Bug with Goto_Scene causing Finish to work incorrectly

Hahaha. Okie dokie. Code on here or should I send you the text files? :smiley:

Can I send you a file on here? Or email?

Here would be better, since it’s not guaranteed I’ll find anything. This way, other forum members can help, too.

Agreed, is there a way to attch it to this forum? the upload button here says I can only upload pics basically.

In that case, I think you should just paste the code in.

Alright. You’ll need the three scenes in question? I’ll just put them in here. Lol

Lol. character limit to the posts
Also, that has the offending goto_scene taken out

That is the first part of that txt file It contains the workaround code. The whole Carrie club thing used to be at the end of second class. If you agreed to do the club, it skipped clubs fair.

Ummmm… sorry, but, if you don’t mind, could you past the code within 3 singular quotation marks? Using the Preformatted Text button? It’s easier to check for indentation this way.

Despite the delay, you are only a few minutes late for ${class2}. You pull on the large iron handle and the wooden door swings open easily. Inside, the air is cool and you can see a few other students looking down at maps and pushing open doors. The intermittent sounds of lectures in progress cascades through the hallways. Your lecture is upstairs at the end of the building. Moving quickly and trying to shake off the thought of the weird skinny guy who grabbed your arm, you glance over your shoulder half expecting him to be behind you. A vivid image of his dead eyes crosses your mind and you swear he is looking at you as you step through the halls of the [i]Hope Albright[/i] building.

The door to your classroom is open and you head inside. The deep, sombre tones of the professor roll over a tired looking sea of freshmen. There is a seat in the back and you quietly make your way there, keeping your head low.
"Excuse me." You say under your breath as you sidle and maneuver your way past the legs of the other students.
*page_break Sneaking into class late...

"Welcome to class ${title} ${lastname}."

Blood rushes to your neck and cheeks as you realize the whole class has stopped and is looking at you. You stop, turn and look at the professor. His face is full of smoky crags, surrounded by a trimmed white beard and overseen by giant glass bottle glasses. His wide face sits on top of a worn tweed suit and slightly off-color green trousers. A tablet in his right hand is the only thing that would be out of place in a 1950's movie about University. It occurs to you that he might have even been teaching here at that time.
*set class2grade +((patience + intelligence)/20)
	*if ((intelligence > 55) and (confidence > 60)) #Thank you very much Mr. Hornswaggle.
		You smile and sit down in the vacant chair nearby. Mr. Hornswaggle raises one eyebrow at you.
		"Doctor Hornswaggle."
		*set class2grade +5
		*goto friendmeet
	*selectable_if (confidence > 60) #It's great to be here Professor! All good if I sit here and you just get back to whatever it was you were doing? Teaching I guess?
		His eyebrows raise several inches, you'd swear that they were actually part of his full white head of hair. A sudden simultaneous intake of breath punctuates the moment. It feels like an several minutes pass and you start to think that maybe you overstepped when the Professors eyes light up. Deep inside his chest a rumble starts and erupts out of his mouth as he chortles. He waves his arms toward the vacant seat and shakes his head,.
		*goto friendmeet
	#(Lie)Sorry, I was just held up by my course adviser.
		*set trustworthiness %-5
		The professor eyeballs you for a second and then continues in his low rumbling tone.
		*goto friendmeet		
	#Oh, uhh, sorry Professor.
		You make your way meekly to your seat and sit as quietly as you can. The Professor's voice continues its low rumble and you feel the blood slowly drain from your face.
		*goto friendmeet
*label friendmeet
You look down over the heads of your fellow freshmen, they have all turned their attention back to the professor, though you do see a number of them playing games on devices and chatting on social media. You can see someone typing in #whenyouarelateonthefirstday under a picture of a bird smashing into a window.

"Hey." You sit back and look sidelong at your neighbor whose delicate facial features perk into a smile. She has red hair that has been shaved on one side and left long on the other. Piercings run all the way down her ear and you can see a small semicolon tattooed on her wrist.
*set met_carrie true
	#What's up?
	#I say nothing.
"Nice entrance there. Couldn't have done it better myself." She smirks at you, the Professor looks over his glasses at the two of you and then away. You wish he would stop looking up at you, it's hard enough to get by without getting on the Professor's bad side on the first day. "I'm Carrie." She smiles down toward the front and you can see the professor looking at you again. This girl is going to get you in trouble! She winks at him...
	#I follow suit. When in Rome...
		You wink at the professor and throw in a little wave. Carrie chuckles and the professor turns his attention elsewhere.
		*set carrie %+10
		*set confidence %+5
		*goto afterclass
	#I nudge her to get her to stop.
		Your elbow digs into Carrie's and she glares at you for a second and then chuckles. Whispering, "You realize this is the first day right? Not the final exam or anything." She sees the look on your face and sits back in her chair.
		*set carrie %-5
		*goto afterclass
	#I ignore it, he must realize it isn't your fault.
		You keep facing forward, out of the corner of your eye, you see Carrie blow a kiss at the Professor. You try to surpress a giggle as the professor's face turns red and he studiously marches to the other side of the room to deliver the rest of his lecture.
		*set trustworthiness %+5
		*goto afterclass

*label afterclass

Dr. Hornswaggle dismisses the class after an hour of mind numbing syllabus recitation. You feel like you could have stayed home, read the syllabus and gotten the same amount of worth out of this hour in about ten minutes. 

