Yes, I know. It’s the final countdown, or nearing it, and it’s probably bad form to do this at the eleventh hour.
However… I have something vaguely resembling a game, but I’m still trying to decide whether or not to even submit the darn thing. So, uh… if some folks want to blast through it and give me a ‘yea’ or a ‘nay,’ it’d be greatly appreciated.
Hit me up, I guess, if this sounds like a good time. More information will be given in PM, of course, given the need for secrecy and whatnot.
And, uh… thanks in advance.
edit: Welp. Apparently there’s a powerline down near my house or something. Whatever the cause, I have no power, so I have no wifi, so… I can’t upload anything anywhere at the moment, which means I can’t send a game link to the fantastic folks who’ve volunteered their time for me.
Ain’t life grand?