[CONTEST] Second Annual Chronicler Christmas Contest!

Seasons greetings all. I am pleased to announce the Second Annual Chronicler Christmas Contest!


The deadline is Christmas Eve
Must be developed using Chronicler.
Only completed stories will be eligible to win prizes


We’re going with a new theme this year. Good Vs. Evil
This just means that your story should end with one side of the spectrum triumphing over the other.
Perhaps it is finally time to let the bad guys win? (In a good way of course ;))
Multiple endings with both sides winning are acceptable as well.


Post a reply to this topic if you wish to enter
That’s it! You’re free to make it as long or as short as you see fit. Just remember that you only have 8 weeks to complete it! Up to 2 submissions per individual or team are allowed.

Submissions may be uploaded at dashingdon’s free choicescript hosting.
Upon successful upload, email me at benseawalker@yahoo.com with a link to your game and attach your .chronx file. The subject line must contain “Chronicler Christmas Contest.”


I’m kind of broke this year, so first, second, and third prizes shall consist of one CoG game each (and eternal fame and glory of course). The list of eligible games can be found on Steam.
(Again, Heroes Rise expansions count as individual games)


Voting will be held from Christmas day to to January 1st. A poll thread will be linked to from here with all submitted games. The game with the most votes at the end of this time (along with my own judgment) will be declared the winner along with their second and third place counterparts.


.chronx files will NOT be shared publicly. If privacy is still a concern, then a “demo” project containing only your first scene will still be accepted.

I’ve learned a thing or two from the last competition. First, 4 weeks is not enough time with busy schedules over the holidays. Second, the old version of Chronicler was a mess, and several people dropped out of the competition due to the problems it caused. Hopefully the new version will do much to alleviate these issues. Furthermore, the Linux crowd is now able to compete, and Mac users as well if somebody would like to help release builds for the platform.

I greatly anticipate experiencing all of your entries!

Happy Chronicling

  • BenSeawalker