Carrie is waiting for you just outside the door.
*comment Carrie is an easy to get along with NPC. Players who have problems are going out of their way to do so.

"Hey, you never told me your name. Wanna go get something to eat? You can tell me over some pizza...my treat." Standing up you get a better look at her: she is wearing a long sleeve t-shirt with another shirt over the top; both are torn. The overshirt has [i]Seven Car Pileup[/i] blasted across it in some sort of spray painty font. She doesn't have a bag, but is carrying a tablet with a few stickers on it. Her jeans are in a similar state to her shirts and you notice several bracelets on one of her wrists. She has a lithe frame, covered in wiry muscles.
*page_break Say your name...	
"My name is ${firstname}."

*if (focus_number = 3)
	You point at her shirt, "Nice shirt. I opened for them once." You grin, remembering that moment.
	"Really? That is pretty awesome." She looks down at her shirt. "Though, to be honest, this is my brother's shirt. I just liked the color."
		#It is a nice color, I tell her so.
			"Yeah, that is a really nice color. Good choice." You look down at your own clothes and she smiles at you.
			"Don't worry, the pizza place doesn't have a dress code." She laughs and bounces ahead of you. "C'mon, ${firstname}."
			*set carrie %+20
			*set confidence %+5
			*goto carrie_lunch
		#I am annoyed that she is wearing that shirt without liking the band.
			"Why would you wear a band shirt that you don't listen to?" You try to remain calm but you find this sort of thing super aggravating. "Maybe just buy a shirt in that color if you like it?"
			She eyes you critically for a moment. "Seriously?" She shakes her head. "Wow. [i]That's[/i] your line in the sand? People wearing shirts of bands they don't like?" Her face hardens and her arms fold across her chest and she stares at you. "You don't even know me."
			*set carrie %-20
			*set charisma %-10
				#I probably shouldn't have said anything and I still want to get that pizza.
					"Look, I'm sorry I mentioned it. It's just a shirt right? Still wanna get pizza?"
					*goto carrie_like_check
				#The shirt is too annoying, I don't feel like getting to know Carrie, even if there is free pizza.
					"I don't need to know you to know that you shouldn't wear stuff that you don't know anything about. I get so pissed off when posers like you wear [i]SCP[/i] shirts cause they "look cool." You rant at her but don't notice that your words are having very little effect on her. She just shakes her head, turns her back on you and walks away.
					*achieve jerk
					*set carrie 2
					*goto not_carrie_lunch

*if (focus_number = 1)
	You nod at her tablet. "That thing must make getting around campus a lot easier."
	"Oh this?" She holds up her tablet. "I mostly just doodle on it." Her laughter is like softly blown wind chimes and you can't help but smile yourself. "On the odd occasion that I want to take notes, it is also good for that. "Shall we go to the pizza place? I might even show you a drawing."
	*set carrie %+5
	*page_break Follow Carrie to Lunch.
	*goto carrie_lunch
*if (focus_number = 2)
	You examine the stickers a little more closely and realize one of them has your town's ${sport} team logo on it. The Vicksburg Devils: two tiny horns sticking out of the "V" and flames licking around the word "Devils". It is not overly creative but you were there at all the games with your own devil horn hat. You kind of thought you might play on the team one day, but you decided to try to play in College as you might end up in the pros that way. "Are you from Vicksburg?" you point at the sticker.
	"Oh..." She looks at the sticker and laughs. "No, but I always watched the games on TV. My mom lives over there and she loves them," she is quiet for a second then, apparently coming to grips with something "And...I guess I do too."
		#I ask her more about her mom.
			"Where does your mom live in Vicksburg?" Her face darkens momentarily, then she smiles.
			"We better hurry, they might run out of Pizza." She turns away. "C'mon ${firstname}."
			*set carrie %+5
			*page_break Follow Carrie.
			*goto carrie_lunch
		#I ask if she plays ${sport}.
			"Do you play ${sport}?" You fall into step beside her as she starts walking.
			"I played some in High School." She is quiet suddenly, then leaps forward, laughing. "Let's go ${firstname}, pizza's getting cold."
			*set carrie %+5
			*page_break Follow Carrie.
			*goto carrie_lunch
		#I say nothing.
			She looks at you, searching for a reaction. Eventually she smiles and looks away. "Well, ${firstname}, we better make tracks to the pizza place or they might run out." She bounces happily in front of you.
			*page_break Follow Carrie.
			*goto carrie_lunch

*label carrie_lunch
The pizza place is a bustling metropolis of cheese and sauce and yammering students. Chair space is a at a premium and students sit in each other's laps or stand around small tables with one pizza in the center. The sign reads [i]Pythagoras Pizzas[/i] and there is the symbol for pi made out of pizza slices. You guess there are worse names it could have. You can't think of any off the top of your head, but you're sure they exist.

