Choice of Rebels: Stormwright (XoR2 WIP)

Well my personal issue with it is that I play helot mc’s who already know how supremely cruel the Hegemony can be. That origin feels more like it is written to be a wakeup call for a noble mc to get to be a first hand witness to some of the more despicable stuff the Hegemony does.

Does that mean mc’s like mine who at best tolerate the faith of others as long as it doesn’t really hurt them personally can reflect on some other stuff instead?


Can MC’s with CHA 1 have a cult of personality as well if they win a lot? Napoleon for instance wasn’t a great orator and could be awkward when it came to small talk, but clearly had a cult of personality and an incredible command presence on the battlefield and could connect with his soldiers in a way that he didn’t necessarily with civilians in person.

I think if Linos or Breden convinced people the MC was Eclect and they won at High Crag, such an MC could have something of a personality cult around them as well, though maybe one they have less personal control over. Such a COM or INT MC would need to rely more on other people to continue to manage their brand for them.


Along that line, how far can non-CHA MCs go with faith-building?


I just had a tought with Irduin, i would rather not disturb the peace. Not because i think what is going there is great or anything i still abhor slavery(Wich Helotry is) but honestly if the people there are happy with what they have then the best option is after the revolution to give the helots there the choice to leave if they wish to and honestly who am i to incite Irduin into violence against the wish of those same helots im supposedly fighting for?


Anyone else got following error at vigil?

chaos line 9382: the achievement name vigil was not declared as an *achievement in startup

for me it happens after any of those choices:

Any advice on what to do?

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Make a save when it pops up, restart the game then load that save and you should be able to keep going. The new demo website is a bit buggy


@Havenstone Are there primate Seracca? Not sure if evolution is a thing in this world but humans are still very similar to primates, would they have an easier time changing themselves? I’d think a tail would be relatively easy to accomplish on account of the coccyx: on some level the human body remembers it once grew a tail.


Taxonomically, humans are actually classified as apes and therefore as primates.

Primates include apes, monkeys and lemurs.


Since Richard Dawkins was mentioned as the inspiration for Geash, I do have to wonder if, in a timeline where skepticism doesn’t supplant religion, he’ll pivot to conservative Xthonos talking points to stay relevant.


Well, Gaesh has lived in that timeline for hundreds of years and hasn’t pivoted yet, so seems unlikely.


@Havenstone Could Linos truly, supernaturally “tell”, that the MC is Eclect (“Only a true priest can tell when they are in the presence of an Eclect”), or did he just put two and two together, based on the circumstances?

“Eclects are called in times of trouble + this MC is a rebel against this regime that I think has lost favor with the Angels and is doomed to fail = This MC is Eclect”

Or perhaps a a combination of both? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Not in the same widespread way.

With help from charismatic prophet-types, they can go far.

There’s an ape clan in the deep south–one of the oldest Gara’u. No other non-human primates, though.

I know you’re just making a Dawkins joke, but calling him the inspiration for Ghaesh is going to give people the wrong idea. :slight_smile: The one time I mentioned him was a rather strained comparison of Richards (Dawkins and Matheson i.e. the I Am Legend author). The lich lord is going to be interested in persuading you to adopt his perspective on the world, and he’s a non-theist; but I certainly didn’t have the “New Atheists” in general or Dawkins specifically in mind when I came up with him.


The fact that he wanted himself and Horion released was very solid evidence that the Angels had chosen their Eclect.


My mc just laughed in his face. Thanks for that option Havie. Well he did release them eventually, after all in spite of everything else they were his first true guests, but unless Horion and Linos are faking their deaths, like I suspect, it did them little good in the end.


Well then suddenly I’m very thankful that I never gotten rid of Breden in any of my main mc runs even though he is a unbeliever (for now :smiling_imp: )

Yep luckily I have him in case Breden can’t be brought around plus my mc main goal right now is finding more priests willing to declare them Elect

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FWIW I get the feeling Breden may only be super useful for the Inner Voice. They don’t seem to believe the MC’s claim of Eclecthood, and seem rather skeptical of Kenon. Inner Voice is the only one they’ll enthusiastically assist in setting up. I imagine Ettena will be your gal for Kenon, and as Eclect you’ll want like… an actual priest lol. Edwer should help with Eclectoi and Inner Voicers too.

Actually, @Havenstone will there ever be a snappy name for the heresy of the Inner Voice? Something to call proponents, even those not actually in our rebellion. You aren’t a real heretic until you’re a “Lollard” or a “Cathar”. “Inner Voicer” or Xthonos forbid the mouthful that is “follower of the Inner Voice” doesn’t quite have the right ring to it, certainly far less than say “Kenonist”.

(TBH Katharoi, that is the original Greek the word Cathar derived from, probably wouldn’t be a bad name for a movement in setting. Maybe not Inner Voice specifically, but something.)




It will be pretty interesting to start to have characters with 2 in two stats be compared with those that have 3 in one and whether specialist or hybrid approaches end up being better.

I know you’ve said that balanced characters will have some options available to them that the specialists won’t. An MC with final score of INT 3 and CHA 3 does seem like they would have unique opportunities compared to a 5:1 character for example.


I wonder too if it’ll ever be useful to remedy your 0 stat, will there ever be a viable jack of all trades path.


one thing that i don’t like in village fight is that we cant really do 2 different plans at the same time.
for example if you have Ciel’s you can tell him to go to scout so we are not flanked and com 2 mc can prepare village defences with boulders. same goose for K/S. problem is You cant do both of these things at the same time even thought you should and there is no reason not to. and while it can be kind of justified in village if you want ( to few people to do everything ) i would like in future if mc could do few different plans simultaneously. especially in these kind of situation where he has allies that can do one thing while he personally dose some other thing. it could also make things like these high com mc bonus, like 1 com gives one more action 2 come gives 2 more actions for plan. which would mean com 1 can also be useful for different characters.

i don’t really want any changes from narrative scences in village but i think it would be good if it could be taken in account for future battles where few different plans can work simultaneously.

mc doing boulder trap and then geting shot in the back even thought i have ciels and see option to send him to scout but cant dose not feel good :sob: