Choice of Box: Help/Resource Site (Updated 04/22/16)

Opps will fix, thanks @Nocturnal_Stillness. It was a lot of data to enter so may have a bug or to.

That’s ok for a moment I thought I was writing games in my sleep lol


error fixed, thanks for spotting it.


With aeras name it says death when that’s part of the title

Thanks for the find, have fixed it.

I tend to be very busy so cannot keep up on all the threads. If you have a WIP and a thread and I do not have you listed on the CoG Directory over on
let me know.

Please leave a link to your thread as well so I do not have to hunt it down. Thank you.

I have updated your information thank you.

I noticed there doesn’t seem to be a link to Andy’s Blackraven – just to Kepler. Or am I missing something?

I did a search but did not find the thread. Would happen to have a link for it?


Thank you.

File has been update. :slight_smile:

I will have aome down time this Monday. There are a lot great new wips out that I would like to add to the CoG Directory. Please help by listing a link to the thread or pm me. I will be happy to add them.

Spammers!!! Site was forced closed, working on fixing the problem. Sorry no time frame as of yet.

I have removed all the spam that was causing the problem. Site is back up and running.

Seems I spoke to soon. The spammers did a lot of damage to the database. I am unsure if I will be able to restore the site. If not I will have to rebuild it from scratch. Will let you all know.

*edit The site was hacked and the database was corrupted and cannot be restored. It is sad that they felt they had to bring this site down, it was only a resource site. I will rebuild, but it is going to take time. I have notes and and saved links but no real backup of the site. Teach me I guess. Will start next weekend on the new design, any input is welcome in the new design.

That’s a shame. I’m sorry to hear it. I know you put a lot of work into it.

Thanks, but I think it is worth rebuilding. Hopefully we can rebuild even better this time. :slight_smile: And I will make sure to backup this time . :s

If you’re still using WordPress, I just got through developing a couple of WP sites so would be happy to lend a hand if needed. :slight_smile:

edit: also it looks like Google caches of at least some of the site pages (haven’t checked them all) still exist, so it might be helpful to grab those.

I would love any help and it is great that some of the info is still floating around. Just PM me.