Carrie has ordered a pizza for the two of you, as well as some sodas and a bowl of fries. You munch down on the fries while Carrie laughs and drips cheese onto her hand and then eats it.

Between mouthfuls of pizza Carrie says, "They really overdo it on the cheese here...but I love it."
*comment in case the Player missed the previous two opportunities to set their sexual preference, this should catch them.
Are you interested in Carrie as more than a friend?
			#Yes, I prefer women and Carrie seems amazing.
				*set sexpref "women"
				*goto Carrie_seating
			#Yes, Carrie seems like a great person. Her gender is irrelevant to me, it's what's on the inside that matters most.
				*set sexpref "bi"
				*goto Carrie_seating
			#No, but I don't mind what gender a person is. It's a person's personality that is most importnant.
				*set sexpref "bi"
				*goto Carrie_seating
			#No, but I do prefer women to men.
				*set sexpref "women"
				*goto Carrie_seating
			#No, I prefer men.
				*set sexpref "men"
				*goto Carrie_seating
			#Only as a friend. I am not really interested in sexual relationships.
				*set sexpref "none"
				*goto Carrie_seating

*label Carrie_seating

There is a lull in the conversation as you both happily eat pizza.		
	*selectable_if ((sexpref = "women") or (sexpref = "bi")) #I sidle closer to Carrie; she is extremely attaractive and she bought me pizza!
		You move around the table to be near to her.
		*if ((Carrie > 55) or (charisma > 60))
			Carrie's eyes twinkle as she puts a piece of pizza in your mouth. The Mozarella drips off the front of the slice onto the table in front of you. You both laugh together.
			*set carrie %+10
			*page_break An extremely pleasant 20 minutes passes.
			"Let's go check out the Clubs Fair." Carrie smiles and leads you out of the Pythagoras.
			*goto extracurricular
			Carrie puts her pizza down and wipes her face. "I'll be right back, I have to use the restroom." You watch as she walks away. Did you do something wrong?
			*set confidence %-5
			*page_break 10 minutes later.
			"Let's go check out the Clubs Fair." Carrie smiles and leads you out of the Pythagoras.
			*goto extracurricular
	#This is great. I thank Carrie for paying for the pizza.
		"Hey, thanks for the pizza and being nice to me and everything. The last day or so has been pretty weird; it's nice to just eat some pizza." You hold up your slice in a cheersing motion and she does likewise.
		"No problem. You seem cool."
		*set carrie %+5
		*page_break Just after lunch...
		"Let's go check out the Clubs Fair." Carrie smiles and leads you out of the Pythagoras.
		*goto extracurricular
	#I feel weird about all of this. Why is she being so nice to someone she just met?
		"Umm, no offense, but this is all a bit weird." Carrie's eyebrow raises slightly and she looks at you over a piece of cheese. You continue, "I mean, why are you buying me Pizza? Is this some sort of hazing thing? Is the food full of laxatives or something?" You put your slice down and hope that you haven't already fallen for whatever this is.
		"Look who is ${title} paranoid." She sips her soda, looks down at her phone and stands up. "Look, I thought you were cool. I wanted to have lunch with you. That's the whole story." her hands are out in a 'Why would I lie?' pose.
			#I trust her.
				"Sorry, I just had a weird dream last night, some dude told me not to walk down a path, the last day has been weird." You put your headinto your hand. "I didn't mean to offend you. Thanks for the Pizza."
				At the mention of the path, her eyes shift almost imperceptibly and then she laughs. "First day weirdness, ${firstname}. I get it."
				*page_break After lunch...
				"Let's go check out the Clubs Fair." Carrie smiles and leads you out of the Pythagoras.
				*goto extracurricular
			#I don't trust her.
				"I don't know why you would lie." You stand up as well. You don't want to be at a disadvantage if anything happens. You aren't taking anything for granted after your meeting with the weird robed guy. "All I know is that I just met you and now you are spending a bunch of money on my lunch."
				Carrie sighs and turns toward the front door. "Look, sorry for trying to get to know you. Maybe I'll see you around when you aren't quite as crazy." She walks out the glass doors of Pythagoras Pizza.
				*set carrie %-10
				*set nocarrie 3
				*set fear %+5
				*set sanity %-5
				*page_break You watch Carrie leave.

*label not_carrie_lunch
With no plans for lunch you wander around aimlessly. Happy students sitting beneath the autumn leaves of gently swaying trees laugh in groups. Vicksburg seems really far away at this moment, you remember eating lunch with your friends under the oak tree at Vicksburg High School. Life was definitely easier then.
You haven't been paid yet and you currently have $${funds} in your wallet.
*if (funds > 0 )
		#Use some of that money to buy lunch from the campus store.
			You buy a sandwich and a small drink from the store for $5. It's kind of a rip off but you don't really know of any other options.
			The sandwich bread is a bit dry and the tomatoes in it are soggy. Overall, you would say it is a rather depressing sandwich. The drink is exactly what you expected, but there is barely enough to help wash out the taste of the sandwich. Two guys wearing the school colors, black and red, with their faces painted skate past and basically throw a flyer in your face. It lands on the remains of your sandwich and gets stuck.
			[b]Clubs Fair![/b]
			Come to the front of the admission building to join one of the universities many clubs and activities.
			You scan some of the clubs and decide to head down there. On a positive note, you know where the admission building is; it's one of the few that you actually remember.
		#I can go without food for a bit. Dinner is served at the hall at 5pm.
			*set patience %+5
			*if (patience > 55)
				Your stomach rumbles but you manage to force it from your mind. There is a large noticeboard on the wall of a grey building nearby, you decide to check it out to help distract you from your hunger.
				Looks like there is a Clubs fair going on in front of the administration building. A few things catch your eye and you make the decision to head over there. After all, you didn't come to university to [i]only[/i] study.
				You try to surpress the growling in your stomach but you walk past the campus store and before you know it, you are $5 poorer and you have an exceptionally mediocre sanwich stuffed into your mouth. It tastes like someone already at it then threw it back up. But, it hits that sweet spot. Two guys wearing the school colors, black and red, with their faces painted skate past and basically throw a flyer in your face. It lands on the remains of a sandwich on the ground and gets stuck.
				[b]Clubs Fair![/b]
				Come to the front of the admission building to join one of the universities many clubs and activities.
				You scan some of the clubs and decide to head down there. On a positive note, you know where the admission building is; it's one of the few that you actually remember.
	You look in your wallet and silently bemoan the lack of money. You wish your parents had given you fifty bucks instead of four extra undershirts. Who even wears undershirts anymore?
	Your stomach rumbles loudly, briefly distracting you from your empty wallet. You scan the area around you for a distraction: There is a large noticeboard on the wall of a grey building nearby, [i]that'll do[/i], you think to yourself as you stand in front of the bulletin board.
	Looks like there is a Clubs fair going on in front of the administration building. A few Clubs catch your eye and you make the decision to head over there. After all, you didn't come to university to [i]only[/i] study.
	Stomach rumbling, you turn away from the board.
	*page_break You are still hungry...
*label extracurricular
*finish To the Clubs Fair!

*label extracurricular_no_carrie
*set nocarrie 2

*label carrie_like_check
*if ((carrie > 40) or (charisma > 59))
	"I probably shouldn't...But I liked you right up until you said that. SO let's just pretend you didn't and move on.
	"Sorry, old highschool habit. You know how it..."
	She puts her finger over her lips, "Shhh...I said let's forget about it."
	*set carrie %+5
	*goto carrie_lunch
	"I mean..." she hesitates a moment and then shakes her head. "I think I would prefer to get lunch by myself today." She turns and walks away. You stare after her and wonder if you just lost your chance at a friend.
	*achieve jerk
	*set nocarrie 3
	*goto not_carrie_lunch	

Sorry. still very new here. :smiley:

1 Like
*comment Clubs Fair for people who don't stay with Carrie, or get here by themselves.
*if (nocarrie >0)
	The Clubs fair is a sprawling mish-mash of differently sized tents, colorful apparatus and games. It reminds you of an actual fair, complete with food vendors who you belatedly realize belong to the 'Cooking Club'. It is a little over the top. There are people on stilts handing out fliers for 'Circus Club', several broody looking men lounge on actual velvet ottomans; their sign says 'If you don't know...[i]Go Away[/i]'.
	*goto nocarrie_check

*if (nocarrie = 0)

