Here’s a nice article about Choice of Games with shoutouts to Affairs of the Court, Choice of the Vampire, Choice of Magics and A Midsummer Night’s Choice: How One Company Is Breathing Life into Interactive Fiction
I am so excited about that finally media is starting notice Cog and if in general. And I hope that means sells. And @HarrisPS I hope your game developer diary attracts other future Cog authors to do the same. If they see people helps and means more sells. Due it must be a pain in the ass read all our ramblings in your game thread . So thanks for your extra work dealing with us.
Hope @kgold doesn’t mind me tagging his name here just for him to see the article’s piece on Choice of Magic
Nice! I wouldn’t especially call CYOA a ‘thing of the past’ as they do given that numerous groups have revived the concept physically and digitally, though I suppose it is still a niche market of sorts… but I’m glad to see a major games news station highlighting the genre. Wish they had highlighted a few more modern games though… no love for Tin Star or Choice of Robots, and given the author’s interest in Choice of the Vampire 3, Wayhaven Chronicles should have certainly got their attention.
…also is it bad I see the pictures of COG games as physical books and suddenly wish those were an actual thing?
Technically, Tin Star and Wayhaven are hosted games, so I guess one could justify overlooking them, mistake or otherwise. As for Choice of Robots, at least Choice of Magic is featured so fair compromise, I suppose.
Well given we’re getting close to nearly a hundred COG games now and not that far off that with the Hosted Line, I can respect if they only had time to mention a handful. Everyone’s hit list of such games is going to be different anyway.
Lol, I have checked my list on my phone andI have 53 installed… And that’s not 3/4 of the ones I bought lol. I must be crazy lol I never thought I had so many… I have to stop buying games
There are, in a fact, 107 HGs currently published (109 tomorrow), and 87 COGs (if you count Affairs as 3).
ALSO: if anyone wants to upvote on r/interactivefiction:
Wow. I remember a time when there was roughly 15-20 in total. COGs and HGs really has come a long way and all for the better.
Good to see the recognition!
I recently (FINALLY) got my friends into CoG (it only took me loaning my phone out for hours so they could try one of my apps) and started going through my library and listing the ones I’ve played : “Oh you might like X, there’s a character in there you’ll enjoy,” “I wasn’t a fan of Y, but the game style might suit you better” style.
Until I realized I owned somewhere around 80 of them.
I own significantly fewer HG titles, but the ones I do own beat out most of the CoG titles for spots on my favorites lists.
I am near 100 or so lol… But I have been here like 6 years or so then aren’t so much lol. I have more or less same number of Cog than hosted. And so far Hosted have been or the very best of really really bad . Thankfully The standard is growing rapidly.
Cog has advanced the most lately. The quality and branching has improved significantly. In fact , there has been a lot of time since I give one of my famous ruthless criticism reviews to a Cog. And that’s super cool to everyone.
Heh… it probably would have been better if the article hadn’t mentioned Choice of the Dragon even indirectly considering it’s like, the first CoG ever, and it kinda shows now days. We could really use an updated take on the concept.
It’s great seeing CoG get a bit of mainstream recognition, though I’m sure Jason’s going to get nit picked for implying D&D needs it’s legacy carried on by someone else. XD
Love whenever I hear this, always great for the company.
On the other hand I’m very worried that the increased publicity will attract more trolls and jerks to the cog forum.
Also why the heck does everyone mention inkle? They make games with images and pictures not text only(with exceptions) like cog
Not on my watch. Constant vigilance!
@Gower I hope you don’t consider me a Troll lol. Many people does lol. And I swear I am a softie deep down