P_score)
*set status “-1”
*set message “Tie.”
*elseif (P_score > L_score)
*set status “P”
*set message “Paul wins.”
*elseif (L_score > P_score)
*set status “L”
*set message “You win.”

*label check_bust
*gosub get_player_scores
*if (L_score > 21)
*set status “P”
*set message “You busted! Paul wins.”

*label check_BJ
*gosub get_player_scores
*if ((L_score = 21) and (P_score = 21))
*set status “-1”
*set message “Both players have 21. Tie.”
*elseif (P_score = 21)
*set status “P”
*set message “Paul has 21. You lose.”
*elseif (L_score = 21)
*set status “L”
*set message “You have 21. You win.”

*label start_bj

*if (cards = “”)
*gosub init_deck
*gosub deal_cards
*temp firstgame true

*label start

*if (firstgame = true)
*gosub check_BJ
*set firstgame false
*set reveal_hidden false

*if (status = “-1”)
*if (bj_advantage = “creativity”)
*set wins + 1
*set ties + 1
*elseif (status = “L”)
*set wins + 1
*elseif (status = “P”)
*set losses + 1

Remaining cards: ${remaining}, Wins: ${wins}, Losses: ${losses}, Ties: ${ties}

*if (bj_advantage = “honesty”)
*gosub print_deck

*if (bj_advantage = “deception”)
*gosub reveal_card

*gosub display_cards

*if (status != “tie”)
*goto over

*gosub display_score

*selectable_if ((remaining > 0) and (L_score < 21)) #Hit me!
*gosub select_card
*set L “${L}${selected_card}”
*set L_len + 1
*gosub check_bust
*goto start

	*gosub dealer_move
	*gosub get_BJ_winner
	*goto start

*label over

*gosub reveal_card

*set bj_status status
*set bj_deck cards
*set bj_wins wins
*set bj_losses losses
*set bj_ties ties
*set bj_remaining remaining


*if (remaining >= 4)
Do you want to go another round with Paul?
#Deal me in!
*gosub deal_cards
*set firstgame true
*set status “tie”
*set message “”
*goto start
#No thanks.
*set bj_deck cards
*set bj_wins wins
*set bj_losses losses
*set bj_ties ties
*set bj_remaining remaining
*gosub init_deck
*if (wins > losses) #Out of cards. I won ${wins} hands compared to Paul’s ${losses}. Time to rub my victory in his face.
*set bj_winner “L”
*if (wins < losses) #Out of cards. Paul won ${losses} hands compared to my ${wins}. Time to accept my defeat.
*set bj_winner “P”
*if (wins = losses) #Out of cards. And since Paul and I each won a total of ${wins} hands, he won’t be able to talk any smack.
*set bj_winner “T”
*set bj_deck cards
*set bj_wins 0
*set bj_losses 0
*set bj_ties 0
*set bj_remaining 0


Gosh, that is quite the code, thank you!

How did you get the idea to put in a mini-game? Was it well received?

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A couple of things: First and foremost, I used to play a lot of RPGs back in the day, and I used to think it was so cool when they featured “a game within a game.” And second, as a software engineer I was just excited to play with recursive algorithms in choicescript (simple as the one for ttt may be). :wink:

Lol not really - I think completionists got frustrated having to power through my mini-games again every time they wanted to replay a level. So much so that I added the option to disable mini-games for readers who found them tedious or immersion breaking. Don’t get me wrong, I received positive feedback as well, just came to recognize they weren’t for everyone.

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Now we just need a game within a game within a game ;D

That’s fair. I’m also a software dev, but recursive algos give me the solid ick.

I think I had a copy of your book open and tried to play the game alongside the “canon”. Went off track quite quickly, but it was very fun!

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:laughing: sold!!!

Well, I didn’t mean to oversell my skills there - didn’t invent the algorithm, just wanted to see if I could get it working in a choice script game. Here’s documentation about it written by folks way smarter than myself. Finding optimal move in Tic-Tac-Toe using Minimax Algorithm in Game Theory - GeeksforGeeks.

You’re on your own with chess, though :sweat_smile:


Keep me posted on how your game is going, and please link me to it if there’s a current WIP available.

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I’m going to have to try this now. :joy:

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