Carrie seems to know exactly where she is going and you find yourself in front of the administration building. She dances in front of you and then stops, grinning like a predator. "This is the Clubs fair. There are tons of clubs and activities, but I think you should just come join the indoor soccer team." She looks meaningfully at a desk with a huge banner over it advertising the indoor soccer team. "I am the Assistant Captain of the team, and we need some new players."
	#I look around to see what other things are available first.
		You scan the myriad booths around you and realize that you will probably need to actually walk around before you decide. "Thanks Carrie, but I think I need to look around a bit first."
		You can't help but notice the sudden look of disappointment that flashes across her face that is equally as quickly replaced with a big grin. "Sure thing ${firstname}. But make sure you come back after all those other clubs let you down.
		*set carrie %-5
		*set intelligence %+5
		*set nocarrie 1
	#I really like Carrie and indoor soccer is the best. I follow her to the booth.
		"Indoor soccer!" you exclaim. "I am super excited." Carrie laughs and grabs your hand as she pulls you to the booth to sign up. Another girl is sitting behind the desk drinking a frozen coke. She looks up from a book she is reading and slides the sign up form across the table at you.
		"That's 'Bash'." Carrie explains and just as you open your mouth to ask she says, "It's because she doesn't talk i.e. Bashful." She pauses a moment while you are signing. "Plus she can get pretty rough when she plays soccer." Bash looks up, bares her teeth and the looks back down.
		"So, what do you want to help with?"
		*set ex_activity "Indoor Soccer"
		*set team_name "Cheveliers"
			#Signing up
			#Handing out fliers
		Carrie laughs and presses a clipboard into your hands. "You need to go out and try to get more people to join the team. We need another four people, then another five, then another five. Got that?" She looks at you seriously. "Go get me as many people as you can."
		*set carrie %+20
		You spend the next hour and a half trying to get people to join up.
		*if (charisma > 60)
			You sign up nine new people for indoor soccer. Carrie is ecstatic and give you a huge hug each time you sign a new person up.
			*set Carrie %+10
			*page_break Time for afternoon classes.
			*goto_scene Clubs_fair Final_choice
			You manage to sign up a few people, but it is hard going. People are not very interested in playing indoor soccer. Carrie is a bit disappointed but is certain you will get enough for the season.
			*page_break Time for afternoon classes.
			*goto_scene Clubs_Fair Final_choice
	#I like Carrie but don't want to play indoor soccer.
		"I would love to be in your club Carrie, but I should probably look around a bit first. Also, Indoor soccer isn't normally my thing. You scan the myriad booths around you and realize that you will probably need to actually walk around before you decide.
		You can't help but notice the sudden look of disappointment that flashes across her face that is equally as quickly replaced with a big grin. "Sure thing ${firstname}. But make sure you come back after all those other clubs let you down.
		*set carrie %-5
		*set charisma %+5
		*set nocarrie 1
	#I don't want to be in a club with Carrie.
		Why not?
			#I dislike Carrie.
				*set carrie %-10
				*set nocarrie 2
				*goto nocarrie
			#I dislike Indoor Soccer.
				*set nocarrie 1
				*goto nocarrie
			#Both reasons.
				*set carrie %-10
				*set nocarrie 2
				*goto nocarrie
*label nocarrie
"I appreciate that you bought me lunch and all, but I don't think I should be in the indoor soccer club with you. I am going to go find a different club." You begin to walk away, "Thanks anyway."
You don't really stop to look back at Carrie, but you are sure she is disappointed with your decision.
*goto nocarrie_check

*label nocarrie_check
*if (nocarrie = 1)
	You see the booth for the Indoor Soccer club, Carrie is busy signing up a brow-beaten student who seems to be trying to escape through his own backpack. You chuckle.
		#I wave to Carrie.
		#I watch to see if he actually signs up.
	Carrie doesn't seem to notice you watching her, intent as she is on her current quarry. You meander away, you will circle back and see her later on.
	*goto Book_Club

*elseif (nocarrie = 2)
	You purposefully avoid the area with Carrie in it. This means you miss out on a lot of the sports clubs, but it is probably worth it to avoid Carrie and you can't really see any way to get in there without having to interact with her.
	*goto Book_Club

*elseif (nocarrie = 3)
	There seems to be an entire section dedicated to the various Sporting Clubs that represent the University. Tee-ball, Poker, Pool, Basketball, Football, dozens of different teams all vie for attention. You quickly realize that these are 'social' teams and not the actual big teams; which makes sense when you think about it, surely they are recruiting from big schools and paying scholarships and things. They wouldn't be standing on the lawn on a slightly windy day trying to press a flier into your hand. You recognize no one until the familiar red hair and ear piercings jump out at you...It's Carrie, and it seems like she is signing people up for Indoor Soccer.
		#I go talk to her.
			You decide that it might be worth talking to her, given that she tried to do the same earlier. The conversation after class keeps playing in your head and you realize that you probably missed an opportunity to make a friend.
			As you approach she looks at you, clearly does a few mental calculations, then walks over to you. "So you play indoor soccer?" Her voice is extremely disinterested and she appears to be distracted.
				#Earlier was a mistake, I want to try to be her friend.
					"Look Carrie, I am really sorry about earlier. I uh...I don't really have an excuse, but..."
					Carrie seems moved by your apology and smiles. "I get it, you are new...Whatever, wanna play indoor soccer?"
							Carrie grins and hands you the clipboard. You scribble down your name and she snaps it back off of you. You walk over to the Indoor soccer table with Carrie; another girl is sitting behind the desk drinking a frozen coke. She looks up from a book she is reading and winks at you.
							"That's 'Bash'." Carrie explains and just as you open your mouth to ask she says, "It's because she doesn't talk i.e. Bashful." She pauses a moment while you are signing. "Plus she can get pretty rough when she plays soccer. Bash looks up, bares her teeth and the looks back down.
							"So, what do you want to help with?"
							*set ex_activity "Indoor Soccer"
							*set team_name "Chevaliers"
								#Signing up
								#Handing out fliers
							Carrie laughs and presses a clipboard into your hands. "You need to go out and try to get more people to join the team. We need another four people, then another five, then another five. Got that?" She looks at you seriously. "Go get me as many people as you can."
							*set carrie %+20
							*page_break Time to do some recruiting.
							You spend the next hour and a half trying to get people to join up.
							*if (charisma > 60)
								You sign up nine new people for indoor soccer. Carrie is ecstatic and gives you a huge hug each time you sign a new person up.
								*set Carrie %+10
								*page_break Time for afternoon classes.
								*goto final_choice
								You manage to sign up a few people, but it is hard going. People are not very interested in playing indoor soccer. Carrie is a bit disappointed but is certain you will get enough for the season.
								*page_break Time for afternoon classes.
								*goto final_choice
				#I made the right decision earlier. She is trouble and I want to avoid her.
					You purposefully walk around the area with Carrie in it. This means you miss out on a lot of the sports clubs, but it is probably worth it to avoid Carrie and you can't really see any way to get in there without having to interact with her.
					*goto Book_Club
		#Take a different route around the park, I am trying to avoid her.
			You purposefully walk around the area with Carrie in it. You realize that you will have to miss many of the sports clubs, but it is probably worth it to not have to interact with her again.
			*goto book_club

