Ho ho ho. Merry Xthonosmas!
Having dismally, dismally failed at last year’s New Year’s resolution, I figured I’d better post whatever I’d got by December 31st, just to confirm that yes, this is very much still In Progress. So for anyone still paying attention, here’s the long overdue update.
A couple changes that the observant may note:
An achievement menu. (Yay for finally updating my version of ChoiceScript!) So far all the achievements are for stuff in Chapter 3, but as I rework the earlier chapters I’ll throw some in there too.
The Game 1 subtitle is now Outlaw rather than Uprising. I’m trying out the idea that the subtitles will refer to you at different stages of your rebellion, and this is definitely your Robin Hood phase.
Platon’s name is now Horion. As the character evolved, he acquired a strong interest in philosophy – to the point where I thought having him share a name with one of the foundational figures of Western philosophy would be misleading.
EDIT: Over the past few months I’ve made a few minor tweaks in the earlier chapters, which I’ve mostly forgotten making. For example, you can now come across Zvad and Sybla having a chat; and I’ve slightly streamlined the jongler prologue so it’s a bit less of a historical infodump. Let me know if you come across anything else that looks unfamiliar!
Chapter 3 is… getting towards… finished! OK, there’s still some key stuff left. The Hector Keriatou vignette I’m working on at the moment is proving to be tremendously fun in several directions, and I’m thus temporarily wrapping up several of the unfinished threads with “watch this space.” Also, much of what I’ve written in the last couple weeks hasn’t been edited properly, so forgive some bugs and clunky or (more than usually) purple prose.
The Hector vignette will be followed by some brief “reinforcements arrive based on your stats” stuff, which I’ve sketched out in this update. And finally, I need to write relationship-developing scenes with your father (and possibly Breden) to close out the chapter.
I’ve added a shortcut from the beginning for you to be able to go and play through all of Ch 3 that I’ve got so far. Tell me what you think… and find bugs! I’m sure there are plenty.
Here’s what hasn’t changed:
- Pretty much everything in the rest of the game, bar the minor tweaks I mention above. I’ve not revisited bugs or the other fixes to earlier chapters we’ve discussed on the thread. The first things on my writing agenda for 2015 are to finish Ch 3 and try a restructure of Ch 2.
And then I’ll write Ch 4… and then publish! Light at the end of?.. ah, who am I kidding. But I hope you enjoy the update.