Sign me up for testing. Twice.

Oh man. Really excited for this; Came back after IRL stuff and this isnt dead which is great. I really enjoyed the demo, Iā€™d be up for beta testing if you allow it.

I would like to signed the fuck up for beta testing

I would like to beta test the game for you

I would like to beta test if itā€™s possible, this game looks awesome.

Ahemā€¦beta. Plus twenty fucks.

I would like to beta test

Iā€™d love to beta test as well, Ive read through the demo multiple times and checked back after every update for what itā€™s worth. I also have a fair amount of free time coming up so I should be able to give feedback relatively quickly.

I would like to as well

I would love to beta test this! This has easily been in my top 3 WIPs, and Iā€™m so excited to see it being this close to finished, I would be honored if you picked me for this grand venture!

I would love to beta test this as well!!

ā€œEssentially copyediting via sending me quotes and screenshots instead of rewriting it yourself.ā€

Oops, I feel like Iā€™ve been guilty of this. =^P

Anyways, itā€™s nice to see this project moving along towards completion. Iā€™d volunteer myself, since thereā€™s a lot I say regarding the narrative, but I also feel that my feedback would be taken as contrarian or conflictive, so you probably might not want me in the first place. =^P
Gotta appreciate the extent of the power-customization options though ā€” definitely the gameā€™s strongest point imo, and probably the largest challenge in incorporating into all the necessary scenes and details.

I would love to volunteer to beta test as well!

This is an overwhelming flood of replies and volunteers. As stated above, I will contact those chosen for testing on the 5th with further information. I will be trying to glance through as many peoplesā€™ previous posts to see what kind of feedback has been offered to other WiPs and trying to determine who would make a good fit. Itā€™s also nice to see a few Lords of Aswick testers volunteering.
If you have not received a private message from me by the 7th at the latest, you have not been chosen for one reason or another. There will probably be a major culling due to the sheer number of volunteers.

@Fiogan Absolutely understandable. It is very much appreciated that youā€™re willing to volunteer some of your time for some less intensive testing nonetheless. Who knows, maybe Iā€™ll hire you on for the next one.

@forWantOf Thereā€™s no benefit to me from having just yes-men reading my stuff. The negative reviews for Lords of Aswick helped me identify a lot of issues I had in my writing, which helped me be concious about them when writing Best of Usā€¦


Well, I suppose I get late to the beta party but if you want my feedback you could add me later on. I am not good fishing grammatical errors because I am not native. But I love nip pick and criticize and give crazy ideas about weird things.

Small language errors are easiest to spot, thus more people are likely to look out for those. I think it would be good to have someone like you testing out a story.

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I would love to help beta test if it isnā€™t too late

Debating these things always make for a better story overall so, no worries. :slight_smile:

If you wish to make it clearer that the sentence refers to Aurora, perhaps this alternative might suffice: ā€œā€¦is British. Why donā€™t you fly them both out of here too? Youā€™d solve a lot of their troubles then, wouldnā€™t you?ā€

As to the point of shifting out of doorways, ā€œShiftingā€ rather means, to me, ā€œmoving slightlyā€, ā€œfidgetingā€, or moving in a sidewards motion like the sneaking thing you see in cartoons. What exactly is Caracal supposed to be doing? Another word may be more appropriate? :slight_smile:

I would like to volunteer for BETA TESTING as well if it isnā€™t too late. :slight_smile: Iā€™m quite good at nitpicking minor-medium grammar errors, punctuation, and awkward sentence structure. Detecting comma splices, run-ons, and dangling modifiers may escape my radar, however. lol

I am much better at characterization and idea generation than nitpicking though, so if you still need betas, Iā€™d like to help.

I would love to beta test this if possible.