*label book_club
You find yourself in a slightly more subdued section of the fair. In fact if you weren't sure that this was a clubs fair, you might mistake it for the library; all of the students are reading or are in deep discussion with each other. You move around slowly, trying not to disturb anyone.

"It looks tame, but it really isn't." Leslie is standing behind you, as you turn you realize you walked past them without even noticing. "They would bite off your hand for a better grade in a class."
*temp book_good_enough
*set book_good_enough true
	*if (Know_book_club) #Or dance around a fire reciting T.S. Eliot.
		Leslie laughs. "Yeah. That's true." They step in closer, whispering. "Uh, might wanna keep that one to yourself. Some people aren't as in to it as we are." Leslie winks and turns toward a table. "Come meet the rest of the club yeah?"
			#Yes, that sounds great.
			#No, I'd rather not.
		*goto book_club_members
	*if (not (know_book_club) and (Leslie_Occult)) #Or dance around a fire doing God knows what.
		You examine Leslie for their reaction, trying to see if you struck a nerve; but Leslie just laughs. "Yeah, you caught us. We are the 'Living Literature Club'." At your look of puzzlement they continue. "We recite literature in various ways, to bring the ideas and thought to life. Sometimes, it's visual, sometimes, we dance, sometimes, like last night, we have a fire and make like it is the 1500's. It all depends on the text.
			#I demand to know what they were reading.
			#This sounds like bullshit, I want to leave.
			#This is fascinating.
		*goto book_club_members
	#So would I. I came to be the best!
		*if (confidence > 60)
			"I get that," you say. "It's a dog eat dog world and I really need to do well. If that means someone else doesn't, well, at least it wasn't me."
			Leslie glances back and forth between you and where her group is obviously seated. "I suppose you will fit right in then, champ!"
			*set charisma %-5
			*set confidence %+5
			*set trustworthiness %-5
			*goto lead_to_book_club
			"I...Yeah, I think I know what that's like." You aren't really certain that you could actually put yourself in front if it meant someone else would get hurt by it.
			Leslie eyes you quizzically, then laughs. "No way kiddo, you are not the type. But you might like what we do over here anyway."
			*set book_good_enough false
			*goto lead_to_book_club
	#That seems dramatic.
		*if (intelligence > 60)
			They do look like they would prefer not to exist, but none of them actually look dangerous. "Shall I meet the club?" You nod toward a gentleman who is clearly watching your conversation. Leslie laughs.
			"Can't slip anything past you newbie."
			*set intelligence %+5
			*set charisma %+5
			*goto lead_to_book_club
			It's hard to tell in the sunlight, but you certainly would not want to meet any of these people among piles of dusty books. They could have a dagger, some of them look they would definitely like to poison you. You shake your head..."I need to stop watching Fantasy TV shows."
			Leslie chuckles. "Spooked you did they? Don't worry, newbie. I will protect you."
			*set fear %+5
			*goto lead_to_book_club
*label lead_to_book_club
Leslie stops, pauses for a moment as if deciding something. "You sure you wanna meet the club? It is pretty, uh, intense."
		#Yes, definitely.
		#No, I definitely do not.
*label book_club_members
Leslie preempts you by grabbing your arm and shuffling you along to a table where a weedy looking guy sits. His nose is long, curved and buried in a dense leather tome that you can't quite make out the title of. He looks up from you and snorts. "Did you bring us a new member Leslie? Or is this another trick?

Leslie shoves you forward and says authoritatively, "This is my newbie, ${firstname}." They lean down and grab the clipboard, there aren't any names on it.
*page_break Not surprising.
"What do ya think newbie?" They grin wolfishly over the clipboard. "Wanna join up?

