Choice of the Dragon just hit 1 million downloads on Google Play! DAYUM! Congrats to the authors and Choice of Games. It’s certainly well deserved.
Nice! And that’s just one marketplace, too. Could be more than twice that in total, right?
Now that is just hot!
Wow That’s alot of people.
Well hot damn, that’s the very first CoG that I ever played. Little ones all grown up now sheds a solitary tear
Same here! #canrelate
Choice of the Dragon was my first CoG as well, and the story that made me decide to write my own HGs.
It was a very simple one too, I feel as though it could be improved upon
Gotta remember, this was the very first of COG’s titles to come out. Yeah it’s simple, but it had to be given the early nature of the programming and I still think it has a charm about it even so. And of course it is free.
Anyway, that is very cool it’s gotten over 1,000,000 downloads
Quite possibly the game that introduced most to CoG, myself included.
I wonder if Half Life 3 will come out before Choice of the Dragon 2.
FWIW, eight years later, people still can’t figure out how to get a mate.
This was a review posted a few moments ago:
I’m late to the party. Anyway, Choice of the Dragon is also the very first Choice of Game I’ve played, back in 2010. I loved the game so much I played it over and over for almost one month just to see all the possible paths and endings. Imagine my joy when I found that it can be downloaded as an app years later when I decided to revisit this game.
Dude, I got myself a different mate everytime I played (as a different dragon, both straight and gay). XD They would go into hibernation in your cave/home eventually if you don’t move. So you’d continue the last chapter and epilogue without them. If you do move out of your cave, you’d go on to terrorise another territory/town with your mate and the story ends there.