Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 19th of March 2024) (WIP)

I have played this once more to get a better feel, and i have reached an ultimate truth; The chief is ultimately adorable


Its been a while since i read through this one but everytime i do i’m impressed by the writing quality and character depth.


No update today.

Chances are I won’t be able to do much writing until next week, sadly.

In retrospect I’m not sure those kind of decisions are all that good for the game, since it does take a lot of effort that could’ve gone elsewhere(or sped up completion!). I can only hope it’s worth it in the end. :smiley:

Who knows, maybe I’m a Designer Writer. :shushing_face:

And by that extension, I’m adorable as well since I’m like the chief, right?

Your revelation may in part be due to the magic of interactive fiction, where each playthrough is different and thus you get a broader scope of the character(unless you made identical choices, of course). Good for you, in other words, makes me happy. :partying_face:

Excellent. It’s always nice to see comments like these, since otherwise how am I to know that the quality has remained good? (or even was good in the first place)

One of the biggest enemies in a long project like this is complacency. If I get too accustomed to thinking that whatever I write is magically amazing, it just might turn out that it no longer will be after that.


IKR!, I hadda ask how to get the car scene cause i just couldnt get it on my own :blush:

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wow i love your writing and the choices,detials are just prefect :smiley:

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Wouldn’t mind more “probing” of Still for either of my mc’s. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The cutie does seem like the most tragic character currently…so many dreams and ambitions and yet even the simplest the skiing holiday seems so far out of reach. Poor boy! :crying_cat_face:


No update today.

Alright, back to work again. Won’t take much more for the final segment from what I can tell. Tomorrow, maybe? (though knowing my gross misestimations, Wednesday is a safer bet :stuck_out_tongue: )

Thank you. I aim to deliver only the best. :wink:

Any alternative probings will have to wait a while longer. :hear_no_evil:

Everyone has a bit of tragedy and a bit of comedy in them. Your own interpretations of what’s the most tragic and what isn’t is subjectively correct for your playthrough, since you’ll only catch a glimpse of each due to your choices. It’s not wrong for two readers to have totally opposite opinions of the same character, since both can be true at the same time simply due to the differences in perspective and interpretation. :grin:

As for myself, I’m the type of author who hates giving out ‘official’ answers on stuff like this. I merely deliver the ‘objective facts’ as they are, and the reader has to complete the puzzle with the pieces I deliver. Of course I do have my own opinions on everything, but I’ll never tell them as that’d corrupt and ruin the experience of the reader. Maybe I think Stillwater is super tragic, maybe I think there’s not an ounce of tragedy to him. Who knows, since I most certainly won’t tell which it is, or indeed if it’s something entirely different. :speak_no_evil:


No update today.

Didn’t get super much done. Tomorrow, I hope.


No worries!!!

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No update today.

As was the case yesterday, didn’t get much done. There really isn’t all that much to do in the first place for the final segment, which makes it extra annoying that I get so little done. :smiley:

(partially the reason for the lack of progress is the fact that I’m fighting with myself whether to cut out certain options from it or not, and I most certainly will have to do it, but it ain’t easy for me to do mentally, which makes it tougher than usual. Editing out stuff I’ve already written and partially rewriting the segment is super annoying, as expected :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: )

That’s my line to say! :grin:

It’s just a habit of mine to post every day whether I get anything done or not, and to complain and lament about it. It’s just how I like doing things, since I need a constant pressure to keep myself going and what better way to do it than to post every day about not getting anything done until I do? :smiley:

Whenever a real update is available, I edit the topic’s title with a new date, so anyone who prefers to only see new content should keep an eye on that.

But I do always appreciate encouragement, so thanks!


No update today.

Very nearly done with the last segment, managed to do a good chunk of the painful rewriting today(wasn’t really all that much that needed to be rewritten, I’m mainly just hiding away the stuff that won’t be used for now, hopefully I can add it during the second polishing pass. Still, I did need to add some stuff too, which technically doesn’t count as a rewrite, but it was work nonetheless).

Almost certainly ready tomorrow.


No update today.

I said ALMOST certainly. :woozy_face:

Was busy again. Probably can’t work tomorrow. So Sunday. Hopefully next week will be more productive.


I wish you luck with whatever you are busy with!!!

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I suppose that is true. Still both of my mc’s want to take Still on that winter-sports holiday now. Poor kid deserves a real holiday for once in his life…but he seems unlikely to get even that as he’s not legally a full person. :cry:

Also both in and out of universe it always seems dumb not to give (sexy) life forms who are as smart or smarter than us ordinary humans full “human” rights as that always seems to lead to trouble somewhere down the line.

I mean if Still wants to run for Senate both of my mc’s would say let him. No way he can be worse than any of the other 99 Senators. :grin:


No update today.

Surprisingly I couldn’t work today either. Which is obviously really frustrating.


Who knows, perhaps one of the endings is one where you take him on a vacation? :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, sometimes it’s a question of politics. There may be more pressing matters, general political apathy, a system where changing vital laws or the constitution is extremely difficult, on-going debates on scientific/ethical/religious/legal definitions of personhood, discussions on potential reparations to be paid for said creatures if they’ve been abused for years, and a slew of other reasons why it isn’t possible in a short time frame. Perhaps it may even be a question of the intellectual property rights of a certain corporation that has monopolized said personhood as part of their business strategy? :male_detective:

The ultimate question is, of course, whether the author finds it interesting to deal with such issues and themes or not. :smiley:


Will there be anymore combat/chase scenes ?


Probably, the life of a police agent is never easy. Especially now with the “Decelebrator” on the loose.