You look down at the sign up form. 

[b]The Living Literature Club[/b]
We bring thoughts to life.
Meetings every Thursday Night

You walk into your ${class3} lecture theater from the back. Hundreds of students file into the room with you and fill up the nearly every seat. The temperature rises by several degrees before you have even opened your bag; you wish you had picked a different class. On either side of you sit large sweating guys wearing gym style shirts that they clearly used at lunch for some heavy sport. They smell like grass and drying mud puddles. You cough.
	#Cover my nose.
	#Ignore the smell.
The smell is nearly overwhelming, but after several eye-watering minutes, you become inured to the stench. It's a good thing too because your professor walks in, a portly older woman with a briefcase clutched in one hand and a phone to her ear. She finishes a conversation that you can barely hear, "...me back in 10 minutes." He voice is high pitched, annoyingly so, and as the theater grows silent, you reaffirm that you have made a mistake.

"Welcome to ${class3}. I am Dr. Harris. You will have a midterm worth thirty percent of your grade." her eyes sweep scathingly over the class. "One quarter of you will fail it and drop out of my class." Dr. Harris has just dropped an asteroid into the middle of room, students look shocked and confused and some seem to be literally crying. "Another half of you will fail the final exam. There is no extra credit."
	#Stay and listen to the rest of the lecture.
		*set patience %+10
		You focus your attention on her words, which will probably still not help.
		*page_break 6 months ago.
		*gosub accepted_college
		You wish your mom hadn't made you promise...You can see some lucky students leaving, presumably to drop the class. At least it might make the lecture theater a little less stuffy.
		*goto rest_of_class
	#Leave with the intention of dropping the class.
		You grab your bag and get ready to stand up when you remember [i]why[/i] you took this class in the first place. 
		*set confidence %+10
		*page_break 6 months ago.		
		*gosub accepted_college
		You sigh and sit back down. Your mom can be really annoying sometimes, and if you hadn't promised, you would be out that door in one hot second.
		*goto rest_of_class
*label accepted_college		
You open the envelope.

[i]${title} ${firstname} ${lastname}[/i]
[i]I am delighted to inform you that your application to Aurora University has been successful.[/i]

Your mother's eyes welled up and she pulled you in tightly. "I am so proud of you sweetie." She looked you dead in the eyes and said "I [i]loved[/i] my time at Aurora! You are going to as well." It took several minutes for her to stop rambling; the only thing was, she kept talking about was Dr. Harris and how her class had changed the way she looked at the world; it was adorable but annoying.

She made you promise that you would enroll in ${class3}, so you did.
*page_break Back to the present.

*label rest_of_class
*set class3grade +((patience + intelligence)/20)
Dr. Harris looks around the room, emotionless. "There is a syllabus online. You are expected to do the readings prior to class. That is all for today." At that, Dr. Harris' phone rings and she picks it up as she strides out of the room. "Thank you for calling me back..."

You are a bit surprised, everyone seems to be. There is a long moment where the whole room is silent and waiting, then everyone stands up and files out. You hear snippets of conversations: "What are we supposed to be doing?"
"Is she serious?"
"I like her..."
"WooooooO! Free period!"

