Hello, I am a super-newbie, and decided to write a game in ChoiceScript to help improve my basic programming skills. And also because I love choice of games. (I am learning Python and Java). So, please help me out from time to time.
My game is basically about heists in the early 1900s, pulled off by the player character (not truly realistic, but more of the fun kind), about planning impossible heists, pulling them off with style, and all other similar tropes of the genre.
For now, I would like to know what you all expect, or want from the game…For example, how many heists should the player be able to do, what are the basic skill checks or stats you want to see, multi gendered NPCs or not, multi-gendered MC or not, romance or not, betrayals or not, story-like narrative or a game-like hub in which you select missions, and all that.
Basically, please post anything that you expect from a choice of game that has Thief in the title. I surely will not be able to implement all, but I promise to you that I will try to better than that other title which in my eyes, was really not a proper thief game.