If I know my insurgencies some of your people have already skimmed a bit from raids you’ve sent them on…
So, I managed to kill all of the veneurs without Calea’s help as a helot theurge. Has anyone managed this with a Combat or Charisma focused MC yet?
I haven’t and I think Theurgy is the only way to get that result as a helot. Having skimmed the code for that section, using Theurgy (and making the proper choices for it) seems to be the only way to get that result.
The fight with Hector is far more about how your rebels feel, who you have with you, and how you lead, then about your personal stats. That makes it a good indicator of how you are doing before you have to decide between baiting Phalangites, running and hiding, or asking to be harrowed quickly.
Yes, very likely, corruption is bound to become an increasing problem as the rebellion grows more successful, I’m afraid.
Indeed I’d rather get to “the Hegemony strikes back” portion of this game sooner.
At this stage they’re more likely to loot extra food/clothing/boots/blankets and keep it to themselves than money they can’t spend anywhere anyway.
@Havenstone I drove Breden away from my band, but the game treated her as if she was still there in chapter 3.
@WinterHawk @Sneaks I killed all the veneurs with a charisma of 2, intellect 1, being a part of the ambush, waiting instead of firing right away, and having Elery alive to lead the other group.
D’oh! To help me find the bug: When did you drive her away, exactly? And which bits of Ch 3 did she pop up in?
On transgender people in the gameworld, here are my thoughts so far: one of the ways the Hegemony differentiates itself from the heathen barbarians of Halassur (who actually attribute gender to the Divine!) is that Karagon is not gender-essentialist. For Karagonds, human beings’ telos is tied to their caste rather than their sex; while the genitalia and other sexual dimorphisms obviously have their own telos and function, so do the stomach, the teeth, etc. The Karagonds would deem it absurd to derive anything fundamental about human nature from the lower teloi of the body parts, or even the animal telos of self-reproduction; all those are clearly subordinate to the higher human teloi of (for example) ruling, understanding, crafting, and so on.
The Karagonds further believe in the myth (familiar to many Earth cultures) of the “other half” – that people will generally be drawn to their soul’s long-severed other half, who might be of either sex. Their rules of marriage and adoption make same-sex marriages and families easy.
So in the Hegemony, gender roles and rules are loose, and it’s fairly easy to craft a gender identity. Theurgy to change the body from male-female and female-male is extraordinarily rare, however, as it requires an incredibly knowledgeable anatomical specialist to achieve it without permanent damage or death to the subject – and is moreover hugely costly.
[quote=“idonotlikeusernames, post:2946, topic:1601”]
At this stage they’re more likely to loot extra food/clothing/boots/blankets and keep it to themselves than money they can’t spend anywhere anyway.[/quote]
I was making a reference.
@Havenstone: Of course, for helots, I imagine that a lot of the issues about gender roles and the theoretical legality of homosexuality are trumped by the rule “produce a lot of children, or produce a lot of blood.”
The next chapter is taking place in the garden of where? Gethse-what?
It does not seem like the “hugely costly part” of the equation would necessarily give the decadent upper castes of Karagond society pause however.
As usual none, or very few, of this would apply in the slightest to Helots (who must multiply and therefore have lots of heterosexual relations) and other animals, right?
Still if the current concept of marriage can be detached from caste it seems like it might be one of the few things worth preserving in the new world order.
How we are going to deal with the corruption that will inevitable grow within our own rebellion is certainly going to be an interesting development in the sequels. For now though simple survival trumps everything else.
Since the reference apparently didn’t come across cleanly: “Thirty pieces of silver” refers to the price given to Judas for giving up Jesus.
So if someone in the rebellion suddenly winds up with that kind of money, they won’t be presumed guilty of corruption, but of treason.
You know what I really think my character could feeling wonderful implement that . However, That shows the trap implied in rebellion against a more advanced culture. Like Spanish woman I saw it every day, near my home are many Celtic remains, Romans and very few from the barbarian tribes who eat Rome. They were dominated by Roman scattered ashes. Would my revolution being another example of That? Evil Gandhi doesn’t care.
Yeah, I suck at religion, or I could blame the pain-meds, I suppose, sorry to disappoint you there. For it to fly I assume your mc let’s themselves be declared Eclect then?
One of them does. One of them instead teaches a new way of communicating with the Angels.
While mine does not mess with religion at all, other than a few temple raids.
The first part in my plans for religious transformation is to expose my rebels to other religions, however to do that we first need to come into contact with them.
Anyone else expecting havenstone to pull a George R.R Martin in the last book and simply say, “And then everyone died. The end.” just to toy with our emotions?
Well That’s great because it means BREDEN DEATH TOO AND EMMA BUU TO BOTH
Ah but it would be the end of Evil Ghandi as well! A tragic day indeed.
TOTALLY worth it. Breden death would be a glorious last moments for Evil Gandhi
Some people just want to watch the world burn then eh? Yup, that settles it. Mara Jade you are actually the traitor. You’ve been laying hints all along that you were the one looking to gain favour by betraying those around you. We just never expected for you to have been in the village as well. You were one of the helots who went to the meetings and didn’t come back or perhaps a noble who had been keeping an eye on their helots.
Bravo Ms.Mara and bravo Mr. @Havenstone for hiding the traitor so well.
If you see a pretty charismatic noble woman called Mara de Jade, just run for your life.