Choice of Romance — Now in Spanish!

If you’re gonna translate bible-long text-like texts your best bet is Spanishdict, I haven’t found any translator so good for Spanish/English and viceversa in any other place; I used to translate my economy texts when I was studying to get them better and it had no trouble, given you had a basic understanding of what you were reading.

In any case, I still wouldn’t recommend doing that to full books, best thing you could do is to have someone with expertise in both languages plus the translator.

but would the income be enough to not only pay for a translating but to also actually make money? Choice of Dragons, afaik, was translated to Spanish due to the seemingly constant demand of having books in Spanish and it was a big fiasco.

I’m all for having books in my native tongue but not if it imposes a negative on CoG.


Well, that’s true, but come on, the audience really, I don’t think they realize it, it’s more, I think it would be more praise than criticism for doing that, and the translator has grown a lot to the point that he writes what you think - that’s a big leap.

But choice of the dragon has 1 million downloads I imagine instead of fiasco it was a gold mine for CoG

Dude, what negg and I are trying to say is: Machine translation is BAD. If you want something translated you ought to pay someone to do it well if you can’t do it yourself, or if no one does it voluntarily.


It was not, I already told you, it didn’t even cover for the cost of having it translated to Spanish and Dragons is not big compared to nowadays books that go over million words

just on the off-chance it could help someone later—I’d like to counter this with DeepL. Spanish is a recent second language for me and writing/reading it has always been much easier for me. my last job involved translating a lot of things since our head office was in the UK and DeepL is the only decent translator I’ve ever come across. I wouldn’t put any highly stylized or overly long/complex sentences in it, but it is very good at alternative translation suggestions and discerning the difference between formal and casual. (though i think that’s mainly utilized in the paid version; could be worth it since the free works well?) Breaking sentences up into shorter, concise sentences leads to very accurate translations, in my experience. My native Spanish-speaking co-workers agreed.