Choice of Rebels Part 1 WIP thread

Of course I know that, but my mc mostly doesn’t, having been a slave all his life, despite his impressive (for a slave) amount of book learning he is still mostly ignorant of both Hegemony and Shayardene (to the extent that those two are still separate) “high” culture and once he finally does get to come in contact with it he likely won’t be pleased with its narrative and values.

Ahem, my mc’s ambitions stretch to the whole of the current Hegemony, he is not and never will be a Shayardene nationalist.

“New art for a new era” would pretty much be the official motto of the new ministry of propaganda culture.
Of course any surviving old “art” that cannot be sold off at a profit may be put to use for the edification of the populace, but only as examples of evil and decadence.

Sadly I think my mc’s reliance on the old merchant caste won’t allow him to get a true people’s republic (cooperatives, instead of communal farms, for example, although cooperatives did make Dutch agriculture great).

Anyway everything I post for now corresponds to my mc’s current views, he may have to learn to tolerate some amount of decadence in the coming installments but he won’t ever like it and will try to avoid participating in it himself, which, I know, makes poor Mara think of him as an Inquisitor. :wink:


Yeah, but what are you going to title your People’s Republic if not named after Shayard? The People’s Republic of Karagond? That was more of what I was shooting for, not just hinting that it is Shayard.

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The democratic people’s union maybe, no need for explicit references and we need to break up those huge provinces the Hegemony currently uses into smaller (sub)-states anyway.

There is a polandball about this.

I will try to find it.


Actually a government gold and silver reserve is critical in a precious metals based economy because it helps stabilize the value. If the government says its 1000 silver drachma to a gold stater you can’t really back that up unless you have vast quantities of both commodities, or at least consumers believe that you do…

Same principle as a gold reserve backing a currency really. You can set value because that is what you, the governement, are hypothically willing to trade your gold and silver at.

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Sure still I think I prefer to not have the currency actually be composed of the stuff we’re backing it with. Combine that with my mc wanting to make better and more extensive use of the printing press than the Karagonds do…

Besides forcing people to switch over to a new currency is an easy way to get many coins with the thaumatarch’s portrait to melt down.

I hold out hope that you will learn or develop hypnotherugy, because you are going to need it…


In medieval Spain it was a magical spell very developed it was called INQUISITION TORTURE.

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What is so evil about wanting to change the currency? You can hardly expect us to keep using coins meant to glorify the Thaumatarch and his fellow slavocrats.

If the only option is to continue the old regime in one form or another, or replace it with something equally reactionary, decadent and supportive of slavery then what’s the point of fighting.

Except my mc’s new order won’t be a theocracy and if the right amount of re-education can turn even Hector Keriatou into something productive, that’s much better than physical torture, which is a barbaric practice of the Hegemony.

I’m not sure even the Spanish Inquisition could get people to believe that guerrillo funny money could be traded for gold and silver…

@idonotlikeusernames changing the face on a coin is one thing. Altering perceptions of the value of commodities, and the use of fiat currency is entirely another. IRL it was a centuries long economic bowel movement.

Obviously the new currency is an issue that comes only after the Thaumatarchy is defeated. Though even before that point my rebellion will prefer gold and silver bars to Hegemony minted coins.

Why must there be a face on the coins? I think it would be nice to mint new coins without a face.
I know that, but shouldn’t the fact that a huge part of the population aren’t even part of (the helots and drudges) and others only have a nominal part in it (the yeomen and likely those masses of urban poor) make the changeover easier then it was OTL? Besides the new currency will have pretty pictures. :wink:
If it’s still on the gold and silver standard it won’t be fiat currency entirely now will it?

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Good that will be stabilizing…

“Hark, comrades! I know you are just recovering from a war were we murdered all the elites, outlawed your religion…well all religion really, and prohibited all forms of decadent expression, art, and fun on pain of death, buuuut we can’t rest on our laurels. Now money will be different and your very perception of the value of goods and services is no longer valid. All hail Dear Leader!”

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We currently only kill them because we lack the facilities to re-educate them. How many times to I have to say this, but my mc is actually against the death penalty.

Nearly all regimes prohibit open subversion my dear cascat and my mc can’t help it if nearly all the old “art” glorified either Xthonos and/or an assortment of slavocrats and the even older art glorified an almost as decadent “royal” family.
Besides there will be new art and plays and music soon enough.