That last one sinks in, you now have 40 minutes before you need to be at ${class4}.
You are looking forward to your next class, but you have time to grab a coffee or relax...you could also call your parents.
*label before_elective
	#Get a coffee. I am feeling the need.
		*set sanity %+5
		*set fear %-5
		You find a little coffee cart nearby. There is a middle aged man wearing a black polo that says [i]The Busy Bean[/i]. A bee with a coffee bean shaped body is flying out of the logo and winking simultaneously and as you approach, you can hear soft humming. You realize quickly that it is the man.
		He stops as you step up to the cart. "Good MORNING!" Your head vibrates with the intense sound of his voice while your brain reels from the fact that he thinks 3:25pm is the morning. "What can I get for you, my friend?"
			#Hot Chocolate
			#Long Black
			#Decaf MochaLatte
		"Great! It'll just be a minute." He busies himself making your coffee.
		How do you plan on paying for this?
			*selectable_if (Coffee_voucher) #Pay with a coffee voucher.
				You pull out your voucher and pay the man for your coffee. You grasp the piping hot coffee in one hand and inhale the aroma; this coffee is delicious.
				*goto elective
			*selectable_if (funds >= 3) #Pay with cash.
				*set funds -3
				The coffee is only 3 bucks which will leave you with $${funds}. You quickly hand over the cash and inhale the refreshing aroma; This coffee is delicious.
				*goto elective
			#I can't afford a coffee.
				You reach into your pocket and realize that you don't have a voucher or enough cash to pay. The vendor seems to be happily humming to himself while he makes your coffee.
					#I tell him that I can't pay immediately so he doesn't waste ingredients.
						*set trustworthiness %+10
						"Excuse me? Sorry, I uhh...I just realized I don't have any money.
						*if (charisma >= 60)
							*set fear %-5
							He looks at you sympathetically. "First day, kid?" You nod. "Tell you what, this one is on the house." He grins and hands you your coffee. "Welcome to Aurora University!" Whistling, he turns back to his cart and cleans the small mess your coffee made.
							You inhale the enticing aroma, this coffee smells amazing. You mentally put the [i]Busy Bean[/i] in your best coffee places in the world book you are never going to write but imagine would sell quite a few copies.
							*goto elective
							He looks at you sympathetically. "First day, kid?" You nod. "I can't give these things away for free, but I do have an unclaimed coffee that you can have." He reaches into a warmer and pulls out a cup. "Here ya go."
							The coffee is lukewarm but still tastes good. It isn't what you wanted but anything warm and caffeinated is good enough at this point. You drink it on your way to class.
							*goto elective
					#I wait to tell him, maybe I can get a free coffee.
						*set trustworthiness %-5
						The cold edges of your phone provide a nice excuse for you to not make eye contact with him while he makes your coffee. After a couple of minutes, you can smell the deliciously enticing aroma of your coffee. "Here ya go." He holds out his hand. "That'll be three bucks, kid." You pat your pockets and pull out your wallet, revealing the vast emptiness.
						He cocks an eyebrow at you. "Can't pay, eh?" You shake your head.
						*if (charisma >= 70)
							"Right, here ya go." He hands you the coffee. "Not sure why I like you, but I do. Don't tell anyone I gave away one for free." He smiles and goes back to humming. You inhale the enticing aroma, this coffee smells amazing. You mentally put the [i]Busy Bean[/i] in your best coffee places in the world book you are never going to write but imagine would sell quite a few copies.
							*goto elective
							"You gotta have some nerve to stand there and let me make this coffee and not have any money." He puts the coffee down and glares at you. "Go one kid...get otta here."
							You tuck your hands into your pockets and leave quickly.
							*goto elective
					#I plan to take the coffee and run, there are thousands of kids on campus, no way he will remember me.
						*set trustworthiness %-15
						Patiently waiting, you adjust your bag more securely so you can run with it. He doesn't seem that interested in staring at you, nonetheless, you keep your face out of sight. Hiss, crunch. The coffee is close to completion, your heart races and you ready yourself. "Here ya go, kid." You grab the coffee nonchalantly, keeping one side of your face turned from him as if distracted. "That'll be three bucks."
						*page_break Run!
						You hesitate one second, then you are away. The pavement blurs past your striding feet and you hear his voice "Hey! Get back here!" You ignore it, getting out of sight is your primary concern and you dodge through groups of students who all look at you strangely.
						After a minute of running, you look behind you and assure yourself he is not pursuing. A gentle aroma wafts to your nose and you sip the delicious liquid. It is soothing, probably worth more than the three bucks he was charging for it. You shrug and head to your elective.
						*goto elective
	*disable_reuse #Find a nice spot to relax.
		You walk for a couple of minutes until you come to an empty bench. In front of the bench is a lovely yellow tree with drooping branches and a small fountain. Serenity. That's the word for what you feel. You feel serene.
		After everything that has happened in the last day, and how much your life has changed, it feels really good to just sit and do nothing for a bit. You watch the yellow leaves flutter in the light autumn breeze. You smile at several students as they walk by. It is everything you hoped it would be and even more. Something about this tree just makes you feel calm. You watch other people walking by and notice that they too, seem to be affected by the tree, to a lesser extent than you, but their voices grow more quiet and they gaze on the tree as the stride past on their way to class.
		*set sanity %+10
		*goto before_elective
	*disable_reuse #I call my parents.
		You pull out your phone and dial their number. It rings, and rings, and rings, and rings. You wish they would set up a voicemail if they expect you to call them. They are probably out shopping, or working in the garden, whatever. Pocketing your phone, you look around for something else to do for the next while.
		*set fear %+5
		*goto before_elective
	#Go to the class and wait.
		You march over to where your class will be taking place and sit down. You have several levels of Jewel Quest to beat on your phone.
		You run out of turns just before it's time for class.
		*goto elective
*label elective

You can see my comment at the top of Clubsfair. You could stay with Carrie but if you don’t, then clubs fair happens.

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So when the code where the Carrie stuff was in Second Class, if you chose to stay with her, after it jumped clubs fair and went to third class, after third class happened it would end the game.

Just to clarify, in the order you posted, the scenes are second_class, club_fair, and third_class, right?

Yes, but that is not the full Clubsfair script. Just the start with the workaround for Carrie’s club

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It’s fine, I probably only need the parts that are affected.

Btw, thank you so much for helping me out here. I am really loving writing this book and the coding bugs are aggravating :smiley:

For the third_class scene, was it an immediate “play again” screen or were any words from that file displayed?

Ahh… I see something, though I’m not sure if this is the problem.

From what I see, in clubs_fair the only *goto_scene I see is to jump within the current file

*goto_scene Clubs_fair Final_choice

Not sure if this causes problems