Blood For Poppies (Public Beta Test Now Live! Game Complete! 10/9/20)

I loved this. So interesting, I can’t wait till next beta test/ finished. I named my character Cat 'cause I thought it was ironic seeing as everyone calls her ‘bird’. :smiley:

That’s because blondes are awesome!

Well they could always choose another hair colour…

i want blue

same with @bocoom I want blue hair…

Maybe an option to have your own colour? I think they did the same with Heros rise, with the energy thing.

I figured it out, I needed to use it on google chrome haha.
@Kelli- Heck yeah!

I’ll add in the option to just type in your own eye and hair color. The only reason it’s the way it is now is because I was a worse coder. That way people can be whatever the hell they want.


I’m sorry you had issues. I’ll sit down and try to figure out why other browsers are having issues.


Thank you so much for the feedback. This is extremely useful when I make revisions. Thank you thank you thank you!

so I can be ishwishut hair colored? Erqjol eye colored?

I’m not going to stop you from naming your character Hatshepsut Saint Hot Pants and giving yourself “ishehnbfdoctorsuckscanIkillhimandmarry Carmelle” hair and “Ughhhhhhzombiesgangstersunnaturalohmy” eyes. Although my brother thought that that if he named himself Shinji (Evangeleon reference) then the game should change lol

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XD Zombiegangsters eyes I want those!

Sounds like something you’d find in Vendetta: Rise of a Terminal Zombie Gangster’s Unnatural Exodus…

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yes awesome names


I think Vendetta came up with the name for the game I mentioned above when we suggested the writers on the forum should collaborate their efforts.

That’d be the most deliciously cracky game if it got created.


It would be crazy!

I pay for it!!

Shut up and take my money!

@Farside :slight_smile: just happy I could help.