Chronicler Christmas Contest!

Send me a PM with your idea, and I might be able to throw some suggestions or code your way. (:

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The offer is much appreciated. :relaxed: First, I shall give it my best. If I still stumble like a newborn babe come morrow eve I may just end up bothering you, so prepare yourself! :blush:

And here we are. I’ve learnt a bit of scripting and made the beginning of the story, but oh dear, I bit of far too much thinking I could both write this little story - simplistic and short as it is/will be - and learn the Chronicler programme, and ChoiceScript as a side-effect, at the same time. :sweat:

In the end, my creation as it stand is highly unfinished, sadly unpolished and pathetically linear and only contains the introduction, really. I suffer a writers blockhead, I’d say. :neutral_face:

But, I have indeed learnt a great deal. Some things even positive! :smirk:

To submit it in its sad, unworthy state, or merely submit, that is the question in question.

I feel I deserve nothing for it, yet I dread I might all but rob another (the other?) submitter if I do not. :flushed:

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Go for it! I’ve been curious as a cat experiencing its first winter since you announced your entry. (:

Also, my offer of last minute help still stands. (:

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Submission topic is up!