Choice of Rebels Part 1 WIP thread

@Havenstone, then my character absolutely must experiment with it, maybe I can convince Simon to help, I can always tell him it’s part of his initiation into the band (I’d ask Breden but given the fact that you’ve established that she’s pretty into the whole religious nonsense surrounding “proper” theurgy so she’s likely not the best choice).
Since Simon has come despite being witness to my torching the temple with theurgy I think that maes him the best candidate for the first round of this experiment.

@Sneaks, I think that Havenstone has suggested before, that while Shayard might be able to scrape by on its own since it apparently has both the most and the best farmlands in the Hegemony the situation in the other realms would be much dire. Hence why I think long term research into non-theurgical methods to accomplish these things is needed, though that’s unlikely to help in the immediate aftermath of our Rebellion.

@WulfyK, I think that while our genius characters might be able to engineer a crude printing press based on vague descriptions and accounts of its functioning, what with leading a rebellion and all we simply won’t be able to invest a sufficient amount of time and energy into this before it becomes a moot point (due to either being dead, having captured parts of Karagon or having captured or converted people who know how to build the damned thing) in the project to get results at a time when said results would actually still be a boon for the rebellion.

A few other thoughts (at last), and please forgive me if they’ve been mentioned before:

Regarding scribery or printing, I would love for copies of either seditious philosophy or even the Shayardene Codex to mysteriously start appearing all over the place. Rebellion through advancement of so-called unfortunate ideologies sounds like almost as fun as reading lessons for lots and lots of helots, spreading out from the smaller lessons at the start of the game.

Speaking of seditious ideas, playing around with the Goetes was very interesting, if socially inconvenient. If we’re all slated to be murdered anyway, though, might as well fight Karagond heresy with a bit of blasphemy! I especially liked the little experiment with my little oblique scroll, and its follow-up a bit later in a more public venue.

Is the history listed in the index history from the author’s point of view, or is it more of an actual summary of the ‘history’ in the minds of the people?

Just some other feedback: I really liked Carles the jongler, both for the music and storytelling aspect, and for the idea of messing about with overthrown cultures. His character, and the proceeding events, set a great tone for the narrative.

I would have loved a few more chances to chat with Zvad, or Bredon, and talk revolutionary tactics. It seems like they’re mentioned by my father, but the clever/hapless MC I was playing would have liked a little education on a practical subject she knows little enough about.

Question from the text:
My father says, “Order? I didn’t see order on display just now. I saw a mob running rampant, and my only heir spurring them on.”
Now, does that change depending on what the mob does? I did (barely) manage to keep them from tearing up Shayardine shopkeepers and such on this particular play-through, so it was only, er, mild chaos.

The helots totally disregard you – it would have taken a more charismatic leader than you to turn them from their vengeance .*
*extra space before the full-stop, there.

“It’s captain* Alya.”
This is more of a stylistic question, but shouldn’t that be capitalized since it is used as a form of address? So, “Hullo, Captain Alya,” he said, but, “The captain fights like a one-legged, half-asleep bear cub,” he said ruefully. - That sort of a distinction.

Overall, I love it! I look forward to wherever you take the story next. (:

Sorry for asking the question about when it’ll be done. And for the late apology. My internet has been on the fritz.

@Fiogan, indeed, printing exists to make just such a mass propaganda campaign possible, Reformation-style. But not until Game 2. In Game 1, you’re too busy figuring out the basics of Robin Hood-style survival.

Making a crude press should be possible at INT 2, and a half-decent one with INT 3.

The World Index history does have a slightly authorial voice – while all the facts it describes are background knowledge for the average Shayardene, not everything is described in the language that someone immersed in the world would use.

The “mob running rampant” text does change – but your father will be snarky if he considers the way you dealt with the Theurges/Alastors to be unruly, not solely the looting of the merchants/nobles.

Glad to find a Carles fan! Most feedback I’ve had has been enthusiastic about the Olynna prologue and less so about the other two. :slight_smile:

I’m treating all the titles as equivalent to milord/milady, and thus not capitalizing them. While it would be possible to code it such that every time you call someone milord it stays lower-case but capitalizes Captain, it would be enough of a faff that I’m not planning to do it. (And caps on Milord and Milady would offend me stylistically more than a lower-case captain does).

