Choice of Robots Achievement Guide

The main reason I mentioned the Autonomy is you said “Your robot can’t make a child.” in a previous post but if Autonomy is 20, the robot does make one…

Heh, and yeah, it is weird how many people managed to get it.

The robotchild needing an autonomy over 15 is actually important. It’s likely one of the requisites that makes getting the lunatic achievement so difficult. It’s why I went looking for methods of having high autonomy, but not having a robot-child.

It looks like the key is to having all of the robots controlled, either by you or your own robot. In that situation your robot doesn’t make its own child.

Okay, I will explore both paths later tonight. If it works, I’ll let you know :slight_smile:

Okay FairyGodFeather, I just got the Lunatic Achievement thanks to your help. Your earlier observations were good. I let the robots take over (Grace 25), but without a war. You were also correct about how a high Autonomy/no child if your robot is in control. Just from my own playthrough, you don’t want to build a robot double, or get a chip in your head…I think this overrides the ending. However, I let the doctor do surgery on me, and it worked.

I can try to create a more complete walkthrough later, but I’m taking a break from this game :slight_smile:

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Just filled in a few more achievements. Edits and corrections welcome from other players.

Have now got them all except Kinkadian, Lunatic, Officiant, and First Mate…

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Ehh, I think First Mate requires you to donate to President Irons, have no romances and be able to advise the government in DC.

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Hi Havenstone, if you take a peek at FairyGodFeather and my previous exchange I managed to get the Lunatic Achievement. I can detail it a bit more later if you wish. Of course, if you want to double check it yourself, that’s fine.

I also got the Officiant Achievement (and it is partially spoilered) as well. I’ll copy it here:

Officiant Achievement
First, the key part is to keep Autonomy low. I think it needs to be lower than 15. The reason for this is that if it is high enough, your Robot will build her own robot. You need to keep this from happening.

Second, you need to be single yourself. It seems if your robot builds a kid (as above), or if you are married, this will pre-empt the Officiant ending.

Third, the Cult/Church of your Robot has to exist (whether you started it, or someone else did). The wedding will take part with it.

Additionally, try to avoid special endings (like being honored by the White House, etc.)

Kinkadian Achievement
I don’t have the exact stats, but I know when it occurs. If you are in a relationship with Elly (especially if you are married) you will then get a scene where she is painting, and makes a comment about it not being a thing Robots can do. You will then get a variety of choices…if you pick the second one (figure out what makes it popular), and if your robot is successful, you will get the Kinkadian Achievement. (I don’t know if it would work on the first choice where you copy Elly’s style). I believe a high Empathy is necessary to make this work.

First Mate
09o09o is pretty much on track. You can’t be in a romance, and you need to donate money to President Irons (the more the better). You also need to help the US win the war against China (which allows you to be honored at the White House). Toward the end, you will be asked where you wish to move, and you should pick Washington DC. There will be some text where you meet President Irons again, and you can ask her out for coffee.

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Ah. I’d never got the art scene with Elly before, but it takes place in the robot utopia (high Grace path) when you’re in a relationship with her. And yes, for the achievement, you need to ask your robot to make popular art, not copy Elly’s style. :slight_smile:

Edit: and just got, for the first time, the option to build my factory in the shape of a giant pickle. Not an achievement, but should be!


Your robot needs to be named Pickle.

I imagine it looking something like


How do you get the kingmaker achievement ?

If I’m not wrong… you have to get to one of the “software backdoor” choices that gives control of all the robots in the world to your robot – and rhe has to have enough Autonomy to accept it and run things rhimself (otherwise you get Mastermind, where you basically rule the world).

I think I’ve run across that choice on both a high Grace and a high Autonomy path?

Yes, and a couple of back and forth address further up in the thread.

FairyGodfeather has these parts:
You need to have an autonomy of 20 or more. You can’t be married. Your robot can’t make a child. You can’t have been supplying the military and won the war. You can’t control Alaska. You can’t die of the brain thing. You need to be surrounded by robots. (Which looks like robots can’t be destroyed, and robots can’t have won their revolution).

My own additional observations is that it is arguably best to be single. I also decided to let the robots take over (Grace 25), such as eliminating war.

heya, so i’m having problem with the Honored achievement.

i helped the US win the war and got the coin.
i got the Autonomy route for Chapter 6.
i got to save President Irons.
i went to the lab, told the robots to leave Professor Ziegler alone and got Juliet killed.
i got into the Top Secret room with the password but the option to destroy all the robots wasn’t there.

i only had three options:

  • give my robot control over all other robots
  • attack China
  • run away

do i need a certain amount of some other stat for the option of destroying all robots?
my character’s single and has really low Humanity, if anyone’s wondering.

Destroying all the robots requires that they not have the ‘haxproof’ flag, which is given either by giving your robot the encrypted hard drive at the very beginning, or by having Tammy/Silas in business with you and locking down your company’s internet entirely when (s)he discovers the Chinese rootkit.

Can one make their own startup? If so, how do you make it as successful as possible? What happens when you avoid WW 3? What happens when you attack China?

Really great thread, You might want to put it in the hints section though.

Where is that in the forum?

tragic hero, dont get ur arm blown off, I didn’t think you could get it blown off

Woof. Not even done… 63 military.


About Kingmaker this is like Mastermind but without Autonom Check instead you need to give your robot the control.

sdfhfjjtryju5 Don’t think I can put more hours into this bloody game…