Bug with Goto_Scene causing Finish to work incorrectly

Immediate play again once it hit that finish.

You mean from third class? it displayed all of third class, then Play again.

The goto_scene worked, so it would jump to third class, show it, then immediate play again on *finish. It stopped happening when I put that if workaround into clubs fair and got rid of Goto_scene

Yikes, there could be something wrong with my eyes, I’m not ruling that out XD

But I can’t seem to find anything wrong here…

Hahaha. Thats what I thought. That code all works now, but yeah, before there was no If check at the start of clubs fair, just a goto scene attached to the code where she asks if you want to join. So I am back to there potentially be some weird bug in Choice script that doesnt like having scenes skipped? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh wait, this is the new version?

Thank you so much for looking at it for me though :slight_smile:

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Yeah, so the old version that caused the error had the choice about joining carrie in Second_class. If you did, it had a goto scene third class

As I said, I wrote a workaround in that sets a variable if you join her, then checks it at the start of clubs fair. So that every choice path ends on a finish instead of a goto_scene. Which fixed the rpoblem.

Hi, I am sorry if it wasn’t clear. I wan’t trying to waste your time. :frowning:
Thank you for your help. The only thing I changed about the code to fix it was move the carrie club choice to clubs fair and change the end of second_clas to a finish instead of goto_scene. (With th if statement at the top to check for it)

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