Choice of Rebels: Stormwright (XoR2 WIP)

Oof that’s, that’s some rebellion indeed. Tho it would make incredibly great story if your mc somehow win the rebellion.


Just ran through this scenario again and there was no mention by Ciels that the climbers got away at any point. Also there was no “oh shit” reaction from the mc where they realize Ciels had been bluffing after the climbers do the flanking attack.

Also got this passage even though the reivers were held off at the tunnel and didn’t get in.


Vigil? I don’t remember encountering it. Is there something I missed on my playthrough?

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I’m actually curious, IIRC, Nyryal is a cultural offshoot of Halasur. Are they based off of any real-life cultures like the other nations? I was thinking Armenia for some reason (mostly bc Halasur has Persian influence and Armenians are a Persic people) but it could be any number of nations, especially since Halasur was also mentioned to have Arabic and Turkish influences. Could be anything from Iraq to Kazakstan.

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Yes. Vigil is where the storms come from. To go there one must save Wolfbait in Game 1, then talk to either Bellem (Village) or Kyllik (Nomad) and run through their dialogue. Should be fairly obvious what to do after that, I recommend going as a Theurge for the best experience.

Yes. You can flip his testing option before starting the demo as is right now.


How do you save Wolfbait in G1? I don’t recall meeting anyone by that name. Is he the guy we saved from Plektoi? That’d explain the name.

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Is it possible (however unlikely) for a person to get a lovely, otherworldly beautiful Change from the Storm? I’m thinking along the line of, e.g, your hair becomes pearl-colored crystal, crowning your head like a splendid latticework tiara with millions little rainbow dancing on it whenever it is kissed by sunlight. Or, maybe it’s your body that Changes so that you smell “sweeter than roses and fresher than mint” and you have a cloud of luminescent blue butterflies always flying after you?


Theoretically, I don’t see why not. If one can get benign changes such as scales they could likely get changes others might deem ‘beneficial’. Not like the storms care after all, if this chapter has revealed anything its that they aren’t actively malicious, just most things can’t handle being changed too much.


Then our impression of the Storms is pretty different since I don’t think what the Storms create is truly random. It seems like 99% of the time, its creations would be deemed ‘random’ at best or nightmarish at worst. And the rest 1% are “those rare times when Xaos throws out something more beautiful than I’d have seen in a hundred years of dreaming.” (in the words of Bellem the village elder). And my impression from reading the chapter carefully is that there is no middle ground at all.

Among the 99% ‘random’ Changes, I’m sure some are beneficial in some ways. We have seen that some of the reivers are Changed in a way that makes them more fit for reiving. However, the Changes in the examples that I asked allude to the 1% of rare true beauty.

I’d appreciate it if anyone have some insight about this.

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Was romancing Simon and had him with me and got hit on by Lyssen, my only options were refusing her in order to maintain chastity or not being interested. There should be an option to say “I’m basically engaged to that guy over there, so no thanks”


A beautiful dream, indeed. :slight_smile:

Though I’m still curious about the political realities that accompany said dream.

Within Shayard’s borders, does the de Syrnon monarch rule as an absolute monarch, or will your Eclect MC manage to keep them in check with a Grand Moot? (perhaps even calling in some favors from your Leaguer allies along the way)

And beyond Shayard’s borders, will a freed Shayard (under the guidance of your Eclect MC and their handpicked de Syrnon monarch)…
1- Stubbornly remain isolationist,
2- Try to dominate everybody else (to form a continental Shayardene Empire),
3- Form a koinon (in which Shayard is the dominant superpower, but is nice enough to give meaningful representation/voting power to the other provinces),
4- Form a more balanced “all provinces are equal” koinon,
5- Skip having a formal/federal government altogether to instead loosely tie together all the independent provinces in a decentralized alliance/confederation
6- Or form some other hybrid/nuanced government model?

Noted, and thanks for clarifying, @apple!

On another note, @Havenstone, will there be dialogue to acknowledge a trans MC who decided to change genders for purely pragmatic/social-climbing reasons?
(Rather than embracing the gender change for genuine spiritual self-fulfillment)

1- E.g. “Originally born as male” aristo INT MC wants to become king of Shayard (with Abelard (or some other eligible bachelor male aristo) as his husband), but because the de Syrnon monarch is expected to produce biological heirs, MC works around the problem by Theurgically changing himself into a woman.
However, if you’d like to make things more complicated, MC’s gender change (if widely known) might open the door to having her fake “de Syrnon heir” backstory more closely scrutinized, right? (Since “someone who can easily change their own body/identity with magical powers on a whim should not be immediately trusted.”)

