Consolidated Thread of Game Ideas For Authors

Should they, or shouldn’t they. That is the question. Who is this eponymous “they” anyway? A shadowy organization that waits in the wings, stalking forums for ideas that they can use to write stories? Perhaps they are more abstract, intangible, like the police story itself. Who knows, maybe the real police story is in all of us. The real police story is the friend you made along the way. The journey, rather than the destination. We could all learn from this. I am inspired. The world needs a police story!

I think that Choice of games is lacking in a few types of games like one where YOU get to be a dinosaur. My idea is that you are a Dinosaur (Canovore, hevivore, pterosaur or marine reptile) who gets transported to the modern day just before the KT extinction. You have to survive and learn just how you got here and what the humans want from you. That’s my idea.

Game idea for Author War of silver and iron (Actual title for actual Author to decide)

You are a Supervillain, the greatest criminal mind of the silver age. Your army of ape men rampaged throughout ancient china plundering its riches for your future self. Your Groovy Ray made the world to preoccupied with peace and love to stop you from stealing the Statue of Liberty and turning it into a tasteful lawn decoration for your DOOM fortress. And the cleaver use of your Devolver armed Combat automatons Soon led you to become emperor of the hollow earth ( actually a pocket dimension but who cared about that tidbit at the time). Ah yes your were the most feared Villain of the silver age

But the silver age is gone and your are old and content. Gone is the age of grand schemes and Wonder Weapons Now is a new age a age of iron and Blood of drugs and death. A time where a drugged up madman can send YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER to the hospital and be called a true superhero.

It’s obviously the fault of the current hero villain community for not keeping to standards. So get the dust of those DOOM canons rebuilt your Armies and get that Beautiful mind of yours scheming again. If this is what they call a true hero its time to show them What a real Villain can do.


The Princess Run’s From Fate(my idea)
The king gave the princess’s hand in marriage to her fated one.
the kingdoms most charming advisor.the man who she can’t till him no.
yet the princess wants to oppose fate.can she win???
the idea is that every one in the royal family has a fated person
yet the Princess wishes out of this marriage…

A classic rollicking school adventure, except told from the POV of the teachers. :eyes:


Well, here’s another batch of papers to grade. Whew, done. Oh, here’s forty more…


Behold, someone who doesn’t think that McGonagall was the most badass character in all seven Harry Potter movies.


“You’ve got no choice

You play as someone experiencing a great adventure that is going to drastically change the world. The only problem is that you’re neither the protagonist ,the villain, nor anyone in between. You’re just a humble peasant/commoner trying to have a simple life in the background of all the commotion.

But I guess life is anything but simple even for the lowborn. When the heroes trash some place fighting the bad guy? You might have to clean it up! When a dragon scorches the corn fields? You need to get it back up lest your entire family starve! When two magnificent armies clash? You better clean up the bodies before lethal plagues start to fester!

This is the tedious tale of how the common folks go about their lives when the big boys are busy saving a princess or summoning a demonic overlord


Since I have way too many ideas, I guess I can add the ones I can’t think of an introduction for or my writing wouldn’t match for the story and many other reasons but I still would like to see as a choice game.

  • Game Idea: (You play as an angel named Gabrial, God’s messenger.) It never bothered you being considered an angel after all your not the only angel, but after an unfortunate confrontation, you find yourself envying the archangels and God’s favor towards them. You then get an offer by God, if you can defeat Hell’s monsters from attacking earth you will be awarded of anything of your choice. Will you accept the offer or will you find a more sinister way to get what you want?
  • Game idea: You’re a college student who lives alone with your pet cat and dog who helps you deal with an illness you was diagnosed with as a child. Seems pretty normal right? Well, after a random encounter with a snake you find that every animal you met/meet are now humans, now it’s up to you to solve the curse or maybe you’ll find that you really like this.
  • Game idea: A game about a teenage runaway.
  • Game idea: You are an adult or teenager who has an interest in fairytale stories. Until one day you wake up to find yourself in a world with all the fairytales you have read, but they’re all now messed up versions of the stories. Now it’s up to you to find a certain item in each story to get out of this sick world.
  • Game idea: A game about a group of hackers. You can either be a part of the group or be a helper in uncovering a mystery for them.
  • Game idea: A game where you are a special adult human or supernatural being who if anyone dates/marries you they become a stronger/better version of themselves, Because of this many people have asked for your hand in marriage, until one day a mother comes and asks you to marry one of her supernatural adult children(who you eventually find out are hunters who hunt down monsters who come and hunt for special humans/supernaturals like yourself) in exchange for money, declining or accepting you’re eventually forced to go live in their mansion. To matters worst they hate you (for now) and you possibly hate them as well.
    But then something happens, the monsters have came to town, which means you now all have to work together in order to save yourself while also learning something about your special powers.
  • Game idea: A game about being deaf.

welp, that’s all I have. (I think I went overboard…)(also if anyone decides to use these ideas you can change them around or make them more simple if you like these are more the ones I just had written down)

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I do believe that this idea is a huge possibility. Mainly because I am deaf since birth so it was always one of my story ideas so I could help others understand what life would be like if you were deaf. Also, there’s been a couple of people on this forum that reached out to me about having my opinion on having deaf characters in their story so it’s quite possible we will see a couple of deaf characters in a WIP soon.


