Terminus: A city torn by civil war. That’s where your story begins. While most of the city suffers from hunger and poverty you find an, alternative source of income. Rise up from pickpocket to master thief: Compete with rival thieves to steal riches from either the greedy or the noble.
Avoid enemy guards and escape from whatever traps they may device to catch you. Will you support either the rebels or the Government in the civil war? Assist them in stealing critical information from their enemies? That’s up to you, but beware of treachery.
Will you share your ill-gotten-riches with the needy? Or will you horde it for yourself? Then again maybe you’ll just be captured by the constables. Your time has come thief.
Thank you everyone. I’m a bit new to choice script so it may take be a bit to learn how to work that thing. When I figure it out I’ll start working more on the game.