I’ve written those wonderful words “The End”, although I’m not done yet.
I’ve finished all of the gameplay, including the last of the nobles and the upkeep/maintenance system. The game should allow you to progress from nothing all the way to a full and thriving kingdom.
I’ve finished the plot. All 6 chapters are now finished, along with those great words “The End”, although you can continue to play past that.
I’ve finished the tournament. It starts as training grounds, progresses through arena, and into the tournament. This is the endless mode that you may return to after the main plot is over.
Interested in naming a gladiator team? Check out my patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/LucidsGames I’ll be allowing people to name some of the combatants that you will meet.
I’m not done yet though. I need to test this new coding as well as update/add to the Kingdom, Weather, and Random events.
After that, I want to do a full playthrough as both an invader and trying the peaceful route.
Absolutely. I’ll start with my Patreon peeps, then some closed waves to keep fresh eyes. Then I’ll do an open beta. Lots of moving parts on this one, I’ll be very thankful for the eyes.
So pretty! Kingdom Simulator has you facing the Norgan Mountainmen in the north, a branch state of Laslonians in the east, the Empress of Jilal in the south, and the orcs in the west.
That map is of the future, this game will show the founding. One major feature on it occurs in this game.
I wrote a major routine I’d been putting off. When buildings are destroyed, your citizens are kicked out. Forge empties smiths, stores empties merchants, and refunds used materials.
This works well for failed upkeep and will make a great help for the weather, random, and kingdom events I’m working on.
After that, a play of the final chapter using my beta testing QuickStart. Lots of untested stuff.
And then… at least 2 plays. Oh, and diplomacy needs fixing.
I’m still just testing (and fixing) the end game and all the new stuff I coded.
I know it needs to be done, but it’s not nearly as satisfying as seeing the word count increase or adding new content.
The upkeep system continues to grow. Something I didn’t think about before, what if you are maintaining your buildings with gold and then build a new one? Well, now your Lord/Lady of Finance can automate that request too.
As I was bug killing and play-testing, I ran out of wood. That was a neat experience since my smelters couldn’t smelt, so my tin and copper smiths ran out of processed ore, which made my merchants run out of merchandise. That meant that I ran out of gold for upkeep so more of my buildings started to deteriorate. And that brought me full circle, since I still didn’t have wood, I couldn’t make the repairs! Quite the experience and a great chance to find even more errors.
Extremely good idea, hoping you’ll be able to fight and lead armies, also the usual intrigue, conspiracies, assassination attempts etc. Will there be ROs?
Need a wicked caster path, religious or arcane. Like sacrifice your buildings, people and perhaps a hero or three for lichdom, or to summon a big demon. Would be super fun to tie an evil overlord to why the veil is thin enough for the evil purple man plans to work in LH but maybe not elsewhere? I’m probably too late to the party for idea spitballing but just a fun idea
For some things, yes, although some is already there.
Not this time, although you CAN play as an evil
Lots in the game already and I have room for lots more, so you never know. The changes from before and after beta testing often is extreme, so we’ll see.
I’m intrigued to see more game (as opposed to story) heavy ChoiceScript games. Have you put any thought into how you’re going to advertise playtime in regards to word count which, presumably (?), will be significantly lower than a lot of traditional game books written in ChoiceScript. Of course I haven’t played this, so may be making false assumptions as to the balance of mechanics/game systems and text!
Good question. Paradox Factor had a similar issue. I’m not sure how that will go. Ironically, the lazier the coding, the higher the word count.
Sorry, I don’t know the reference, but yes. This will be the furthest back so far. It includes one enormous event that has been mentioned in other stories. Experience it from the very beginning.
What is the scope for technological exploration and innovation
If you have played lords of infinity beta in which there is a fief management system in which you can build factories and canals also upgrade farming system would it be similar to that ? Or more primitive era we are talking ?
Will there be impact of runing out resources cause too much cutting of trees or pollution of water or infertile farmlands because of excessive farming? Or metal ores deposits getting exhausted ?
Will the opinion/morale of your subjects/citizens matter ?
How much role does religion have in this game do people still believe in pope etc or king is supreme ?
Does nobles play a role ?
Does king has his own spy network/secret service
Can we choose people or advisors in our court?
Is there corruption in this game reducing our revenue/ does people take bribes?
What is the scope for diplomacy ?
Can we choose on what type of economy our nation runs tourism, production, war based capturing land, agricultural, or imperialistic colonial
From what I understand, it sounds like this game won’t be focusing much on characters, but rather on management. From the sound of things, characters will only play a small part. In short, this game will focus more on what happens to your kingdom, rather than what happens to you. I may be wrong of course, and there may be instances where your character will take the spotlight.