Choice of Rebels: Stormwright (XoR2 WIP)

The money (well your band keeps it) do but the mules get sold at the start of Irduin
*if mules > 0
set wealth +(mules750)
*set mules 0


Ah, does this come into play in Part II? Guess I still have to find out.

So far no but would most likely will with the rebel management sections when they get put in


Not yet, but it Should:tm: once rebellion management is fully added.

It’s basic math you can do off the timeline in the stats screen, your character has no idea on the dating of the Xaos-Storms even when seeing Vigil. You can theoretically draw the inference from the fact that the wards haven’t always existed, therefore the storms likely haven’t either, but that’d be pure conjecture.

Not the MCs Theurgy though. One can quite easily imagine it was the Angels that guided Cerlota into your path in that moment, an argument the MC makes internally if you choose to have had your faith strengthened in Sojourn (where there’s a big reflection moment that seems to have a lot of the dialogue you’re looking for).

What is anyone’s faith based on? If your MC was the kind of person who needed “proof”, that is tangible and empirical proof, to be faithful then they’d be a skeptic and wouldn’t be faithful in the first place.

It does. Telos as a philosophical concept in the Hegemony derives from the Xthonic Canon, though the lay understanding of it is mostly in justifying the caste system. The reason that the more fundamental truths of telos aren’t widely known is because if they were any shmuck could focus on them and become a Theurge. The Hegemony has engaged in an intentional censorship campaign on the subject, the MC can only luck into it through a combination of the right literature and temperament, something the Hegemony wants to try as hard as possible to prevent.


I think in this context it’s more useful to think of the characters as theurge vs non-theurge. There’s no narrative reason why a charismatic non-theurge should be able to address every situation a theurge can and vice versa.


Are you taking brenden as your companion in xaos lands as cha 2 character? Thats recipe for bad time


Not so much bad times just you will most likely not get much out of them compared to others


Well bad times but with how concerned Breden is for the player character, also good times? :wink:

But yea, I mean I guess it was rough.

^ journeying through the Xaos wasteslands, not the romping after the village party :laughing:

Well, that’s the way I role-played it in my head, but after trying an INT character, it felt a lot less convincing. I didn’t come across that many dialogue options in Sojourn but I’ll replay it with a CHA character and see what I’ve been missing. I’ve been focusing on playing an INT character, including replaying Game 1.

I don’t remember it coming at up at all concerning religion, only when discussing theurgy with Cerlota. And I don’t think there’s a single mention in Game 1. As far as I can recall, it’s only come up in Game 2 strictly concerning the true nature of how theurgy/magic works.

With an INT char that’s alright though. This padawan is ready to learn from master jedi (or sith :grin:).


Problen with brenden is that he is talker while xaos land is place which demands a lot of physical resilance and more practical talents.

High cha is by its nature difrent kind of character. Its main strength is that he can get other people on his side and then solve problems with there help.
For example crab situation if you take de firac with you they can save those people.
Whille brendes 's skillest is least usfull there. So if you still decide to take him with you and not some other person it makes sense that your mc will have rought time. And that dose not mean cha 2 is bad . Its extrimly good. You just should play to you strength and use other people to cover your weakness.

Also if you are interested about rekiguon i recomend doing prist story line in game 2 as your major focus


K/S and Ciels are my favorites to take.


More dialogue in general for the companions (Also for new ro’s) will be added in a future update, if that’s what you are asking about?

Same :smile:


This is fair. I didn’t take the other options into account, including who accompanies you on the trip to the wastes.

I guess I’ve been playing a high CHA character with the religion storyline as the focus, but I guess the stat isn’t only tied to that and can reflect other things. Then again, you have very little sway over other people even with high CHA in the Xaos wastes.

And yea, I did pick the priest origin story, that’s why my experience with the game heavily reflects that. I only replayed and picked the helot origin story to access the Vigil subplot.

Btw I don’t mean to say I only intended to play the game once, I tend to replay games over and over but with the same overall plot, just with small variations. Once I find a story I like and explore the various options, I tend to stick with it and see it as the “true” version. I guess my opinions here reflect that.

I mean in relation to the storyline of starting a new religion or being Eclect. I feel like this is kinda glazed over in Part I of the demo. I haven’t encountered much in Part II yet either. I’d expect Cerlota to at least quiz the PC on this before joining the rebellion.

Best origin story :wink:


Im 90% sure that high cha is better then com in both vilage and nomads storyline and even in sojurn.

I did not mean religiosu prologue. Priest is somthing you can pick in iduin.


Yep Cerlota having more reactions to the choices you made and rep stats is something Have has mentioned as part of that plan companions (And new ro’s) dialogue update if Ramidel hasn’t talked him out of it :smile:

For more context @Engulfed for what maroder123 is talking about here you get your choice of two castes (or the inn for your second choice) to hang out with in Iduin


Oh I guess I should really finish Part II then. I’ve been exploring various outcomes but haven’t progressed past the inn yet.

But my personal experience in the village with high CHA kinda sucked. Not that village itself, just the stat didn’t seem to come into play.

Is there a nomad storyline though? There’s only the villagers and the reavers for me. Then Sojourn.

Oh right you can choose to leave the village and look for nomads instead - guess there’s more content I missed! sounds exciting!

At the inn? Where you can hang out with the nobles, merchants and so on? I think I’ve tried it but it wasn’t particularly riveting, not like the dialogue with Horion and Linos. I’ll go back and give it another try though and get further in the demo.


Nope afterwards and it’s about picking which group to focus on for you whole time at Irduin


Xaos land is divided 3 ways . Vilage,nomads,vigil. Vigil is worse as far as positive outcomes go. On both vilage and nomads path you can get things that will help your rebelion on vigil you dont.

One more way cha is dofrent from int 2 is that whille it dose a loooot of things it mostly works in background. You flying is very easy to see cause and effect. In other hand you saying to somone to not be nervous and them being reasured from it is mcuh harder to spot.


@apple: Cerlota’s upper-middle management right? I wonder how much of the truth even she knows, if I was the Thautmarch I would make sure only the Ennearchs and maybe their first deputy and successor know the extent of it.

The Hegemony is built on sand because of the sheer size and scale of the lies that are integral to keeping it alive and also potentially to insulate it from the consequences of its formation.


Good chance Hera was a “utopia justifies the means” type and thought she’d be able to “make everything better” once she’d established a universal state. “All these terrible things are just temporary and it will all be worth it in the end”.

Cynical about means and idealistic about ends is a terrifying combination (see Stalin).


Excellent, I’ll try this out and see how that goes. Although I can’t shake the feeling that the INT character is closer to the truth and the CHA character’s faith might just be based on wishful thinking.

In our world, there’s science but there isn’t an objective truth to all things in the way that telos is true in this world and in a way that’s so tangible. You can manipulate any and all matter through manipulating its telos. It’s at the core of everything - as if you could manipulate atoms with your mind (or blood…).

Oh I just assumed this storyline was unfinished since my playthrough ended with an error message concerning achievements. Won’t it tie back to the main story eventually?

In the village stroyline, they liked me a lot better as an INT character since I could do more to help. My CHA character did nothing noteworthy. I tried it twice - once they gave me a headstart from the Reavers, the second time they just gave me up to them right away. What am I missing?

True but I just didn’t seem to have many opportunities to do much except running and holding on for dear life. I guess I’ll try again.

This is fair. It’s how I looked at it to begin with until I got further in the storyline with an INT character and realized just how much more control I had. And not just that, the knowledge as well. And more importantly, an understanding of the underlying truth.

Suddenly the high CHA character going “I hear the Angels!” seemed a lot less appealing.