I would gladly sign up for beta testing lol this is awesome.

Been with this for awhile. Canā€™t believe its in beta now. Hope to help you achieve victory with this omazing game. Omazing.

Testers have been chosen and a PM has been sent their way on Friday.
If you have volunteered to beta test, check your messages! Yes, the private messages right here on the forum!

So far only eight of the invited testers have checked the private message. The initial deadline for testing is on the 14th - although it may be extended as feedback comes in - which is this upcoming weekend. If you are still in a SuperBowl stupor, time get climbing out of it so you can get some testing done before Valentineā€™s Day.

o.k. If you need an alt tester, let me know.

Will this be released this month or next. (Sorry I have no idea how BETAs work)

Follow the Hosted Games release thread for that. I have no control over the release itself once Iā€™ve finished testing and submitted the final files to HG.

Iā€™d like to try my hand at testing if youā€™re still interested in needing more testers. Iā€™m on rather frequently and can have an initial list of typos, bugs, ect that Iā€™ve found by late tonight depending on the games length.

Now onto my impressions of the game so far. Iā€™m highly impressed with what Iā€™ve seen so far. The addition of actually having the ability to eliminate dangerous criminals automatically has me more excited than most ā€œsuperheroā€ games.
I also found it rather funny when it said Nightreavers nationality since I chose German to start with as well.

Whether Iā€™m entered into the beta or not, I will most certainly pick this up when it is released. Canā€™t wait to see more of this game. :slight_smile:

Edit one: Word missing.
When everything was booming and people happy Adding were before happy may make the sentence flow a bit smoother.

You were becoming something more than just human. Powers came to you in a flurry only for a quick moment and in moments of severe distress. One time when the bullies had cornered you, your powers manifested and although you were in a state of shock by the sudden overwhelming of your senses and did not remember what you did, the bullies never touched you again.

Edit two: Nitpicky.
Substituting moments with instances will ensure the same word doesnā€™t appear too soon after initial use.
Personal preference though so ignore this if youā€™d like.

You had spent some time flipping burgers and such small and good starting jobs already, but eventually you would need to do something more.

Edit 3:This segment is a bit oddly worded. Perhaps instead.
You spent some time flipping burgers and working other small starting jobs. However, youā€™d need to find something better sooner or later.

You could always fall back to menial labour, but in the world of sports you had a possibility to strike it rich

Edit 4: Missing period.

"Our last news comes from San Francisco, where a luxury yacht was found teetering over the Golden Gate Bridge this morning. "

Edit 5: possibly misused word.
Is it the last bit of news for the day or is it meant to be ā€œlatest?ā€

Thanks to living alone and being a rare sight for your parents, and so you were being pampered and made food for every time you visited.

Edit 6:Misused words.
Remove and so being That way it runs smoother.

ā€œCan you believe that? I donā€™t know what to believe any more when even the news are telling me that boats can fly.ā€
Your father grumbled as he entered the kitchen, smiling and going for the refrigerator to grab a quick snack.

Edit 7:Misused word.
Replace are with is.

Sidenote:Is your father angry or happy in this instance? Grumbling and smiling is throwing me off.

There were others out there like you. Yett unlike you, they had chosen to revel in their powers and showed little regard for the safety of anyone around them.

Edit 8:Yet only needs one t.

Your own powers had blossomed into what you mightā€™ve though of as both a gift and a curse. Although originally highly varied and very sudden in nature, your powers had slowly evolved into three distinct sets of powers which you could use mostly at will, although you still had a lot to do if you wished to master any of them. They also took a lot out of you, even a few hours of exerting your powers draining you to the point where you could easily find yourself sleeping for a few days straight, or eating your entire kitchen empty in order to replenish the energy drained from your body.

Edit 9: thought in the first sentence is missing a t

Edit 10: I believe drained fits better as it is considered more in the past tense.


Finished the demo today and would love to beta test. It might not be the first superhero game but this game had an unique flair to it the uncanny costumization rivals that of choice of robots I hope the story turns out to be better or on par with heroes rising. I would definitely like to aid an amazing project.

I finally created the perfect character, a mix of Batman and Nightwing. Iā€™m happy.

When you follow the cars and take the human shield option, the ā€œBritonā€ says Bollocks that. Would be more appropriate to say ā€œpiss on thatā€.

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dunno we say ā€œF**k thatā€ like everybody else especially here in the south of england

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Yeah. Depends on the age, I guess. Wales doesnā€™t vary much either, unless we slip in some Welsh oaths for good measure.

If I recall correctly, you are not supposed to post on a thread that was inactive for more than 14 days [2 weeks (your post was posted on 17th day)], and only authors of the thread have the right to post on it after the time period. Besides this game is already in the process of private beta testing ( @Goshman announced that on 31st January) so not much can be done.

@Witan_Orbis Technically in practice I believe the rule goes towards what appear to be abandoned WIPs. This WIP has blossomed into a release candidate that has been turned over to Jason, so technically I suppose this WIP is abandoned. But since the general public canā€™t see that, maybe itā€™s really a Schrƶdingerā€™s WIP. Yet even as I have now posted in this thread to legitimize it, if a mod happens to jump on the case, feel free to close the thread.

@Jinx_the_Atomic_Cat @Whitesaber211 The answer to the concerns about the use of ā€œbollocksā€ for the stereotypically British goon is twofold: I wanted to skirt around the use of very common modern curses, and I wanted to use ā€œbollocksā€ at least once somewhere in some piece Iā€™ve written.

While Iā€™m popping in here, might as well plug my ongoing stuff: If you havenā€™t already, check for everything that has come out of me and everything that might and will come out. I also have an inkshare project I just started, so sign up and follow my thing so I can maybe write a novel too at some point. [/plug]


Alright. Very rad :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe this could be revived?

Beta testing dude, never heard it?

The topic is very much alive, itā€™s just in private beta testing. Meaning, less posts on the topic because it is no longer being publicly updated.


canā€™t agree more xD never too many superhero stories! and I love it so far! c:

@Goshman You can choose to develop both body and mind in the beginning ā€œyou also have the mind to aid the brawnā€ I believe it says but the body and mind stat Is one bar. Might I suggest making them two different bars for this optiong? Unless you want it this way of course.