Well the thing is, for example, an alien race arrive at our planet, they are an intelligent life form, but they are not human, you can’t give them human right, you can give them something similar (if you want) to human right. The same is probably for the Design Soldier that are not real “human” but made in the image of them, and probably people are scared that since they are contructed to be superior to the average human they could overthrow the “natural order” of thing. Not that not treating them as human will help them in the long term, since probably more and more Design Soldier will develop more self awareness and remember how they were treated.

Well that how I image what will happen, Maybe something worse or something less drastic could happen, who really know. (Except… well you know, the creator).


No update today.

Sheesh, it’s like circumstances are conspiring against me. :stuck_out_tongue:

(start of rant)
I mean, I have no excuse in that I certainly could work an hour or even half an hour a day and get this segment done, but I prefer to work for a few hours at least so I need that few hour segment to get my mind in the “time to work” setting. I probably should try to alter my workflow in case stuff like this happens in the future. Wasted time is wasted time.

Also, seems to be the anniversary of me posting this thread. A year since I started and it ain’t finished yet, perhaps not even close. Definitely didn’t plan for this to take this long, but what can you do.
(end of rant)

The point is: Tomorrow? :woozy_face:

Depends on your path. I don’t think there are any “default” chases or combat scenes, but there are at least 3 combat scenes and 2 chase scenes that I remember off the top of my head, but each is dependent on branching and choices and so on. Meaning, you might not run into them depending on your choices. Three of these are relatively soon, I believe, at least in the timeline, though some of them are sub-plot dependent and as such won’t be implemented until the ‘second pass’ I’ll be doing at some point.

But one of them is available regardless(supposing you make certain choices), and we’ll be getting to it relatively soon(exactly because we’ll be skipping a lot of sub-plot stuff in the near future). It’s on the default path in the sense that anyone can potentially run into it(I think), but it requires you to consciously make that choice(or be without other options, those depend on a few things based on whether you did the Stillwater path on the slums or the Carrington-Mouse path).

Of course, given my new “most basic version possible” strategy, it might end up being the case that you’ll be forced into the combat variant of the scene no matter what, but it’ll just be “seasoned” with the choices you’ve made and options you’ve uncovered, rather than them spawning entirely new scenes and paths to tread. (Meaning: There’ll be cool stuff that changes the scene itself in minor or major ways rather than me making a variant of the scene, in order to save time and effort)

There’s also at least one scene that’s sort of a combat/chase scene that doesn’t as such fit either description IMO, but I won’t be saying anything about that.

Vague spoilers if you want to know more specifics(no names or plot details to make sure the spoilers don’t actually spoil anything except the ‘concept’)

  1. One is a chase that takes place partially on the monorail.

  2. One is a car chase where you’re in the APC.

  3. One is a large building that’s been taken over Die Hard the movie style(albeit in a much smaller scope). I’ve actually written this almost entirely already and it’s something like 100,000 words. It used to be very early on in my first draft but I had to put it in a very different place and change a bunch of things to make it fit, sadly. But it was probably for the best, since it would’ve made for a drastically different feeling to the story had it happened when I originally planned(it was before you visited the crime scene even!).

  4. One is a large scale confrontation within a building between two non-police groups that you’re forced to blunder into.

  5. One is a police raid into a building.

Looks like you’re invested in your chosen nickname for the perpetrator. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

One could imagine that you might bump into the ‘Decerebrator’ at some point in some potentially non-peaceful way, yes? :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps we’ll see an inkling of that during the story, perhaps not. Perhaps it will depend on what choices you’ve made and thus what branches you’ll access. One story’s conclusion might have nothing to do with them in any real sense, while another might be deeply associated with them. Who is to say? :shushing_face:


Updated with next file.

Contains: Final segment of Fun Tuesday added, aka the pool/billiards game with Carrington and the others.

Current average playthrough:

  • Total average: 120,000(vague estimate) (This segment is currently around 75,000 words compared to the 65,000 words it was previously, so 10,000 added to this, I think? Unless my previous estimate was off, which is possible since I don’t think it was quite 10,000 that I added? Hard to say, maybe it was.)

Alright, Fun Tuesday is officially done now. Please give it a try if you haven’t, and if you have, give it a try to see whether the added stuff is good enough in your opinion.

Since I want some data on it, it’d be nice if you could answer the following two polls below:

Is there a sub-scene that needs more work in the current segment?

  • No, they’re all good.
  • The poker game needs work.
  • The pool game needs work.
  • The TV watching needs work.
  • The arcade game needs work.

0 voters

Should I let the player go through all four options, or is just two a good balance?

  • All four please.
  • Two is a good balance.

0 voters

Anyway, starting tomorrow we’ll move on to other stuff.

Depending on what you’ve chosen previously, it might include a visit to the hospital or other such things.

We’re also at the part of the story where I’ll be skipping forward a bit due to the as-of-yet-not-implemented subplots, so don’t be shocked if the third day is over in a flash(since it’s mostly subplot related).

The fourth day will consist of a relatively hefty set of scenes, and we’ll be spending a bunch of time there.

After that we’re almost done with the ‘basic’ stuff, meaning we’ll be skipping forward a day or two again due to sub-plots, and I’ll implement the ‘cut-off-point’, which is a party of sorts. It signifies that I’ll be doing the much talked about “second polishing run” to make sure everything makes sense before we continue. Essentially I’ll implement the subplots as well as some other relatively minor but as of yet missing ‘basic’ scenes, and other such things, which may very well take a while. After that there’s a bunch of more stuff before the finales, but it’s hard to estimate how much it actually is since things can change a lot compared to my original plans.