That really sucks! Sorry to hear that.
It is a shame they felt they had to hack the site. I guess that will teach me. :s
Of course I was not happy with the site as it needed work, this just give me a good reason to tackle the flaws.
I really liked the directory. I kept it bookmarked.
I will make this high in the order of thimgs to rebuild first.
That is sad. Hopefully you can restore it @Lordirish
Have to look at the bright side. I now have @aetheria working some code magic on the new design. It is going to take a little time, but think it will be a lot better for it.
Sorry to hear about the site. I hope the restoration goes smoothly.
Sometimes you can recover *some* data from a corrupted backup, even if it isnât suitable for a complete restore. You can find information on doing this both manually and with certain software (definitely worth a quick Google).
@Lordirish How goes the rebuild?
I am hoping to make headway this weekend. @aetheria has the code done but still has to add it to the front page.
Will you be hosting the contest entries? I mean, without Dropbox, on the site as more of a semi-permanent thing? I donât know how that would go for traffic/bandwidth and stuff. I just think it would be cool to see a bunch of freebie short stories gathered somewhere.
My favourite feature of the site is your Directory. Itâs super convenient.
I am gathering a collection of short games others have written and given permission to post Plus I will be hosting all the contest submissions as well. I will add them to to the site on Sunday. I have no limits on bandwidth so there is no problem there. As soon as @aetheria has the link working for the CoG Directory I will let you know. Going to be adding all that up on Sunday as well.
Not sure when @aetheria will get a chance to finish, so I have been coding away on the wip page for CoG Directory. The list is about half done. You can now look it up by Author or Title. I will try to finish the list out by the end of the week.
Yay. Just found my own WiP in the CoG Directory :bowtie:
I only found out about the choiceofbox site a few months ago, when there wasnât too much to see because, from what Iâve heard, it was more or less destroyed. But it seems you, @Lordirish, and @aetheria are making good progress in rebuilding the site, and as a relatively new forum member I canât wait to use it to unearth any past and present WiPâs that I havenât found yet. I really like it this far, so I wanted to make use of the opportunity to say how much I appreciate all the work youâve put in to this
It is slow going as I do not have a lot of free time, but I thank you.
I could use a little help. I want to make the wips and games searchable by horror, fantasy, psychological thriller, etc. Unfortunately my free time is pretty tight, and I was hoping that someone may want to help me categorize them. Thanks.
@Lordirish Do you still need that list?
Any help is always welcome.
Writer: Aera
Title: Death Reapers Contract
Genre (according to writer): fantasy, horror, psychological, slice of life, humor
Writer: AlexClifford1994
Title: Divided We Fall
Genre: Historical fiction
Writer: Andrew Wetmore (Cottage14)
Title: Welcome to the Death March
Genre: (probably) Slice of life
Writers: andymwhy and Samuel_H_Young
Title: Colonising Kepler 62e
Genre: Science fiction
Writer: Arcania
Title: Asassinâs Legacy
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Writers: Ayzkalin and Zealot
Title: Dragonslayer
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Writer: BlazedStorm
Title: Beast Within
Genre: Fantasy
Writer: BraveMustang
Title: Liberty or Union!
Genre: Historical fiction
Writer: CammyCamaro
Title: An Office Romance
Genre: Slice of life
Writer: Cecilia Rosewood
Title: A Princessâ life
Genre: Fantasy
Writer: CitizenShawn
Title: Tavern Tales
Genre: Adventure
Writer: David A. Sheridan (Lordirish)
Title: Norif
Genre: Quite sure you know that yourself
Writer: Dmitri Drugov (Dmitry)
Title: The Sword of the Elements. Part 1. To the worldâsend.
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Writer: Dolphinzgirl
Title: Team Zero
Genre: Action, Adventure
Writer: FairyGodfeather
Title: Scales&Tales
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Writer: Goshman
Title: A Knightly Endeavour
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Writer: Grapefruit
Title: Magikiras
Genre: Fantasy, Science fiction, Action
Writer: HornHeadFan
Title: Community College Hero
Genre: Action
Writer: ishantrissi
Title: Stone Age Story
Genre: Adventure
Writer: jeantown
Title: Guenevere
Genre: Romance, Fantasy
Writer: JimD
Title: Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven
Genre: Horror
Writer: Joel Havenstone
Title: Choice of Rebels: Uprising
Genre: Fantasy
Writer: Morgan_R
Title: Hunter
Genre: Adventure
Writer: parade
Title: Live Wire
Genre: Science fiction
Writer: Paul Wang
Title: Guns of Infinity
Genre: Action, Fantasy
Writer: Razgriz
Title: Choice of Forum
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Writer: Reaperoa
Title: Ăon Sage
Genre: Science fiction, Crime
Writer: Reaperoa
Title: Eight Thrones
Link doesnât work
Writer: Sandstorm
Title: The Girl of Time
Genre: Fantasy
Writer: SharpOne
Title: All: The Replica Trilogy
Genre: Science fiction
Writer: supernovae
Title: Deadheads
Genre: Science fiction
Writer: Taia Storm (LadyCass)
Title: Cassandra of Troy
Genre: Fantasy
Writer: tenryu
Title: A Jinni of the Seven Winds
Genre: Fantasy
Writer: that1german
Title: The Barrens
Genre: Action, Horror
I used the links from the Choice of Box site.
Also, I noticed a few things that werenât quite right about the list in the WiP directory.
The WiP of Goshman was mentioned twice under a different name.
In the list sorted by the name of the game Choice of Forum was swapped with Razgris resulting in it being sorted under the letter R as a game called Razgris and a writer called Choice of Forum
The link to the WiP Eight Thrones doesnât work.
Very awesome work I will be working on CoB this Sunday. Will fix the mistake and update the list with what you have. I will also add more to the list. Once get all the wips done will be working on Hosted and Choice games.