2- Other e.g. Heterosexual male MC now aspires to upend his entire identity/orientation (transforming himself into a lesbian), AND sacrifice his ability to cross a Ward, solely for the sake of accommodating the romantic tastes of the woman he wishes to court (Cerlota),

Current headcanon that comes to mind: the present-day Theurgic descendants (of the Brauracha survivors who originally unleashed the Xaos-storms) are desperately working behind the scenes to undo the catastrophe/Xaos-storms that their mad scientist ancestors caused long ago (with mixed/varying consequences).
Any “1% of rare true beauty” instances that MC witnesses is probably a result of this “atoner subfaction’s” experimental treatment briefly working as intended.

Who in their right mind would dare cheat on/betray such an adorable cinnamon roll? :unamused:
Anyways, I’m very glad to hear you stayed loyal. :slight_smile:


I would be extremely opposed to any sort of ‘heterosexual man transes their gender to seduce a lesbian’ plot. That just has… so many bad implications. Any sex/gender change should be written as genuinely desired, otherwise it gets super icky super fast.


That’s really an interesting theory!

Though, do you have any idea why the “atoner faction” does not try to atone in a more practical way? I mean, singing star flowers and golden cloud birds are nice, but when people of the land are starving, wouldn’t it be better if they try to create a bounteous land full of ripe fruits, green vegetables, and maybe even roasted pigs wandering about ready to be eaten, like our world’s mythical Cockaigne…

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“Never attribute to malice what can instead be explained by stupidity.” (in this case, my stupidity)

I apologize for my suggestion. My original intent was more around the lines of “MC is willing to drastically sacrifice something he previously/stubbornly held on to (his masculinity) in order to demonstrate his affection for the intelligent woman who saved him from the brink of death, and then deeply inspired him.” (Rather than the carnal pursuit of “pursuing seduction for mere momentary pleasures of the flesh”)

In that regard, I see my trans MC as a tragic Van Gogh-like figure (one who impulsively chooses a drastic method of showing affection without taking the time to realize that there were healthier/less extreme ways of demonstrating said affection).

But if the icky implication you pointed out is overpowering enough to overshadow my original intent, then I will accordingly retract my suggestion:

Thank for the warm (and quick!) vote of confidence.

As for the rebuttal (about the “why not atone in a more practical way?”), I honestly did not think that far ahead, and will instead get back to you later (after later games give us more reveals/context to work with).


Can anyone list all the ROs so far available

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Hey! Long time fan of CoR and loved the playtest for the upcoming next installment. Many of the issues i encountered have already been addressed. One thing that did feel a bit off was a conversation with Cerlota about the Halassurqs. According to Cerlota, the Hegemony protects us from traveling down the dark path of harrowing children. While it is true that the hegemony doesn’t have a systemic practice of child sacrifice, we know from the first book that Hegemony does, in fact, harrow children as a method of control. I find it odd that we can’t respond to Cerlota saying that the rebellion in part started as a reaction to the prospect of the helot children in town being harrowed. It would be interesting to see how Cerlota rationalizes those actions and responds to the criticism.

But that aside, fantastic game and i can’t wait for the finished product!!


Is there a way to get the loyalty of the village? Tried everything, could not find a way…

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Yes, he is the man you save from the Plektoi at the beginning of G1. I find that you have to do 3 things in order to save him:

  1. When you run into him, tell him to get away from you.
  2. When the Theurge hunting him asks where he went, deliberately send him in the wrong direction.
  3. Finally, go back to the woods in order to check if he escaped. If you succeeded, you will find evidence that he got away, and also get an achievement.

I would genuinely like there to be other ways to save him - I’m hoping that the thing at the bottom of the cliff that could be a log is actually a log, and the MC simply convinced themself otherwise due to their expectations of what they’d find.

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Yet another supporting bullet point for my “Cerlota was bamboozled by her boss’ misinformation campaign” theory! :thinking:

This, here, was always the most interesting/puzzling part of the “rescue route”: I’m required to counter-intuitively act rude/cowardly to the guy that I want to rescue.

Is this prologue supposed to be a warning about MC’s compassionate inclinations coming back to bite him multiple times in future games?

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