Thanks for all your feedback – really glad you’re enjoying it.

New page, new link to the game and the draft world map.

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It’s weird seeing so many people trying to take the low anarchy route and end up making some of their people leave. I can’t do that lol I always go full viva le revolution! I try to gather support from my fellow helots and I’m ever so slightly paranoid though…I’ve been hearing rumors of a deranged aristocrat named Mara. She’s been said to carry enough poison in her needles to down an elephant! My MC might be her next target! :frowning:

@Razgriz No join my revolution I got tons of food and ten rusty mazes!! And I throw amazing parties. I am so charismatic that the nasty commoners believe me! >:-) But you are safe until later on I won’t start the massive helot slaughter until I get power. For now I’m a friendly helot aristocrat trying free my Slaves I mean comrades :wink: Look my shiny 1 anarchy stat.

@poison_Mara eep! Scary poison lady! Breden gather Elery and the children and flee!!! Listen uh Mara was it? I’d really love to join you but uhm the uh the bandits! Yeah that’s right the bandits in my group say we shouldn’t get in your ladyships way. Dad…uhm stay here and talk with the nice noble. *pushes ol dad in front of me as I slowly creep backwards towards the forest along with everyone else*

@Razgriz you could grab my horrible Breden with you sadly my Elery was happily harrowed. Also the helot player has his dad in the group? Someday i would play as helot someday … Probably when all games would be in shops lol =))

@poison_mara it is pretty enjoyable. :slight_smile: and yes dear old dad is in the group if you’re a helot. And…how…how could you let such a horrible thing happen to poor Elery?! She’s like the best strategist in my group.

:’( so sad


My god… maybe the theurge and alastors aren’t my true enemy after all. *draws rusty sword* I shall smite you with my 2 combat stat! B-) I shall free my people!

@Havenstone you’ve done a magnificent job on this so far and can say without a shadow of a doubt that I’ll be one of the first to buy it. :slight_smile: also as you can see me and Mara may engage in warfare soon. Can I count on you to write our story? Lol jk

Doesn’t look like you need me. :slight_smile: Sorry to say it, but I don’t give you great odds against the Poison Queen of Shayard.

But while it lasts, glad you’re liking the role of helot revolutionary. :slight_smile:

Hey! I think I might be able to- no, you’re probably right. Lol I’d likely not make it. Next time once I’ve amassed an army I’ll be able to win. Maybe. Anyway about a month or so ago I couldn’t help but compare the thought process of me In character mode and the debate that was going on here. I couldn’t help but laugh at the difference.

My thoughts in character mode: once we survive the winter I’ll start gathering further soldiers and I’ll end the brutality inflicted on me people every day. I stopped the harrowing in the square and that was just me! Imagine what we can do with 300 men and women ready to fight against their oppressors! Together we will topple this evil empire they’ve made!

Meanwhile the debate that had been going on: was it indecent to have a beard if you’re a helot?

Lol sometimes I forget just how much detail goes into flavoring the game. Anyway marvelous job

@Havenstone who doesn’t??? Most of my characters are helots.

@Razgriz, literal lol. :slight_smile: And Wulfy, in previous waves of comment I was surprised by how many people were only playing aristos.

Me too. I feel the noble is out of place leading a rebellion. I also get the feeling that,no matter how nice I am, I’m going to get shanked as the noble. But that’s just me.

@Havenstone I think it’s because they play only one character at all. On my first playthrough I’ve had an aristo too but I’ve tried out many other MCs later. If you think that too many players choose aristos, maybe you should give noble MCs some penalties later in the game.

On the topic of nobles, I mostly play as them but I also played enough times as a helot to get the sense of feeling that you are trying to free your caste from discrimination.

@WulfyK We Aristos already have penalties. HELOTS hate us and don’t like us and 99% of available people to reclute are helots, we haven’t no advantage no money no education except know to read so we don’t need more penalties helots other hand are all advantages peasants love them and trust them.

@MacNutsAmountFive, @poison_mara it was just an idea as @Heavenstone apparently doesn’t so many aristo MCs. As of now, I think it’s quite balanced between helot and aristo backgrounds, you can reach any stats (money, anarchy, followers etc.) with either.