Carhalow (WIP 02.29.16)

I’m already hooked :grinning:. I wanna know what happened to the MC. Cliff hangers will be the death of me. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more. Also, love the sarcastic replies the MC can make.


@iris maybe he Will turn evil with time If given The choice xD but for now Lucas is sweet and kind like apple pie :laughing:

@tooweiss Cliff hangers are so fun tho :smirk_cat: And I’m glad you like the replies. I spend a lot of time agonizing over how snarky a five year old is allowed to be.

@GloriaRose I’ll make sure to give him lots of opportunities to slide to the dark side :sunglasses:

Also there’s probably going to be a small update tonight. I expanded the dialogue (or something like that… you’ll see).


It’s a very interesting story so far. I especially like the fact you start from infancy and grow as a person from there. I think it really adds to a story when it takes place over several years. I hope there will be future opportunities to become a prankster/smart ass. I find the idea of a child playing jokes on the help and getting away with it because they are charismatic hilarious. Looking forward to future updates. :smile:

@iris muhahah i look forward to that :smirk:

@Prof_Chaos Thank you! I always like origin stories, so these types of stories attract me too. [quote=“Prof_Chaos, post:105, topic:14723”]
I hope there will be future opportunities to become a prankster/smart ass. I find the idea of a child playing jokes on the help and getting away with it because they are charismatic hilarious.
[/quote]The older you get, the bigger an asshole you can be! :smirk_cat: I think playing pranks is definitely something I’ll do in the personality scene in parttwo!

The mini update is live.

  • Changed the responses to dad (now you can incite arguments between your parents like a real kid! :+1:)
  • Put in some Guenevere inspired “how do you feel about yadda yadda” choices. Sort of wondering what you guys think about this-- I think it gives me a lot to work with, but I’m worried it doesn’t jive with the rest of the game.
  • Added some ‘strange kid’ stuff.

It’s nothing to really replay the game over, but it’s there so… yeah. Next update will be bigger. I have three extra scenes in the works. After those are done I’ll put in a save system and start working on parttwo.

Time for my nap now. Let me know if I bugged anything, I’ll fix it when I wake up.


I love it!
Gotta say i have a few favourite WIPs here in the forum and this comes among the top ones, can’t wait for your updates. :grinning:

I don’t want to make them an asshole more like a puckish rogue lol. It would be for comedy instead of malicious intent.

I love the Options for manipulation of bro and sis. But in the stats you should account the “Fake kindness” Like you seem so kind…

@Moon_Blink Thank you! That’s very kind of you to say :smile_cat:

@Prof_Chaos I suppose you can do both! Although good intentions don’t always make your actions less dickish… Like, I always thought Peter Pan was an asshole :pensive: I mean I like him, but still.

@poison_mara Yay, I’m glad you like it! And I have a few ideas for the stat screen. I was sort of playing around with it last night, so it’ll probably be different next update. You can tell me what you think then.

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Alright this game is downright interesting, I love it when the character I’m playing as is a mystery itself, just adds another layer of…mystery.

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This game is downright awesome. I can’t wait to play more of this.

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I really enjoyed what you have so far. Got me hooked!

@Inepted12 I’ll make sure to add some more mystery to the mysterious mystery :wink:

@Aetherrant @Mydoghasfleas Thanks guys! I aim to please.

Just a quick update on my progress-- I’ve been having some writers block with the last scene in part one. It’s really shitty and annoying, so I’ve been working on part two instead :pouting_cat: Sort of wondering how much you care if I release things in order…?

Also would you guys prefer I do my tiny-baby updates all the time, or would you rather I get to the halfway point and release it in a big chunk? I’d feel like an asshole if I’m constantly changing my ‘last updated’ date, but I also like hearing your opinions on things and it would be easier to make changes if I’ve written it recently.

So basically what I’m saying is majority rules and you should tell me what you prefer, haha.


I really don’t mind what you felt better for your writing. You always could asking for What do you think about if I do this or that? Or asking for help with ideas.

I think it’s better to release things in order so things are in context. As for how I think you should update, having a good portion of a chapter would be ideal, if not that then at least a few new scenes.

Honestly though in the end it really comes down to what you’re comfortable releasing. If you’re having a block you could start later in the story and work backwards getting ideas of how the MC ended up in these circumstances. You could use this to update where we are currently in the story and gradually meet in the middle and finish.


Whichever way is more conducive towards your writing style. But personally, I think patience goes a long way towards putting out a quality story. That’s what we are here for in any case.

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@poison_mara I would ask for ideas, but I have a concept that I want to imply subtly for ~mysterious reasons~ which is why I’m all confuzzled. Although… Actually… hmmmm… Maybe I could ask a little.

So in this scene a traveling bard/scholar from Catlide stops by. At first I was going to let the character ask him questions, but you’re 4/5 at the time, and it would be hard to ask the right questions without a high remember stat. So what I’m getting at is would you guys be averse to reading a short fairy tale? Personally, my eyes sort of glaze when people put stories within stories (unless they’re done very well) and they’re a little bit clunky. But children do learn from stories, so maybe this would be fine? HMM…

@Prof_Chaos I don’t really care either way. You make a good case for baby updates.

I actually never write things in order --I have a draft file that has some stuff for part 3-- so me writing part two wasn’t strange, just sort of aggravating cause I only have one scene left.

@Mydoghasfleas Doesn’t matter to me. Another vote for the slow system, then :grin:


I would tell you what my character would do Role playing time with Mara.
Mr Bard please, a tale.Please, about (Insert a topic my girl would be interested. My girl could want to know about how conquest a kingdom. Other about a love other about a war. The story could be same except minor variations. Afterwards the story my maquiavelian girl would disguise questions about real world like innocent childish stuff example

Oh, the king now is like the king in the story?
Did nobles poisoning rivals? Could you please teaching me a song?

A song could be useful to charming people if my girl sneak in his father study to learn secrets. Who could think bad in a little cute Mara “I only enter to sing you a song daddy”

@poison_mara I was thinking about having the option to choose what sort of story, but it didn’t even occur to me that I could people ask questions about the story!

I love you, Mara :blush: