COGDemos bugs/requests

I decided to start a new thread specifically for bugs and requests people have for COGDemos, mainly due to a bug that @whizumi reported today.

For those who are getting early game ends (i.e., hitting the “play again” screen before you should), you can easily remedy this by adding a " goto_scene command". I am not certain why this is happening yet, but @whizumi discovered that the early end occurs when the author is using a *finish command without any directive of where to go next. Adding “*goto scene” remedies this issue.

I will be taking a look at it to see if I can figure out what’s causing it, because the choicescript code section should actually be handling this. If I can’t quickly figure it out, I’ll pass it to the dev.

If you have any other bugs you find, or changes/requests you’d like to make, please report them here so it will be easier for me to keep track of them in one place.

Thanks for your patience and I hope everyone is enjoying the new site!

I’ll be adding “How-to” links as I make them or find things that may be pertinent to using the site.

How to…

How to Use the Quicksave Slot

How to Clear Cookies and/or Cache from a specific site


Isn’t ending the game if the *finish doesn’t find where to go how it should happen? Or is the issue that it isn’t finding directions that are there?

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From what @whizumi told me, it should be proceeding to the next scene listed in startup.txt (end of chapter/scene), but it’s ending the game, instead. Once the goto scene is added, it works.

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Just double-checking that the scene is listed in the file.


Pinning this thread in the General category for ease of navigation throughout the forum. :heart:

Can I check whether it’s intentional for games to start at the beginning if the page is refreshed or navigated away from? I thought it saved where you are, but when I was playing House of Prestidigitation on cogdemos this morning (on Firefox on mobile) I think the page refreshed and it went back to the start of the game. I don’t think it was due to the game having been updated as I didn’t see any message related to that.


So, the buttons at the top of the screen (show stats, restart e.t.c.) are kind of large and distracting. Is it possible to implement a way to make them smaller?


That feature was removed since it was causing issues. Now if you refresh it will start from beginning instead of where you left it


Ah, got it. Thanks!

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Hi, l’m not sure if it’s been reported, so I’m sorry if this is just another report on a large pile. I’ve been having an issue when I’m connected to wifi demos will not load but when I’m over me moblie data it works fine.

I don’t believe this is an issue with my wifi because I’ve never seen anything like at on it before.


So I opened Chains of Destiny: Book One and it gives me this

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That looks like the “browser cache full” issue I recall some people having… try clearing your cache/site data/whatever-it-is your browser is calling it, and/or giving it more space?


Is it on mobile that it seems too big? Or both?

@MR_games_M I think @LiliArch is correct. I’d try clearing the cache and deleting your cookies.

Also… the dev put in a PR for fixing one of the cache issues that caused images not to show correctly after being uploaded. I tested it on my local server and it seemed to fix it. I pushed it into prod and some of the games that weren’t showing images (like Mind Blind) are now showing the images. I did delete my cookie before testing it, but it basically forces the games to not cache scenes files and grab them on the fly. I believe that should fix this particular problem.

@HarrisPS Sorry about that, but @Big_fan1231 is correct. We had to get rid of the feature where it will reload the page without a restart, because then it was causing achievements to break. The dev is still working on a way to save where you left off without that happening, but hasn’t found a way to implement it yet (he had tried loading startup.txt every time you opened the game, no matter where it was, but it didn’t work when I tested it).


Sorry to bothering you but what do you mean by cookie?

It’s no bother. I was going to write instructions, but this page explains it well and has screenshots:

You’re probably thought about this already, but I’m wondering, regarding the “losing progress on window refresh” issue, would it be possible to have some kind of autosave (like, automatically making an actual save to an autosave slot, like the quicksave) and then doing something like asking the player, when they come back, if they want to load it and continue where they left (if the game hasn’t updated, probably)?


I had actually thought about forcing a quicksave before the page is refreshed, but I like your idea better. It can be a hidden save, so it’s only overwritten by the app on window refreshes. And, possibly, when the tab/window is closed, so it does an autosave before the site is closed.

I’ll mention this to the dev. Thanks!


Glad that my software designer degree has some use. :stuck_out_tongue:


i haven’t tried it out on anything else but mobile so far!

EDIT: I should clarify that it’s an IOS phone I’m using so I don’t know if it’s the same on Android phones.

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This is from Gods and Villains. After the prologue there should be chapter 1 which the author added recently. I reported the bug to them but they haven’t responded yet :person_shrugging: I don’t know if it’s just me or if it doesn’t work for others too.