Choice of Rebels: Uprising — Lead the revolt against a bloodthirsty empire!

Detective work! My MC really liked Horion so it will be interesting to meet Teren. As for the Leaguer faction, the only thing about Horion that my MC disliked was Linos and Linos’ speech about how attempting to end Harrowing was misguided. I think future relations between the Leaguer faction and my MC’s rebellion will hinge on how much influence Linos’ view holds. In any case, I suspect my MC’s rebellion would attempt to keep knowledge of how to refine aetherial blood to itself. The rebellion may end up working with the Leaguer faction but my MC’s rebellion would try to be the only rebel force with the ability to refine aetherial blood or any equivalents.

I am PLEASED to see Yebben planned as a RO. :heart_eyes: My MC Alya will wait for Yebben with all of the patience for which she is known. (Ok, she is not known for patience but the sentiment sounds nice.)

Your MC passed on the chance to teach Yebben due to lack of trust which is hardly a good basis for romance. My MC Alya taught Yebben as much as she could of wisardry as soon as she could.

If the MC goes to Szeric to find Cerlota, the MC is told that Alastors killed everyone they could in the Pan of Szeric’s fortress having charged the Pan of Szeric with “speaking sedition and helping traitors to the Hegemony”. The MC assumes that the charge referred to Cerlota, but I think that is unlikely. The Hegemony would not send Alastors alone to deal with a hostile Theurge of the third rank. The Theurge could simply escape which is what we are told happened. If the Hegemony had actually known that Cerlota were present, then I think it is more likely that the Hegemony would have sent some of its best Theurges. Horion mentioned that Cerlota was only hinted at in the least penetrable parts of his correspondence with the Pan of Szeric so I think it is quite likely that the Hegemony was unaware that Cerlota was at Szeric. Perhaps the Hegemony merely acted against the Pan of Szeric due to his lengthy interactions with Horion even if those interactions were not fully deciphered or perhaps the Hegemony believed Horion could be found at Szeric. We do not know whether the Hegemony actually believed the story of Horion’s death. A government like the Hegemony would not wait for absolute proof of treachery before acting against those merely suspected of such.

There are a lot of possibilities there. The only one that really should not happen so far as I know is for the noble MC to have the family name Keriatou.

I have never managed it with a band including the children so congratulations for having pulled it off.

I got the impression that Zvad had been somewhat prestigious so picking his name as an alias might not be a good idea anyway.

@Havenstone The game seems to assume that the MC may be reusing that alias in the future, but I think at least on certain playthroughs that reusing the alias would be a mistake. If the MC uses the alias to determine the timing of the Architelone visit from merchants, then that alias cover will have effectively been blown since the MC never carries through on going back to the merchant. So the merchant would be suspicious about that and the fact that the Architelone was robbed would not lessen the suspicion. The possibility that the merchant may have discreetly asked the merchant’s contacts about someone by that name would render that alias unsafe at least for that route and possibly for other routes.

I like this idea and my recollection from the WIP thread would be probably yes by stimulating the tissue’s telos to heal itself though I seem to recall it is not just wisardry rank but specialization and I suspect it could require a lot of aetherial blood.

From the XOR 1 WIP thread by @Havenstone:

Theurgy to change the body from male-female and female-male is extraordinarily rare, however, as it requires an incredibly knowledgeable anatomical specialist to achieve it without permanent damage or death to the subject – and is moreover hugely costly.

and also from the XOR 1 WIP thread again by @Havenstone:

A Theurge who understands well enough how the skin heals itself could undo a scar by temporarily enhancing the healing telos of the skin. A less proficient one could heal wounds but leave a scar. A clumsy one who just wanted to increase the smoothness of the skin (something much easier to comprehend than the telos of healing) could temporarily remove a scar, but it would come back as soon as the blood ran out.

Radmar never seemed to appreciate the value of literacy before the Fourth Harrowing and although Radmar never commented on them, I doubt Radmar understood the importance of the winter literacy lessons. However, explaining that literacy is the key to wisardry which may permit healing Poric would be a tempting way of convincing Radmar of the value of reading.

I thought Kala/Kalt was blood-thirsty as well at first. However, in my personal opinion, Kala/Kalt is not actually that blood-thirsty as becomes clear if your MC talks to Kala/Kalt on the sheep raid in Chapter 3.

Yes, I think XORverse could definitely benefit from a wiki.

@Havenstone It occurs to me that in Chapter 4 if the MC chooses to defer judgment on Breden till after escaping, the game makes it sound as though there is no way of allocating blame to one specific individual (Breden). However, there is a very clear case to be made for blaming Breden specifically because unlike the other two rebel cooks, Breden had been brought into the inner circle’s hunt for traitors so even if Breden is not personally the traitor, this completely invalidates Breden’s defense that Breden was unaware of the presence of an enemy in the camp. So a strong case could be made that Breden is if not a traitor then guilty of the equivalent of criminal negligence or dereliction of duty.