Choice of Rebels: Stormwright (XoR2 WIP)

Normally my ADAT shout-outs will only go to people who are still with us on the forum community today, not someone whose last forum post was a year before XoR 1 was published. But today I’d like to note that it’s been a decade since @WulfyK’s first post on the WIP thread.

Wulfy stands out in my memory as the first person to throw a majillion questions-per-post my way, so relentlessly that he quickly outpaced my ability to write answers and I had to start breaking up the response into multiple posts.

While Wulfy’s been gone a while now, the style of encyclopedic question-posting he pioneered has never been gone for too long. :slight_smile: In answering both him and his successors, I’ve deepened my understanding of the world I’m writing – and I just wanted to say that I’m grateful for that, and for the enthusiasm for XoR it reflects, even though I’ve slowed down the pace of my responses lately in the name of getting the writing done.