I really hope that phrase ends up being a potential title of an aristo-MC specific G5 end state achievement!
*With ‘hope’ being defined as a heroic figure who has left behind a positive legacy that’s as betrayal/war-crime free as possible?
By the way, what is the Karagond culture stance on adult couples who are separated by a considerable age gap? (e.g. MC and Cerlota)
As long as both “other half” partners are consenting adults, is age gap negligible? (in the eyes of the Karagonds)
Oh dear. Then in retrospect, aristo MC must have had a very thick skin (and LOTS of unconditional love towards ‘cousin Calea’) for them to still be able to click “gratitude/fondness/giving the benefit of doubt” dialogue options such as “Trust Calea to find a way.”
Could male helot MC’s ‘fling with Calea’ subplot be pursued/interpreted as a cold-blooded revenge plan? (with a potential “you’re about to die” one-liner being, “This one’s for Dann, you evil witch/seductress!”)
And to make things more interesting, maybe there could be multiple opportunities for MC to act upon said revenge:
1- Game 2 at Grand Shayard (if MC wanted to strike down Calea ASAP),
2- Games 3-5 (if MC wanted to delay his revenge in order to squeeze as much intel/usefulness out of Calea before eventually (and covertly) killing her)
If the XoR cast were assigned roles from Clue, then Calea would be Mrs. White.
“Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable. - Mrs. White, (Clue 1985)”
FYI, got the games (Question Arcs, Answer Arcs) on Steam sale discount back in Apr 2020, but haven’t yet found the time/urgency to play them yet (amidst my other hobbies). Thanks for advocating the games’ strong selling points; I’ll see what I can do to rearrange my schedule! (if time/opportunities permit)
Yay, nepotism! (and again, thanks for the clarification!)
Well, who’s to say that MC was Sarcifer’s only potential recruitment candidate? Maybe there’s an entire spread of prospective “Sarcifer Project” candidates out there who are taking up Sarcifer’s time? (and INT MC isn’t classified as noteworthy/urgent until they achieve a victory (of some sort) in Game 1)
A claim/hypothesis which happens to be at odds with Havie’s May 2020 statement: “For rather different reasons, Sarcifer himself will prefer using you to usurping you. Unless and until you manage to build a revolt on a scale that actually threatens to overtake his own. ”
Sarcifer may “letter of the law” talk a big game about weakening the institutional power of Theurges, but his potential plan to be a shadow dictator Theurge (who uses MC as his puppet/pawn) violates the “spirit of the law” (FYI, ‘law’ being Sarcifer’s alleged principles, for the context of this argument).
Thanks for the memory jog, and Crimson Rams would totally be an awesome faction name!
Noted. I will take that into consideration going forward!
Conversely, if MC deliberately pursued a low-anarchy path (e.g. the Archon is co-opted, and Shayard remains as chaos-free as possible), tried to recruit the aristos to his cause, and then (later) pushed for meritocratic reforms that redistributed land (and power) from the aristos to the lower orders, then the Keriatou might be an obvious rallying point for Outer Rim aristos who wish to rebel against MC (in order to keep their aristo privileges/lands), right?
Yeah, that was the most surprising aspect of Pon Para Game 2. Who could have possibly foreseen/imagined that Urmish, out of all the characters, could…
1- Exploit Hyras’ inevitable death to transform the Sea Kingdom into his own personal fiefdom/theocracy,
2- And then form unexpected alliances with various Stormraiders and the Condors of Patabesh to unleash a conspiracy to “realign the pantheon”?
Water is the element of life/renewal (even more so than air, per my opinion/personal preference), so water was the obvious choice for me.
Very interesting choice of words (for what you would consider a dealbreaker in your alliances with the Homelander factions).
Perhaps you might strongly find common cause with the Earlunder movement, who have the potential to “withdraw into a narrow Westriding-plus-Rim yeoman nationalism that feels betrayed by and alienated from the coastal elite.”
" ̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶R̶e̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶ Shayard cannot be fixed, my lady. It is time to start over." - Count Dooku (leader of the ̶S̶e̶p̶a̶r̶a̶t̶i̶s̶t̶ ̶A̶l̶l̶i̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ Earlunder movement)
Or, is your character instead 100% committed to have all Shayardenes hold to a broader Shayardene identity?