A deaf telepath? I think I’m getting an idea here :thinking:


You should check out my mini-game The Second Omen.

The characters are much further removed from the action and don’t do any of the clean-up stuff you mentioned, but it does take place in a massive fantasy world that the characters get to see barely any of at all, with only a few barely recognisable hints of a larger world of opportunity that they could maybe catch a glimpse of if only they had the chance.


Weird I’ve got stuff relating to two recent comments.

@MichaelCrank I included a character recently in my game TDUP that, while not deaf, relies on a regional version of sign language for communication. I wrote sign language very differently to the way I wrote normal speech, with completely different grammar and punctuation. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts about that.

If I were to write a game with a deaf protagonist, I’m not sure I would do it the same way, possibly just indicating that all spoken dialogue is actually sign language and not notating it any differently than usual, though that said most hearing impaired people are not completely deaf. I have a few deaf family members and they converse with no trouble in spoken English when they have their hearing aids in.

Including sign language as well as English has all of the usual issues of incorporating two separate spoken languages in a piece of fiction but with the added bonus that the manner of speaking is very different.

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There’s a lot of things that goes in sign language as I’m sure you already know. Like for example, deaf people who uses sign language with another deaf person tends to express their emotions through both facial and body language so the deaf listener in a conversation would know the tone of the subject.

And for the sign language, well it varies depending on where you’re from. I would go as far as to compare it to the regional accents of a country that people tends to adopt when living in one place since birth or for a long time. Like the differences between a New York accent and a Florida accent would be similar to sign language from New York and sign language from Florida. That and most deaf people uses one of the two American sign languages in US, which would be English which is what I use as sign language and the other called ASL which is basically a shortened version of the English sign language.

Oh, I know all that! Like I said a few of my family members are deaf. They speak ASL, which is awkward for me as the people in the deaf community where I live speak Auslan instead.

When I wrote the sign language sections for TDUP there was a big deal made of the fact that the character’s dialect of sign language was 500 years out of date, and you either have to find the one person who still speaks that dialect or you both have to learn the more modern version.

In practice, the representation of sign language in TDUP included the occasional description of how body language would change the mood or tone and how qualifiers would be added to change a sentence to a question or to a negative form, as well as using a separate sign to indicate plurality. Phrases like “you’re welcome” were also joined together to indicate that it’s just one sign rather than two (for those not in the know, instead of one sign for “you’re” and one for “welcome”, in Auslan for example it’s just one sign: a scooping motion with a cupped hand close to the chest). I added my own grammar structure to it as well to emphasise the difference between an ancient sign language and a more modern spoken language.

And … nobody has commented on the representation of sign language in the game at all! All that work and the response would’ve been the same regardless. Oh well! I tried.

Again, though, I’m not sure if I would tackle it the same way in a story where a sign language is the protagonist’s first language. It would be silly not to recognise the enormous differences between English and ASL/Auslan/other sign languages, but at the same time it would be easy to make it way too tedious when I’m sure that most people would just prefer straight-forward written English with “by the way pretend they’re speaking ASL” tacked on ahead of time.


Really? That’s great to hear, I’m not deaf so i wouldn’t really know how it feels to be deaf. (And despite researching about experiences being deaf i still felt like i didn’t have enough information.)

I would be incredibly interested in a Modern setting, sci-fi game about an Alien Invasion on Earth. It could go either way too, you play as the alien invaders or you play as the humans dealing with an alien invasion. I think there’s a lot of potential for both sides of the story, just off the top of my head combat, diplomacy, romance, and resources management could be huge elements in the game. I mean the ideas in my head would have a little something for everyone. Just imagine being the human resistance leader and settling a peace deal with the Alien invaders because you managed to romance one of their leaders or the heir to the alien monarchical society. Or hell, the flipside conquering Earth dealing with the passionate, resilient, and empathetic humans and falling in love with one.

The scenarios are near limitless in my mind in terms of an Alien Invasion game and if I had any trace of talent in writing I’d do it myself! So please…no, I hope someone sees this and decides I was onto something good and just runs with it.


I am hearing impaired in real life, so I greatly support this idea! :smiley: Will we have hearing aids, cochlear implants or use sign language in this CS game?

I was thinking back and remembered the game of dead space. A game where you are trapped in space, a light year from civilization surrounded by physical and physiological horrors. A true feeling of isolation and fear of the unknown. I was wondering what others would think about an interactive novel with a similar concept, if it would work at all.


Maybe i’m sadistic or something, but i wanna play a game with a dark story where the MC suffers a lot. I’ve thought about this a little and i think the best way this could be achieved is to include some sort of time travel method, so other characters can be messed with to further the suffering of the MC but they’ll always end up okay because the bad shit always ends up resetting, yet the MC is the only one who remembers everything. I guess this would justify being able to save in the game since it could just be seen as the MC going back or whatever.

Some cool superpowers Ideas for less popular superpowers?