Just curious, what does it mean when a cake appears on all of your posts? Does it mean that a mod decided I deserve a special cake icon? Was there a meeting of mods and CoG masters to decide who’s worthy of the icon? Am I the chosen one again?
I’m guessing it’s your forum anniversary
That makes sense, but under the anniversary section on the forum it says:
"Today’s Anniversaries
There are no users celebrating their anniversaries today."
Never mind, that’s exactly what it is. Under my profile, it says joined Nov 6th. Thanks
The cake is a lie. (20 characters)
Your birthday, anniversary on the site or trying to appease the anger of the forum members.
We can’t award cake icons to people, unfortunately
Nice contemporary reference.
Happy Anniversary, honey!
Here’s your present.
I thought today was my cake day but I don’t see any cake.
OH! It’s 3 days time! Silly me.
SOOON there shall be cake!
Strawberry short-cake?
Mmmm! Oh yes.
Light fluffy sponge. Whipped cream. Fresh strawberries. Strawberry or raspberry sauce. The best!
I hate cake…
gets killed in less than three seconds
And now I’m hungry for cake…
Happy cake day. I see your looking out for your minions.
You joined on Mar 10, '15 which is why you had a cake!
Thank you! That was so confusing, glad to have it clear up.
What is this nonsensical non sequitur?