Deleting saves in games

Does anyone know how to delete saves? It’s getting cluttered and I see no way to- its getting annoying


Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to delete saves (unless they changed it recently). Yes, it’s annoying, and it’s something that quite a few people have asked for, but as far as I know, it’s not possible.

Sadly no, even with the other threads asking for it; it is impossible to delete saved games from CoG. I think it be good feature, but the CoG has yet to do an option to delete saved games. Could be on the wish list for CoG?

How do I delete saved games?
Is there a way you can delete a saved game?
Can you delete your pervious saved games?

Oh stares down at the long list of saves can i hire someone to find the save i want?


Is it possible to delete saved games from choice of games on android? Such as the lost heir and heroes rise

I put this here, but there are literally 8 other existing threads on the topic. Please check before starting a new one.

AFAIK the answer remains No.

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I believe Mary_Duffy indicated the staff is looking into it but they are still at the consider phase.

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Honestly, the biggest thing keeping me from buying more books (or games, whichever) is not being able to delete my saves, otherwise I would probably have at least twice if not three times as many lol.

With my ZESH, Fallen Hero, and Infinity save file lists looking like a stock market ticker tape, I’d very much love the option to finally do this.

If you’re on PC: Deleting old saves - #44 by Tarlonniel (also read follow-up posts).

I’m a mobile user sadly…

Omg thank you so much! Btw there’s a pending post i recently sent that is pending which is about the deleting saves topic so I request you to deny the post from being published.

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About the post that you deleted, if you’re still in need of help deleting saves there are instructions here:


Semi pointing out you can delete saves on phone by deleting the game side/extra data this wipes any game (also works on onibus apps thought deletes all the games data) at least on android not sure about iphone
App info > delete data > delete all data