Inquisitors convinced people that some random guy was a wizard that nude flight a broom to Rome planning to kill the Pope. Also pregnancy virgins with bat semen. Fun fact parents forbidden his daughters open Windows during years to don’t get pregnant by bats. That’s a funny story. But in Pais Vasque thousands of woman were killed in the most gruesome woman killing accused of witchraft and sex with the devil. Thousands in only a cause. Inquisitors could complete convinced of everything in a fervently religious society. EDIT

[quote]We currently only kill them because we lack the facilities to re-educate them. How many times to I have to say this, but my mc is actually against the death penalty.
Exactly as Inquisitors there were against death penalty Burning people and torture it was a medium to save their souls. Pain was a mercy blow because supposedly pain during process make the purgatory or hell sentence of the sinners more benign and maybe even save someone

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I think what I’m saying is that the spasm of violence accompanying your rebellion will spin out of all control as you demonize the nobles and clergy.

@poison_mara fair 'nough.

Yes, because the priests and nobles are totally reasonable people and don’t go out of their way to literally demonize my mc as evil incarnate, just because he’s a helot who dares to openly use magic. :innocent:
No, I don’t think there will be much working with the old oppressors until the Hegemony is defeated they are the enemy and after they are lost sheep in need of careful guidance and re-education but in no scenario are they useful “allies”.

No wonder you Spanish lost the Netherlands, my mc draws from the more practical bend of our own nastiest conservatives who were nevertheless against the penalty and believed in edification (and the eventual redemption and rehabilitation) of convicts through useful labour.

Eye for and eye and the whole world goes blind. I’m not saying that those feelings aren’t legitimate (such rebellions have historical precedence and historically have gone quite south), and I’m sure quite a few of the Hegemony’s elite are deserving of your rebellions tender ministrations. Many and maybe even most however, are not and when you make a war existential…well it gets nasty.

Useful Labour… I could put here a Nazism camp logo or a gulag. Inquisitors are between us even now in North Korea, and Medium east . There were camps in Belgium and Holland so nope Holland is not free of bloodshed. I know you didn’t suggest that Holland are more civilised that us. But if someone thinking in North Europe go XX story and thinking twice.

Of course we’re not more civilized but I do mean that a large part of why we even won against the Spanish back then is that we were more practical minded about certain things. If anything that means we were less civilized at the time.

Of course not we taught the Belgians everything they knew about slavery and then, once they were independent, they turned around and did the Congo…talk about the apprentice outstripping the master. :astonished: What I will say is that there were conservatives of all things who opposed the death penalty and mutilation, not on any humanitarian grounds, but because you can extract more useful labour for longer if you don’t kill or maim your prisoners or slaves.
In fact it was our arch-conservatives who introduced laws allowing corporal punishment to be spread out over multiple days, just so people didn’t end up permanently maimed, though of course the aim was not to protect them so much as to extract more useful labour and thus money from them.

Well…it’s not just that there’s also a caste system that needs to be broken. That in itself pretty much prevents any “alliance” with the “noble” and priest castes.

They are also not deserving of the positions of power and luxury (decadence to my mc) they presently enjoy however and the “war” with the Xthonic church and its caste system pretty much is existential to my mc, since their codex and doctrines of faith determine that his only “destiny” is to be a farm animal to be slaughtered in the most horrific manner possible and not fit to use magic or even be who he is (gay). So to my mc there is pretty much no compromise possible with those people.

The Belgians certainly did make for much more fearsome Nazi’s than we did, our fascists back then were pretty much limited to the utterly pathetic Brownshirts of Mussert, whose only real achievement prior to the Nazi invasion was denying our returning volunteers from the Spanish civil war all sorts of benefits. :unamused:

Ironically it was our practical lower officials mostly passively cooperating with the Germans that doomed most of our Jews, rather than any real ideological fervor (starting with the refusal of some reasonably high up civil servants to burn most population registries on a technicality, because it was given by the wrong minister while the legitimate government was mostly busy fleeing into exile).

Of course being Dutch the part that we always have the most trouble with is not so much saying sorry but actually paying compensation, that is something the government deliberately strung out until there were not so many survivors and even then they paid pennies to the dollar, as the Americans would say. On the other hand the homosexual victims of the Nazi occupation still aren’t even recognized on the grounds that homosexuality was flat our illegal back then even under our own laws. :disappointed:

Our main Nazi camp was Westerbork (which started out as a charitable refugee camp for German Jews) and back when I was in school every school class had at least one mandatory trip to the place. My school also had one to the US war cemetery, but that one was not mandatory (fun fact that one literally was a trip to the USA due to the full extraterritoriality that place enjoys).

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I have family in Belgium and They believe themselves more Civilised and Humanism than us. And i had discussions with some. We always ended called them cowards and whether if they will surrendering Germany again. Also Congo for them is taboo young people don’t know they had a colony there. And their Nazi camps the visitors are jews and strangers not Belgian people they just close their eyes NOPE WE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING NA NA NA I CAN’T HEAR YOU